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Rachel King





亞馬遜圖書(Amazon Books)的主編薩拉·格爾曼表示,她的編輯團隊尤其對伍綺詩(Celeste Ng)將于今年10月出版的《丟失的心》(Our Missing Hearts)感到興奮。此外,亞馬遜的編輯團隊還在密切關注多本暑期出版的作品,包括托米·奧巴羅的《Dele Weds Destiny》、埃米·尼特菲爾德的《接納》(Acceptance),以及泰勒·詹金斯·里德的《Carrie Soto的回歸》(Carrie Soto Is Back)等。

格爾曼說:“現在有一種趨勢我很喜歡,那就是我們以前所說的‘勵志自助’類圖書,如今被稱為‘身心健康’類,在新冠疫情時期,這類作品逐漸變成主流。我喜歡蘇珊·凱恩的優秀作品《苦中作樂:悲傷與渴望如何使我們變得健康》(Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole),它讓美國人的心情從沮喪變得開心。人們還有一種發自內心的對逃離現實的渴望。我想到了作家埃米莉·亨利的成功,她的作品會讓讀者感受到純粹的美好。”格爾曼最近在亞馬遜成立了自己的讀書俱樂部薩拉精選(Sarah Selects)。


《上班不宜》,作者:伊莎貝爾·卡普蘭 圖片來源:Courtesy of Henry Holt & Company

《上班不宜》(NSFW: A Novel),作者:伊莎貝爾·卡普蘭(Isabel Kaplan)



《在浴室里哭泣》,作者:埃麗卡·L·桑切斯 圖片來源:Courtesy of Viking

《在浴室里哭泣》(Crying in the Bathroom: A Memoir),作者:埃麗卡·L·桑切斯(Erika L. Sánchez)


繼暢銷書《我不是你的完美墨西哥女兒》(I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter)之后,埃麗卡·L·桑切斯用一篇篇詼諧幽默、真誠感人的隨筆,講述了她在小說處女作中提到的許多問題,包括墨西哥文化、種族、身份認同、女權主義、野心等等。

《好萊塢末日:哈維·溫斯坦與沉默的文化》,作者:肯·奧萊塔 圖片來源:Courtesy of Penguin Press

《好萊塢末日:哈維·溫斯坦與沉默的文化》(Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and the Culture of Silence),作者:肯·奧萊塔(Ken Auletta)


作為曾經在美國好萊塢只手遮天的大人物,哈維·溫斯坦真實的一面,并不像他突然倒臺一樣令人意外。《紐約客》(New Yorker)的資深撰稿人肯·奧萊塔表示,他在20年前最先開始報告相關話題。然而,由于許多消息人士當時過于擔心(可以理解)被曝光身份,因此很多細節被隱藏,或者偶爾出現在他多年來發表過的許多故事當中。現在,奧萊塔將根據米拉麥克斯影業(Miramax)前員工和溫斯坦前同事與好友的講述,以及溫斯坦本人在獄中的陳述,完整呈現他的故事。

《約瑟芬特工:美國麗人,法國英雄,英國間諜》,作者:達米安·劉易斯 圖片來源:Courtesy of PublicAffairs

《約瑟芬特工:美國麗人,法國英雄,英國間諜》(Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy),作者:達米安·劉易斯(Damien Lewis)


近一個世紀以來,約瑟芬·貝克經常登上媒體頭條,最近一次是因為這位在美國出生的歌手、電影明星和公民權利活動家在2021年12月,成為首位入葬法國先賢祠(French Panthéon)的黑人女性。盡管眾所周知她曾經是二戰期間的一名間諜,但在她身上依舊有許多謎團尚未解開,而暢銷書作家達米安·劉易斯將在新傳記中為讀者撥開迷霧,講述在她的秘密生活中鮮為人知的故事。

《反種族主義活動手冊》,作者:W·卡馬烏·貝爾與凱特·沙茨 圖片來源:Courtesy of Workman Publishing

《反種族主義活動手冊》(Do the Work! : An Antiracist Activity Book),作者:W·卡馬烏·貝爾(W. Kamau Bell)與凱特·沙茨(Kate Schatz)


