僅今年一年,美元兌日元匯率就上漲了15%,兌英鎊匯率上漲了10%,兌人民幣匯率上漲了5%。衡量美元兌其他16種主要貨幣匯率的《華爾街日報》美元指數(Dollar Index)今年上半年的表現是2010年以來最好的,年初至今漲幅超過10%。
財富和投資管理公司Bailard的首席投資官埃里克·萊夫(Eric Leve)告訴《財富》雜志:“美元走強是因為美聯儲實施的貨幣緊縮政策是全球主要央行中最激進的。”
投資研究公司CFRA research的首席投資策略師薩姆·斯托瓦爾(Sam Stovall)告訴《財富》雜志,美元的強勢得益于這種相對吸引力。他說,在擔憂全球經濟衰退的情況下,這對外國投資者來說是一種“避險”。
當新冠肺炎疫情在2020年肆虐時,它引發了一場全球供應鏈的噩夢,加劇了從半導體到衛生紙等所有產品的短缺,并將大宗商品價格推至新高。標準普爾高盛綜合商品指數(S&P GSCI Index)是衡量全球原材料價格的廣泛指標,疫情以來,該指數已飆升了180%以上。
宏觀數據分析公司Quant Insight的分析主管休?羅伯茨(Huw Roberts)告訴《財富》雜志,這相當于“貿易比率沖擊”,即進口價格相對于出口價格飆升。
“在邊際上,美元走強在一定程度上限制了 [美國] 通脹,”Bailard的萊夫說。“由于美元走強,從國外購買商品,就像美國消費者傾向于做的那樣,變得便宜得多。所以我們實際上是在引入通貨緊縮。”
Quant Insights的羅伯茨說:“因此,如果就制造業企業而言,他們購買的原材料以美元計價,而大宗商品價格正在下跌,那么強勢美元實際上對他們有利。”
此外,Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company的首席投資策略師布倫特·舒特(Brent Schutte)告訴《財富》雜志,當美國公司試圖將其海外收益匯回國內時,強勢美元意味著他們的收益比往年要少。
“當然,如果你在海外有很多以其他貨幣計值的獲利,當你將它們轉換回來時,可能會造成獲利虧損。”舒特說。國際商用機器公司(IBM)、強生公司(Johnson and Johnson)和奈飛公司(Netflix)等公司的季度財務業績在本財報季已經受到沖擊。
eToro全球市場策略師本·萊德勒(Ben Laidler)上周對《紐約時報》表示,美元升值可能會使擁有大型國際業務的標準普爾500指數成份股公司今年收益減少多達1000億美元。不過,舒特指出,這些“損失”更像是一種“會計慣例”。
世界銀行宏觀經濟、貿易和投資全球主任馬塞洛·埃斯特萬(Marcello Estev?o)本周對《華爾街日報》表示:“每個以美元計價的國家都需要承擔巨額債務,這都令人擔憂。”
"美元很昂貴,相對于其他貨幣被高估了。" Northwestern Mutual的舒特稱。“如果回顧2001年發生的情況,你會發現,相對于其他貨幣,美元被高估的程度與2001年類似。這確實引發了美元在國際市場上長達10年的優異表現,而這在很大程度上是由美元實際下跌推動的。”
Northwestern Mutual的舒特指出,其他央行正在“追趕”美聯儲的加息步伐,并且有一些跡象表明美國通脹可能正在悄然回落,包括近期大宗商品價格回落和華爾街通脹預期下降。這可能導致美聯儲未來加息力度減弱,從而減緩美元的升值步伐。
然而,并非所有專家都認為美元正接近峰值。CFRA Research的薩姆·斯托瓦爾表示,其研究機構的經濟學家預測,美元將在今年全年和2023年持續走強。
僅今年一年,美元兌日元匯率就上漲了15%,兌英鎊匯率上漲了10%,兌人民幣匯率上漲了5%。衡量美元兌其他16種主要貨幣匯率的《華爾街日報》美元指數(Dollar Index)今年上半年的表現是2010年以來最好的,年初至今漲幅超過10%。
財富和投資管理公司Bailard的首席投資官埃里克·萊夫(Eric Leve)告訴《財富》雜志:“美元走強是因為美聯儲實施的貨幣緊縮政策是全球主要央行中最激進的。”
投資研究公司CFRA research的首席投資策略師薩姆·斯托瓦爾(Sam Stovall)告訴《財富》雜志,美元的強勢得益于這種相對吸引力。他說,在擔憂全球經濟衰退的情況下,這對外國投資者來說是一種“避險”。
