? LSD:這是一種1938年首次在實驗室里合成的藥物。加西亞-羅默博士介紹道,只需要200微克的劑量就能夠導致很高的精神活性,有證據表明,口服LSD可以起到減輕焦慮的效果。
? 死藤水:這種致幻劑的有效成分來自亞馬遜地區的幾種不同植物的混合物,它具有很強的精神活性,目前已經被證明具有抗抑郁和抗成癮的療效。加西亞-羅默博士介紹道:“它在劑量上更復雜一些,因為它涉及多種成分,而且目前也沒有一個標準配方。”
? 裸蓋菇素:它是在200多種“神奇”蘑菇里都有發現的一種天然致幻劑。在實驗室里,研究人員發現20毫克到30毫克的純裸蓋菇素就能夠起到抗抑郁、抗焦慮和抗成癮的效果。
在美國,有多所醫學院校已經成立了致幻劑研究中心,就致幻劑在戒酒、戒煙、抗抑郁和治療創傷后應激障礙(PTSD)等方面的效果進行臨床試驗,其中較出名的有紐約大學朗格尼醫學中心、約翰斯·霍普金斯大學、得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校(?University of Texas at Austin)、華盛頓大學圣路易斯分校(Washington University in St. Louis)和加州大學舊金山分校(University of California San Francisco)等。這些研究結果很有潛力,加西亞-羅默博士認為,美國食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)很可能最早明年就會批準使用二亞甲基雙氧苯丙胺(MDMA,又稱搖頭丸)來治療創傷后應激障礙。
盡管致幻劑有醫學應用前景,但它早在1970年就被納入《列管物質法案》(Controlled Substances Act),所以它在聯邦層面仍然是非法的。而且它被列入了“類目一:麻醉品”,這意味著研究人員必須擁有許可證才可以開展臨床試驗,而且它們的使用也有嚴格的規程。
在醫學研究如火如荼開展的同時,研究人員也必須面對致幻劑的負面影響。《美國醫學會精神病學雜志》(JAMA Psychiatry)在2022年發表了一篇名為《防止致幻劑研究的復蘇偏離正軌》的文章,提醒人們如果沒有好的臨床管理,如果不下工夫研究其潛在風險,那么致幻劑相關研究就很可能會像幾十年前一樣重蹈覆轍。文章警告道:“在邊緣研究或未經證實的精神療法中加入致幻劑,有可能會增加傷害風險。”
? 心率加快
? 惡心
? 感觀體驗增強
? 睡眠問題
? 可能持續達12小時的恐慌
? LSD:這是一種1938年首次在實驗室里合成的藥物。加西亞-羅默博士介紹道,只需要200微克的劑量就能夠導致很高的精神活性,有證據表明,口服LSD可以起到減輕焦慮的效果。
? 死藤水:這種致幻劑的有效成分來自亞馬遜地區的幾種不同植物的混合物,它具有很強的精神活性,目前已經被證明具有抗抑郁和抗成癮的療效。加西亞-羅默博士介紹道:“它在劑量上更復雜一些,因為它涉及多種成分,而且目前也沒有一個標準配方。”
? 裸蓋菇素:它是在200多種“神奇”蘑菇里都有發現的一種天然致幻劑。在實驗室里,研究人員發現20毫克到30毫克的純裸蓋菇素就能夠起到抗抑郁、抗焦慮和抗成癮的效果。
在美國,有多所醫學院校已經成立了致幻劑研究中心,就致幻劑在戒酒、戒煙、抗抑郁和治療創傷后應激障礙(PTSD)等方面的效果進行臨床試驗,其中較出名的有紐約大學朗格尼醫學中心、約翰斯·霍普金斯大學、得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校(?University of Texas at Austin)、華盛頓大學圣路易斯分校(Washington University in St. Louis)和加州大學舊金山分校(University of California San Francisco)等。這些研究結果很有潛力,加西亞-羅默博士認為,美國食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)很可能最早明年就會批準使用二亞甲基雙氧苯丙胺(MDMA,又稱搖頭丸)來治療創傷后應激障礙。
盡管致幻劑有醫學應用前景,但它早在1970年就被納入《列管物質法案》(Controlled Substances Act),所以它在聯邦層面仍然是非法的。而且它被列入了“類目一:麻醉品”,這意味著研究人員必須擁有許可證才可以開展臨床試驗,而且它們的使用也有嚴格的規程。
在醫學研究如火如荼開展的同時,研究人員也必須面對致幻劑的負面影響。《美國醫學會精神病學雜志》(JAMA Psychiatry)在2022年發表了一篇名為《防止致幻劑研究的復蘇偏離正軌》的文章,提醒人們如果沒有好的臨床管理,如果不下工夫研究其潛在風險,那么致幻劑相關研究就很可能會像幾十年前一樣重蹈覆轍。文章警告道:“在邊緣研究或未經證實的精神療法中加入致幻劑,有可能會增加傷害風險。”
? 心率加快
? 惡心
? 感觀體驗增強
? 睡眠問題
? 可能持續達12小時的恐慌
In 1966, Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary, who was exploring the impact of psychedelics on the mind, famously encouraged Americans to “tune in, turn on, and drop out.” More than 50 years later, Americans are listening.
The use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), ecstasy, and other hallucinogens has increased since 2015, and the latest data shows that 5.5 million people have taken psychedelic drugs in 2021.