這本革命性的反種族主義手冊回答了數以百萬計美國人的問題:“我能做些什么”,以支持“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)運動和反對白人至上主義。本書的作者是曾經榮獲艾美獎(Emmy-Award)的喜劇演員W·卡馬烏·貝爾和《紐約時報》(New York Times)的暢銷書作家凱特·沙茨。這本書讓讀者能夠深入了解系統性種族主義、白人的特權和黑人被剝奪的公民權利,以及如何解決這些問題。

《彌天大謊:選舉混亂、政治投機和美國2020年后的政治狀況》,作者:喬納森·勒米爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of Flatiron Books

《彌天大謊:選舉混亂、政治投機和美國2020年后的政治狀況》(The Big Lie: Election Chaos, Political Opportunism, and the State of American Politics After 2020),作者:喬納森·勒米爾(Jonathan Lemire)



《漁夫與惡龍:墨西哥灣的恐慌、貪婪和正義斗爭》,作者:柯克·華萊士·約翰遜 圖片來源:Courtesy of Viking

《漁夫與惡龍:墨西哥灣的恐慌、貪婪和正義之爭》(The Fishermen and the Dragon: Fear, Greed, and a Fight for Justice on the Gulf Coast),作者:柯克·華萊士·約翰遜(Kirk Wallace Johnson)


《羽毛竊賊》(The Feather Thief)一書的作者、記者柯克·華萊士·約翰遜,再次推出一部對20世紀70年代和80年代美國得克薩斯州墨西哥灣岸區的兩座小鎮的調查類作品,內容詳實,情節跌宕起伏。書中描寫的白人捕蝦者和越南難民之間的沖突,全面展現了當地的種族主義、石油、大企業和氣候變化等問題。這部作品既有恐怖內容,也有法庭戲,還有環境運動,其好萊塢版權已經被出售給喬治·克魯尼的制作公司,大衛·埃格斯和裴施(Thi Bui)正在為一部分包含有多個部分的系列劇集創作劇本。

《人生指南:利用新科技為你的學習、就業和生活找到方向》,作者:貝爾·梁和蒂莫西·克萊因 圖片來源:Courtesy of St. Martin's Press

《人生指南:利用新科技為你的學習、就業和生活找到方向》(How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, and Beyond),作者:貝爾·梁(Belle Liang)和蒂莫西·克萊因(Timothy Klein)



《空虛日記》,作者:八木百代 圖片來源:Courtesy of Viking

《空虛日記》(Diary of a Void: A Novel),作者:八木百代(Emi Yagi)


職場文化一直是公眾討論的話題,從嘩眾取寵的言論到現實世界里的時事短評無處不在,虛構的電視劇[例如Apple TV+上播出的《離職》(Severance)等]和電影中也展現了人們對于職場的不滿。日本獲獎作家八木百代顛覆性的新小說,通過主人公在日本的遭遇,將辦公室里的不良現象以及我們如何應對這些現象帶到了新高度。在小說中,主人公在幾個月內通過謊稱自己懷孕來避免工作中面臨的騷擾。

《請坐那邊:黑人女性如何在職場獲得權力、克服排斥并取得成功》,作者:弗朗辛·帕勒姆 圖片來源:Courtesy of Berrett-Koehler Publishers

《請坐那邊:黑人女性如何在職場獲得權力、克服排斥并取得成功》(Please Sit Over There: How To Manage Power, Overcome Exclusion, and Succeed as a Black Woman at Work),作者:弗朗辛·帕勒姆(Francine Parham)



《巴黎服務生:城市地下世界歷險記》,作者:愛德華·奇澤姆 圖片來源:Courtesy of Pegasus Books

《巴黎服務生:城市地下世界歷險記》(A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City),作者:愛德華·奇澤姆(Edward Chisholm)



《游牧世紀:氣候移民將如何重塑我們的世界》,作者:蓋亞·文斯 圖片來源:Courtesy of Flatiron Books

《游牧世紀:氣候移民將如何重塑我們的世界》(Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World),作者:蓋亞·文斯(Gaia Vince)