當新冠肺炎疫情在2020年肆虐時,它引發了一場全球供應鏈的噩夢,加劇了從半導體到衛生紙等所有產品的短缺,并將大宗商品價格推至新高。標準普爾高盛綜合商品指數(S&P GSCI Index)是衡量全球原材料價格的廣泛指標,疫情以來,該指數已飆升了180%以上。
宏觀數據分析公司Quant Insight的分析主管休?羅伯茨(Huw Roberts)告訴《財富》雜志,這相當于“貿易比率沖擊”,即進口價格相對于出口價格飆升。
“在邊際上,美元走強在一定程度上限制了 [美國] 通脹,”Bailard的萊夫說。“由于美元走強,從國外購買商品,就像美國消費者傾向于做的那樣,變得便宜得多。所以我們實際上是在引入通貨緊縮。”
Quant Insights的羅伯茨說:“因此,如果就制造業企業而言,他們購買的原材料以美元計價,而大宗商品價格正在下跌,那么強勢美元實際上對他們有利。”
此外,Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company的首席投資策略師布倫特·舒特(Brent Schutte)告訴《財富》雜志,當美國公司試圖將其海外收益匯回國內時,強勢美元意味著他們的收益比往年要少。
“當然,如果你在海外有很多以其他貨幣計值的獲利,當你將它們轉換回來時,可能會造成獲利虧損。”舒特說。國際商用機器公司(IBM)、強生公司(Johnson and Johnson)和奈飛公司(Netflix)等公司的季度財務業績在本財報季已經受到沖擊。
eToro全球市場策略師本·萊德勒(Ben Laidler)上周對《紐約時報》表示,美元升值可能會使擁有大型國際業務的標準普爾500指數成份股公司今年收益減少多達1000億美元。不過,舒特指出,這些“損失”更像是一種“會計慣例”。
世界銀行宏觀經濟、貿易和投資全球主任馬塞洛·埃斯特萬(Marcello Estev?o)本周對《華爾街日報》表示:“每個以美元計價的國家都需要承擔巨額債務,這都令人擔憂。”
"美元很昂貴,相對于其他貨幣被高估了。" Northwestern Mutual的舒特稱。“如果回顧2001年發生的情況,你會發現,相對于其他貨幣,美元被高估的程度與2001年類似。這確實引發了美元在國際市場上長達10年的優異表現,而這在很大程度上是由美元實際下跌推動的。”
Northwestern Mutual的舒特指出,其他央行正在“追趕”美聯儲的加息步伐,并且有一些跡象表明美國通脹可能正在悄然回落,包括近期大宗商品價格回落和華爾街通脹預期下降。這可能導致美聯儲未來加息力度減弱,從而減緩美元的升值步伐。
然而,并非所有專家都認為美元正接近峰值。CFRA Research的薩姆·斯托瓦爾表示,其研究機構的經濟學家預測,美元將在今年全年和2023年持續走強。
The U.S. dollar has had an incredible run throughout 2022, appreciating against most major currencies as the world’s central banks continue to combat rising inflation.
This year alone, the dollar is up 15% against the Japanese yen, 10% against the British pound, and 5% compared to China’s renminbi. The Wall Street Journal’s Dollar Index, which measures the dollar against 16 other major currencies, has also had its best first half performance since 2010 this year, rising more than 10% year-to-date.
And for the lucky Americans who could find cheap airfare to Europe (and made it through with all their luggage), the dollar even reached equal standing with the euro for the first time in two decades earlier this month.