Psychedelics have a long history of use in healing rituals and religious ceremonies across the globe. Both peyote and psilocybin are native to North America and central to the some of the spiritual practices of Indigenous peoples.
But “it’s become a big fad among certain demographics like the intelligentsia who have been reading books [like?This is Your Mind on Plants] by Michael Pollan,” says Albert Garcia-Romeu PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine.”Research into the therapeutic effects of psychedelics started in the 1950s and initial results showed that the hallucinogenics showed promise as treatments for alcoholism and mental disorders, but an uptick in recreational use triggered pushback and stigma.
“[The research] came to a crashing halt, mostly due to the counterculture associations of psychedelics and widespread misuse,” says Dr. Michael P. Bogenschutz, psychiatrist and director of the NYU Langone Center for Psychedelic Medicine. “With the passage of time … research resumed and we’ve started to take a look at what the clinical potential of these drugs might be.”
The current interest in psychedelics has exploded with the?global market expected to reach $8 billion by 2029—up from $2.9 billion in 2021. There are numerous different psychedelics but current research targets three classic drugs:
? LSD: The lab-made drug was first synthesized in 1938. At doses of 200 micrograms, considered a high psychoactive dose, according to Garcia-Romeu, the oral hallucinogen has been found to have a therapeutic benefit for reducing anxiety.
? Ayahuasca: The hallucinogenic contains a mix of different plants found in the Amazon and has strong psychoactive effects that have been shown to have antidepressant and anti-addictive effects. “Dosing is more complicated because there are multiple substances involved … and there is no standard formulation,” says Garcia-Romeu.
? Psilocybin: The hallucinogenic compound found in more than 200 species of “magic” mushrooms is a natural psychedelic. In the lab, researchers administer 20 to 30 milligrams of pure psilocybin for antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-addictive properties.
NYU Langone and Johns Hopkins are among several universities, including?University of Texas at Austin,?Washington University in St. Louis and the?University of California San Francisco, that have established psychedelics research centers to conduct clinical trials on the impact of the drugs on alcoholism, smoking cessation, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The results have been so promising that Garcia-Romeu believes Food and Drug Administration approval to use the hallucinogen MDMA, or ecstasy, to treat PTSD could come as soon as 2023.
“Smaller studies started to show that perhaps [psychedelics] weren’t quite so risky,” says Garcia-Romeu. “[T]here are also some real therapeutic benefits.”
What happens to your brain on psychedelics
Psychedelics have hallucinogenic effects. The so-called “trip” is due to the way the drugs affect the brain: classic psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD bind to the serotonin receptors, changing how the neurotransmitter experiences mood, cognition and perception.
Bogenschutz notes that the networks in the brain become more connected and less organized, causing profound changes in consciousness and perception, sense of space, time and reality; the drugs also appear to promote neuroplasticity or the ability of neurons to remodel and form new pathways of communication in the brain。“The drugs make it possible for the brain to change more than it ordinarily would,” he adds.
“In the context of therapy, enhanced neuroplasticity may lead to enhanced capacity for learning and changes in thought patterns, emotional responses and, ultimately, changes in behavior.”
Based on the effects, current research is exploring the potential for psychedelics to help with conditions like opioid addiction, Alzheimer’s disease, anorexia, and Lyme disease.
Despite their therapeutic potential, psychedelics were?added to the Controlled Substances Act in 1970 and remain illegal on the federal level. Their classification as Schedule I narcotics means that researchers require licenses to possess and administer the drugs during clinical trials and strict protocols are in place for their use.
High doses—20 to 30 milligrams of pure psilocybin—are administered in specialized clinics and patients are monitored for up to eight hours to ensure there are no ill effects; aftercare sessions with mental health professionals to talk about the experience and how to capture the therapeutic effects are also part of the treatment.
“It’s not a ‘take two and call me in the morning’ drug or like a cannabis dispensary where you walk in with a [prescription] and take it home,” Garcia-Romeu explains. “It’s all done in a special clinic under supervision.”
Balancing benefits and harms
In some cities and states, the mainstream use of psilocybin and other psychedelics is gaining momentum.
In 2020, Oregon passed a?ballot measure that made it the first state to legalize the therapeutic, supervised use of psilocybin; Texas and?Connecticut followed suit and Colorado has the issue on the ballot this fall. Several cities, including Santa Cruz, Ann Arbor, and Seattle, have passed measures decriminalizing psilocybin and other plant-based psychedelics.
As research on the potential healing impacts of psychedelics makes headlines, researchers are forced to confront the potential downside of their resurgence. A 2022 JAMA Psychiatry article referred to the issue as “keeping the renaissance from going off the rails” and warns that without optimal clinical management and additional studies to understand the impacts and risks, the new psychedelic research could grind to a halt as it did decades ago. Researchers warned, “adding psychedelics to fringe or unproven psychotherapeutic paradigms may increase the risk of … harm.”
Psychedelics are not without risks, including:
? increased heart rate
? Nausea
? intensified sensory experiences
? sleep problems
? panic that can last up to 12 hours.
Moreover, purchasing Ayahuasca, LSD or magic mushrooms on the street is illegal in most states, and comes with no guarantee of purity.
“It’s something the field has to grapple with because there is the risk—and it may already be happening—that people read about the promising scientific results and somewhat hyped up reports in the press … and get the impression that it’s safe and can be used on their own to feel better,” says Bogenschutz. “We could [be] setting ourselves up for trouble.”