《裙子:在二十世紀塑造現代女性之美》,作者:金伯利·克里斯曼-坎貝爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of St. Martin's Press

《裙子:在二十世紀塑造現代女性之美》(Skirts: Fashioning Modern Femininity in the Twentieth Century),作者:金伯利·克里斯曼-坎貝爾(Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell)



《迷失的萊斯》,作者:安德魯·肖恩·格里爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of Little Brown and Company

《迷失的萊斯》(Less Is Lost),作者:安德魯·肖恩·格里爾(Andrew Sean Greer)



《如何贏得朋友和遠程管理》,作者:麥克納·斯維澤伊 圖片來源:Courtesy of Career Press

《如何贏得朋友和遠程管理》(How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely),作者:麥克納·斯維澤伊(McKenna Sweazey)



《隱形人》,作者:愛德華·恩寧福爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of Penguin Press

《隱形人》(A Visible Man: A Memoir),作者:愛德華·恩寧福爾(Edward Enninful)



《極樂蒙太奇》,作者:馬玲 圖片來源:Courtesy of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

《極樂蒙太奇》(Bliss Montage: Stories),作者:馬玲(Ling Ma)


馬玲憑借備受好評的小說《遣散費》(Severance)在2018年一炮而紅。不要將其與Apple TV+的劇集混為一談。小說《遣散費》為讀者描繪了另外一個令人不快的職場環境,在全球新冠疫情爆發之后這種環境實際上已經被拋棄。(當然現在讀起來有一些不同的感受。)馬玲在《極樂蒙太奇》中重新講述了部分主題。《極樂蒙太奇》是一本故事集(或者雜文集),由八個不同的故事組成。故事里人們嘗試理解和解決圍繞友誼、愛情、孤獨和有害的關系等產生的集體錯覺。

《相處之道:如何與不同人共事》,作者:埃米·加洛 圖片來源:Courtesy of Harvard Business Review Press

《相處之道:如何與不同人共事》(Getting Along: How to Work With Anyone (Even Difficult People)),作者:埃米·加洛(Amy Gallo)


同事與家人一樣,你往往無法自己挑選。(除非你負責解雇員工,那就要另當別論。)你不必喜歡自己的同事,但面對任務截止期限的壓力,你們將不得不齊心協力。在這本職場(無論在辦公室還是現在的虛擬辦公模式中)人際關系實用指南中,《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)的播客主持人埃米·加洛將難以相處的同事分成了八個不同類型,既有“百事通”,也有不可靠的上司。書中為讀者提供了如何在不讓自己發瘋的情況下,與這些同事打交道和共事的策略。

《全家出柜》,作者:杰西·亨普爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of HarperOne

《全家出柜》(The Family Outing: A Memoir),作者:杰西·亨普爾(Jessi Hempel)



《當女性成為領導者:她們的成就、成功秘訣和啟示》,作者:朱莉婭·布爾斯廷 圖片來源:Courtesy of Avid Reader Press/Simon & Schuster

《當女性成為領導者:她們的成就、成功秘訣和啟示》(When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn From Them),作者:朱莉婭·布爾斯廷(Julia Boorstin)



《守護神銅頭蛇》,作者:芭芭拉·金索沃爾 圖片來源:Courtesy of Harper

《守護神銅頭蛇》(Demon Copperhead: A Novel),作者:芭芭拉·金索沃爾(Barbara Kingsolver)


美國最受好評和最暢銷的當代小說家芭芭拉·金索沃爾推出一部新作品,講述主人公的冒險歷程。這部最新作品深受查爾斯·狄更斯的《大衛·科波菲爾》(David Copperfield)的影響。故事發生在阿巴拉契亞南部的群山當中,守護神銅頭蛇陪在一名小男孩身邊。母親年少時在一臺小拖車里生下了他。他渡過了人生中的種種難關,例如養育問題、童工、破舊的學校、運動上的成功、成癮和傷心等。