The dollar’s gains mean international travel is on sale for Americans. And while consumer prices continue to rise, a stronger dollar could help reduce the impact of rising inflation in the U.S.
But the dollar’s strength has also led to some devastating outcomes for countries around the world, and it’s likely to be a major headwind for U.S. companies with operations overseas through the rest of the year.
For many investors and consumers, there are still two burning questions: why has the U.S. dollar been so strong this year, and where is it headed next?
Multiple top Wall Street chief investment officers and strategists told Fortune that a new trend has emerged and is driving the dollar’s strength, but most argue the greenback will begin to drop by the end of the year. Here’s what they had to say.
Why is the dollar so strong?
Historically, currency movements have largely been related to relative interest rates and economic strength. To understand the dollar, experts told Fortune to look no further than the Federal Reserve, which is currently jacking up interest rates at a pace unseen since the 1990s.
“The dollar is strong because the Fed is in the midst of the most aggressive monetary tightening policy among major central banks in the world,” Eric Leve, the chief investment officer at the wealth and investment management firm Bailard, told Fortune.
Leve noted that the Fed’s rate increases have pushed real yields on government bonds (or bond investors’ returns from interest payments after accounting for inflation) into positive territory for the first time in years. This makes U.S. bonds more attractive for investors around the world, thereby increasing the relative value of the dollar.
Leve also argued that the Fed’s rate increases have left the U.S. economy in a better place than many of its peers when it comes to inflation and recession risk.
The U.S., because of the Fed, is in many ways the cleanest dirty shirt.
The Fed’s actions also help to reduce inflation expectations (consumers' and investors' inflation outlook), which makes the U.S. more appealing to global investors that fear rising consumer prices.
Sam Stovall, the chief investment strategist at the investment research firm CFRA Research, told Fortune that the dollar’s strength has been helped by this relative attractiveness. It’s a “flight to safety” for foreign investors amid global recession fears, he said.
But after the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a new dynamic has also emerged affecting the relative strength of currencies around the world—self-sufficiency.
When COVID-19 took hold in 2020, it led to a global supply chain nightmare, fueling shortages in everything from semiconductors to toilet paper, and pushing commodity prices to new heights. The S&P GSCI Index, a broad measure of the price of raw materials worldwide, has soared by more than 180% in the years since.
As a result, many nations around the world have become more protective of their commodity supplies, and a new wave of deglobalization has taken hold. Because of the U.S.’ relative self-sufficiency when it comes to energy and other commodity supplies, this commodity protectionism has led the dollar to appreciate.
The Ukraine war only exacerbated the trend as Europe’s natural gas supplies were immediately and dramatically affected, leading prices to soar more than 400% in the past year. This has left the bloc scrambling to meet its energy needs, and so far it’s failed. The International Energy Agency (IEA) even warned this week that the EU will need to cut its natural gas consumption immediately or face a "long, hard winter."
The end result of Europe’s energy crisis and lack of self-sufficiency is falling exports and rising imports at a time when commodity prices remain elevated.
Huw Roberts, the head of analytics at the macro data analytics firm Quant Insight, told Fortune that this amounts to a “terms of trade shock,” where import prices have soared relative to export prices.
“If you are an energy importer, then this is hugely hurtful,” he said. “But if you're an energy exporter, then actually you stand to benefit.”
Countries that export more energy and have more self-sufficiency in their commodity supply, like the U.S., have seen their currencies appreciate, while countries and regions without commodity self-sufficiency, like the E.U., have watched their currencies drop.
What are the effects of the strong dollar?
For U.S. consumers, the strong dollar not only makes international travel much cheaper; it also helps to reduce inflation.
“At the margin, the stronger dollar is putting a bit of a limiter on [U.S.] inflation,” Bailard’s Leve said. “By having a strong dollar, purchasing goods from abroad, as U.S. consumers tend to do, becomes much cheaper. And so we're essentially importing deflation.”