《白墻:美國金融行業的種族歧視》,作者:埃米莉·弗利特 圖片來源:Courtesy of Atria/One Signal Publishers

《白墻:美國金融行業的種族歧視》(The White Wall: How Big Finance Bankrupts Black America),作者:埃米莉·弗利特(Emily Flitter)


《紐約時報》的財經記者埃米莉·弗利特深度揭露了美國金融服務業無處不在的系統性種族主義。從2018年收到密報稱摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)無理由辭退了一名黑人員工開始,弗利特進行為期三年的調查,揭露了至今依舊存在的吉姆·克勞時代的許多做法,比如銀行柜員在服務黑人客戶時的種族定性,保險公司拒絕為黑人投保用戶理賠,再到意在阻止黑人員工職業發展的招聘和解雇政策等。(財富中文網)




亞馬遜圖書(Amazon Books)的主編薩拉·格爾曼表示,她的編輯團隊尤其對伍綺詩(Celeste Ng)將于今年10月出版的《丟失的心》(Our Missing Hearts)感到興奮。此外,亞馬遜的編輯團隊還在密切關注多本暑期出版的作品,包括托米·奧巴羅的《Dele Weds Destiny》、埃米·尼特菲爾德的《接納》(Acceptance),以及泰勒·詹金斯·里德的《Carrie Soto的回歸》(Carrie Soto Is Back)等。

格爾曼說:“現在有一種趨勢我很喜歡,那就是我們以前所說的‘勵志自助’類圖書,如今被稱為‘身心健康’類,在新冠疫情時期,這類作品逐漸變成主流。我喜歡蘇珊·凱恩的優秀作品《苦中作樂:悲傷與渴望如何使我們變得健康》(Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole),它讓美國人的心情從沮喪變得開心。人們還有一種發自內心的對逃離現實的渴望。我想到了作家埃米莉·亨利的成功,她的作品會讓讀者感受到純粹的美好。”格爾曼最近在亞馬遜成立了自己的讀書俱樂部薩拉精選(Sarah Selects)。


《上班不宜》(NSFW: A Novel),作者:伊莎貝爾·卡普蘭(Isabel Kaplan)



《在浴室里哭泣》(Crying in the Bathroom: A Memoir),作者:埃麗卡·L·桑切斯(Erika L. Sánchez)


繼暢銷書《我不是你的完美墨西哥女兒》(I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter)之后,埃麗卡·L·桑切斯用一篇篇詼諧幽默、真誠感人的隨筆,講述了她在小說處女作中提到的許多問題,包括墨西哥文化、種族、身份認同、女權主義、野心等等。

《好萊塢末日:哈維·溫斯坦與沉默的文化》(Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and the Culture of Silence),作者:肯·奧萊塔(Ken Auletta)


作為曾經在美國好萊塢只手遮天的大人物,哈維·溫斯坦真實的一面,并不像他突然倒臺一樣令人意外。《紐約客》(New Yorker)的資深撰稿人肯·奧萊塔表示,他在20年前最先開始報告相關話題。然而,由于許多消息人士當時過于擔心(可以理解)被曝光身份,因此很多細節被隱藏,或者偶爾出現在他多年來發表過的許多故事當中。現在,奧萊塔將根據米拉麥克斯影業(Miramax)前員工和溫斯坦前同事與好友的講述,以及溫斯坦本人在獄中的陳述,完整呈現他的故事。

《約瑟芬特工:美國麗人,法國英雄,英國間諜》(Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy),作者:達米安·劉易斯(Damien Lewis)


近一個世紀以來,約瑟芬·貝克經常登上媒體頭條,最近一次是因為這位在美國出生的歌手、電影明星和公民權利活動家在2021年12月,成為首位入葬法國先賢祠(French Panthéon)的黑人女性。盡管眾所周知她曾經是二戰期間的一名間諜,但在她身上依舊有許多謎團尚未解開,而暢銷書作家達米安·劉易斯將在新傳記中為讀者撥開迷霧,講述在她的秘密生活中鮮為人知的故事。

《反種族主義活動手冊》(Do the Work! : An Antiracist Activity Book),作者:W·卡馬烏·貝爾(W. Kamau Bell)與凱特·沙茨(Kate Schatz)


這本革命性的反種族主義手冊回答了數以百萬計美國人的問題:“我能做些什么”,以支持“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)運動和反對白人至上主義。本書的作者是曾經榮獲艾美獎(Emmy-Award)的喜劇演員W·卡馬烏·貝爾和《紐約時報》(New York Times)的暢銷書作家凱特·沙茨。這本書讓讀者能夠深入了解系統性種族主義、白人的特權和黑人被剝奪的公民權利,以及如何解決這些問題。

《彌天大謊:選舉混亂、政治投機和美國2020年后的政治狀況》(The Big Lie: Election Chaos, Political Opportunism, and the State of American Politics After 2020),作者:喬納森·勒米爾(Jonathan Lemire)



《漁夫與惡龍:墨西哥灣的恐慌、貪婪和正義之爭》(The Fishermen and the Dragon: Fear, Greed, and a Fight for Justice on the Gulf Coast),作者:柯克·華萊士·約翰遜(Kirk Wallace Johnson)


《羽毛竊賊》(The Feather Thief)一書的作者、記者柯克·華萊士·約翰遜,再次推出一部對20世紀70年代和80年代美國得克薩斯州墨西哥灣岸區的兩座小鎮的調查類作品,內容詳實,情節跌宕起伏。書中描寫的白人捕蝦者和越南難民之間的沖突,全面展現了當地的種族主義、石油、大企業和氣候變化等問題。這部作品既有恐怖內容,也有法庭戲,還有環境運動,其好萊塢版權已經被出售給喬治·克魯尼的制作公司,大衛·埃格斯和裴施(Thi Bui)正在為一部分包含有多個部分的系列劇集創作劇本。

《人生指南:利用新科技為你的學習、就業和生活找到方向》(How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, and Beyond),作者:貝爾·梁(Belle Liang)和蒂莫西·克萊因(Timothy Klein)



《空虛日記》(Diary of a Void: A Novel),作者:八木百代(Emi Yagi)


職場文化一直是公眾討論的話題,從嘩眾取寵的言論到現實世界里的時事短評無處不在,虛構的電視劇[例如Apple TV+上播出的《離職》(Severance)等]和電影中也展現了人們對于職場的不滿。日本獲獎作家八木百代顛覆性的新小說,通過主人公在日本的遭遇,將辦公室里的不良現象以及我們如何應對這些現象帶到了新高度。在小說中,主人公在幾個月內通過謊稱自己懷孕來避免工作中面臨的騷擾。

《請坐那邊:黑人女性如何在職場獲得權力、克服排斥并取得成功》(Please Sit Over There: How To Manage Power, Overcome Exclusion, and Succeed as a Black Woman at Work),作者:弗朗辛·帕勒姆(Francine Parham)



《巴黎服務生:城市地下世界歷險記》(A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City),作者:愛德華·奇澤姆(Edward Chisholm)



《游牧世紀:氣候移民將如何重塑我們的世界》(Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World),作者:蓋亞·文斯(Gaia Vince)



《裙子:在二十世紀塑造現代女性之美》(Skirts: Fashioning Modern Femininity in the Twentieth Century),作者:金伯利·克里斯曼-坎貝爾(Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell)



《迷失的萊斯》(Less Is Lost),作者:安德魯·肖恩·格里爾(Andrew Sean Greer)



《如何贏得朋友和遠程管理》(How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely),作者:麥克納·斯維澤伊(McKenna Sweazey)



《隱形人》(A Visible Man: A Memoir),作者:愛德華·恩寧福爾(Edward Enninful)



《極樂蒙太奇》(Bliss Montage: Stories),作者:馬玲(Ling Ma)