Some U.S. businesses also benefit from a strong dollar, which acts to lower commodity prices.
“So, if it's maybe more of a manufacturing company, and they're buying raw materials that are priced in dollars and commodities are coming lower, then a strong dollar actually helps them,” said Quant Insights’ Roberts.
Those businesses are the exception, however. For most U.S.-based corporations, the strong dollar is an unwelcome headwind.
“If you're trying to sell goods overseas, that strong dollar makes your goods all the more expensive, putting a burden on top line revenue for US companies,” Leve noted.
On top of that, Brent Schutte, the chief investment strategist at Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company, told Fortune that when U.S. companies attempt to repatriate their foreign earnings, the strong dollar means they are getting less back than they have in previous years.
“Certainly if you have a lot of earnings across the ocean, and in other currencies, when you convert them back, it could cause earnings misses,” Schutte said. IBM, Johnson and Johnson, and Netflix are among the companies whose quarterly financial results have already taken a hit this earnings season.
Ben Laidler, a global markets strategist for eToro, told the New York Times last week that the dollar's rise could cut the earnings of S&P 500 companies with large international operations by up to $100 billion this year. Still, Schutte noted that these “losses” are more of an “accounting convention.”
“I generally do think that investors, especially longer-term ones, would look through that,” he said.
The most harmful effects of a strong dollar occur outside the US, making it nearly impossible for lower-income countries—with national debts denominated in dollars—to pay back their creditors or buy enough basic goods. That painful reality has been on display in Sri Lanka, which was forced to default on its debts in May as its currency depreciated.
The South East Asian nation has now run out of U.S. dollars to pay for critical imports, leading to mass protests as citizens face starvation and wait in long lines for fuel.
“Every country that has large liability in dollars is a cause for concern,” Marcello Estev?o, the World Bank’s global director for macroeconomics, trade, and investment, told the Wall Street Journal this week.
Where is the dollar headed from here?
While the dollar has had one of its best years in history so far in 2022, most experts believe it is nearing its peak.
“The dollar is expensive, it's overvalued relative to its peers,” Northwestern Mutual’s Schutte said. “If you look back to 2001, you're at similar levels of the dollar being overvalued, relative to other currencies, which did launch a 10-year time period of international outperformance that was largely driven by the dollar actually falling.”
Schutte pointed to purchasing power parity—or the idea that a given basket of goods should revert to a somewhat equal price around the world over the long run—as a key indicator that the dollar may be “overvalued.”
“One of the best measures of that is the Economists’ Big Mac Index, where you look at the price of that bun, that special sauce, the patties and everything else, and evaluate it around the world,” Bailard’s Eric Leve said. “It’s one of those ways that we can state that a currency is too cheap versus the dollar, given that all the components of a Big Mac are essentially global.”
The latest Big Mac Index was released on Thursday, and it showed that “nearly all currencies are undervalued against the dollar.”
Most experts that Fortune interviewed argued this shows that the dollar will likely see its value wane by the end of the year.
Northwestern Mutual’s Schutte noted that other central banks are “catching up” to the Fed with interest rate hikes, and there are some signs that U.S. inflation may be quietly coming down, including a recent commodity price retreat and falling inflation expectations on Wall Street. That could lead the Fed to less aggressive interest rate increases moving forward, slowing the dollar’s rise.
For investors, that means that non-U.S. equities may begin to look attractive by the end of the year.
“The strong dollar has made investing in non-U.S. equities pretty painful recently,” Leve said. “But I think as we look forward…we will see the dollar move from being a headwind to non-US equity investing to a tailwind.”
Not every expert sees the dollar nearing its peak, however. CFRA Research’s Sam Stovall said his economists have forecasted a strengthening dollar throughout the year and into 2023.
“As the Fed continues to raise rates, and at a pace that is equal to or greater than other central bankers, then I would say that that could continue to attract foreign investors to the U.S,” he said. “And also, as the threat of recession remains paramount. I think that would cause investors to want to continue to search for the dollar as a safe haven.”