馬玲憑借備受好評的小說《遣散費》(Severance)在2018年一炮而紅。不要將其與Apple TV+的劇集混為一談。小說《遣散費》為讀者描繪了另外一個令人不快的職場環境,在全球新冠疫情爆發之后這種環境實際上已經被拋棄。(當然現在讀起來有一些不同的感受。)馬玲在《極樂蒙太奇》中重新講述了部分主題。《極樂蒙太奇》是一本故事集(或者雜文集),由八個不同的故事組成。故事里人們嘗試理解和解決圍繞友誼、愛情、孤獨和有害的關系等產生的集體錯覺。

《相處之道:如何與不同人共事》(Getting Along: How to Work With Anyone (Even Difficult People)),作者:埃米·加洛(Amy Gallo)


同事與家人一樣,你往往無法自己挑選。(除非你負責解雇員工,那就要另當別論。)你不必喜歡自己的同事,但面對任務截止期限的壓力,你們將不得不齊心協力。在這本職場(無論在辦公室還是現在的虛擬辦公模式中)人際關系實用指南中,《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)的播客主持人埃米·加洛將難以相處的同事分成了八個不同類型,既有“百事通”,也有不可靠的上司。書中為讀者提供了如何在不讓自己發瘋的情況下,與這些同事打交道和共事的策略。

《全家出柜》(The Family Outing: A Memoir),作者:杰西·亨普爾(Jessi Hempel)



《當女性成為領導者:她們的成就、成功秘訣和啟示》(When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn From Them),作者:朱莉婭·布爾斯廷(Julia Boorstin)



《守護神銅頭蛇》(Demon Copperhead: A Novel),作者:芭芭拉·金索沃爾(Barbara Kingsolver)


美國最受好評和最暢銷的當代小說家芭芭拉·金索沃爾推出一部新作品,講述主人公的冒險歷程。這部最新作品深受查爾斯·狄更斯的《大衛·科波菲爾》(David Copperfield)的影響。故事發生在阿巴拉契亞南部的群山當中,守護神銅頭蛇陪在一名小男孩身邊。母親年少時在一臺小拖車里生下了他。他渡過了人生中的種種難關,例如養育問題、童工、破舊的學校、運動上的成功、成癮和傷心等。

《白墻:美國金融行業的種族歧視》(The White Wall: How Big Finance Bankrupts Black America),作者:埃米莉·弗利特(Emily Flitter)


《紐約時報》的財經記者埃米莉·弗利特深度揭露了美國金融服務業無處不在的系統性種族主義。從2018年收到密報稱摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)無理由辭退了一名黑人員工開始,弗利特進行為期三年的調查,揭露了至今依舊存在的吉姆·克勞時代的許多做法,比如銀行柜員在服務黑人客戶時的種族定性,保險公司拒絕為黑人投保用戶理賠,再到意在阻止黑人員工職業發展的招聘和解雇政策等。(財富中文網)



If you're a glass is half full person, and someone who loves books, then you know the year is still young for new books. And typically, most publishers save their most anticipated releases for fall and winter, with the holiday seasons being an especially lucrative time for the industry.

Sarah Gelman, editorial director of Amazon Books, says that her editorial team is particularly excited about the upcoming Celeste Ng book, Our Missing Hearts, coming out this October. But in the meantime, the team is also eyeing several summer releases, including Dele Weds Destiny by Tomi Obaro, Acceptance by Emi Nietfeld, and Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

"One trend that I love is that what we used to think of as 'self-help' is now called 'wellness,' and in our pandemic world, these titles have become increasingly more mainstream. I loved Susan Cain’s excellent book Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole and how it challenged the American idea of turning your frown upside down," says Gelman, who recently launched her own book club on Amazon called Sarah Selects. "There’s also been a real desire for escape. I’m thinking about the success of author Emily Henry, whose books are pure candy."

Here are 22 new books being published during the next six months of 2022 that you should consider reading before the year is out.

NSFW: A Novel by Isabel Kaplan

Available July 5

This author's debut novel starts off as a tale as old as time: a young woman trying to succeed in Hollywood without selling her soul. Easier said than done, of course, especially in fiction. Born with some amount of privilege—the unnamed protagonist is the daughter of a prominent feminist attorney—her first job out of college is with a major television network. But she quickly discovers the all-too-real dark side of climbing up the ranks, especially as she becomes aware of the sexual misconduct and abuse going on, and just how little power or voice women have over it.

Crying in the Bathroom: A Memoir by Erika L. Sánchez

Available July 12

Following up her best-seller?I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, Erika L. Sánchez tackles many of the same issues addressed in her first novel—including Mexican culture, race, identity, feminism, ambition, and more—in a series of essays that are humorous, heartfelt, and honest.

Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and the Culture of Silence by Ken Auletta

Available July 12

The truth about Harvey Weinstein wasn't the surprise so much as the swiftness of his downfall given the stranglehold he had on power in Hollywood. Longtime New Yorker scribe Ken Auletta says he was the first one to report about the topic 20 years ago. But because so many sources were too (understandably) afraid to go on record at the time, much of the story has either been on ice or sprinkled in stories over the years. Now, Auletta is reporting the full story he wanted to tell, going on record with former Miramax employees as well as former colleagues and friends of Weinstein—as well as Harvey himself from prison.

Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy by Damien Lewis

Available July 12

Josephine Baker has been making headlines for nearly a century—most recently as the American-born singer, movie star, and civil rights activist became the first Black woman to be inducted into the French Panthéon in December 2021. But even though she was known for being a spy during World War II, there's so much more we don't know about her, as revealed in a new biography by best-selling author Damien Lewis about the little-known history of her secret life.

Do the Work!: An Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz

Available July 19

This revolutionary antiracism workbook was produced in response to millions of Americans asking “What can I do?” to support the Black Lives Matter movement and dismantle white supremacy. Written by Emmy-Award winning comedian W. Kamau Bell and New York Times bestselling author Kate Schatz, the workbook gives readers a hands-on understanding of systemic racism, white privilege, and Black disenfranchisement—and what to do about it all.

The Big Lie: Election Chaos, Political Opportunism, and the State of American Politics After 2020 by Jonathan Lemire

Available July 26

It's hard to sum up everything that "The Big Lie" as a noun entails regarding the 2020 presidential election. But in his new book about just that, Politico's White House bureau chief Jonathan Lemire says The Big Lie is not just about the 2020 election, but rather it's a political philosophy that sums up the great cultural and political divide in the United States.

The Fishermen and the Dragon: Fear, Greed, and a Fight for Justice on the Gulf Coast by Kirk Wallace Johnson

Available August 2

Journalist Kirk Wallace Johnson, author of The Feather Thief, returns with a richly reported and dramatically rendered investigative work about two towns on the Gulf Coast of Texas in the 1970s and 1980s. This clash between white shrimpers and Vietnamese refugees is a sweeping story about racism, oil, big business, and climate change. Part thriller, part courtroom drama, and part environmental crusade, the Hollywood rights have already been sold to George Clooney’s production company, and Dave Eggers and Thi Bui are currently working on a script for a multi-part series.

How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, and Beyond by Belle Liang and Timothy Klein

Available August 2

There's no blueprint on how to live your life, but there are no shortage of books that will tell you how to do so. But not all books are alike, and How to Navigate Life stands out by addressing stress and anxiety for readers as young as those coming out of high school, aiming to help them get a better, more secure footing with their mental health before embarking on their collegiate and post-collegiate careers.

Diary of a Void: A Novel by Emi Yagi

Available August 9

Workplace culture is constantly in the public conversation, from hot takes and think-pieces in the real world, and those grievances reflected in fictional TV shows (see: Severance on Apple TV+) and movies on screen. A subversive new novel from award-winning Japanese author Emi Yagi takes office toxicity and how we cope to new heights with a protagonist in Japan who avoids harassment at work by perpetuating the lie—for months—that she’s pregnant.

Please Sit Over There: How To Manage Power, Overcome Exclusion, and Succeed as a Black Woman at Work by Francine Parham

Available August 9

Francine Parham, founder and CEO of her own eponymous consulting firm dedicated to women's leadership and the advancement of women of color in the workplace, shares her experience and knowledge learned as a Black woman—not to mention a former global executive of two major corporations—on how to move up in the workplace while maintaining a sense of sanity. According to Parham, the key skill that Black women are rarely taught is understanding power dynamics within the organization and learning how to “shift the power” to one's advantage. Thus, Parham outlines how to build the right relationships and how to use your voice—as well as how to pay it forward once in a position of power—to build a more fulfilling career.

A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City by Edward Chisholm

Available August 9

In what could be the Kitchen Confidential for Generation Z, this memoir chronicles the underbelly of one of the (if not THE) food capitals of the world, as seen through the eyes of a young waiter scraping out a living. Certainly, one dreams of cooking, let alone eating, in Paris. But to work in the city's ruthless restaurant industry means dealing with inhumane hours, little to no sleep, aggressive landlords, sadistic managers, low wages, and meals of consisting of little more than bread and cigarettes.

Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World by Gaia Vince

Available August 23

Not to mince words, award-winning journalist Gaia Vince argues that climate migration "is the biggest human crisis you’ve never heard of.” That might sound bold to some people who do care deeply about climate change, and yet it seems we are all still too complacent about it. As Vince writes, global migration has doubled in the past decade, and that the world is on track to see billions of people displaced in the coming decades. Drawing on a career of environmental reporting and over two years of travel to the front lines of climate migration across the globe, Vince outlines how the changes already in play will transform our food, cities, politics, and much more.

Skirts: Fashioning Modern Femininity in the Twentieth Century by Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell

Available September 6

Fashion historian Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell recounts the history of 20th century womenswear, highlighting monumental styles—like Chanel's Little Black Dress and Dior's Bar Suit—that changed how women dress for work and home forever. And while the general consensus would seemingly suggest that the acceptance of pants were the most liberating fashion-related change for women, Chrisman-Campbell argues that the most important and influential female fashions of the era featured skirts.

Less Is Lost by Andrew Sean Greer

Available September 20

Andrew Sean Greer's 2017 satirical comedy Less—about a man who takes a whirlwind trip around the world just to avoid his former partner's wedding—met rave reviews upon release, eventually garnering the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction. The story picks up with our protagonist Arthur Less doing much better than he was in the first book—until the death of an old lover (not to mention a financial crisis) prompts him to take another long trip: this time a road trip across America.

How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely by McKenna Sweazey

Available September 1

If you ever wanted or needed a step-by-step guide on how to conduct common workplace interactions, this is the workbook for you. Lessons include learning how to digitize the onboarding process, managing new recruits, and how to deliver constructive feedback over Zoom.

A Visible Man: A Memoir by Edward Enninful

Available September 6

Now one of the most powerful voices not just in fashion but in publishing, Edward Enninful was the first Black man to become editor-in-chief of British Vogue. Over the last two years, he's become a cultural icon through bold and visionary Vogue issues that have put civil rights activists, first-responders, and more people of color on the cover. For the first time, Enninful shares more about his origins as a working-class immigrant who rose to the top title in fashion by championing those who, like him, have been pushed to the margins time and again.

Bliss Montage: Stories by Ling Ma

Available September 13

Ling Ma made a splash in 2018 with the critically acclaimed Severance—not to be confused to with the Apple TV+ show but rather a novel that launches out of another toxic workplace, which actually becomes abandoned in the wake of...a global pandemic. (Certainly, it reads a bit differently now.) Ma revisits some of the same themes in Bliss Montage, an anthology (or montage, if you will) of eight different stories of people about people trying to comprehend and deal with collective delusions around friendship, love, loneliness, and toxic relationships.

Getting Along: How to Work With Anyone (Even Difficult People) by Amy Gallo

Available September 13

Much like your family, you can't always pick who you work with either. (Unless you're in charge of hiring, but that's another story.) You don't always have to like your coworkers, but when push comes to shove comes to deadline, you're going to need to work together. In this practical guide on how to handle people at work (whether it be in the office or virtual these days), Harvard Business Review podcast host Amy Gallo breaks down eight different profiles of difficult coworkers—from the know-it-all to the insecure boss—offering the reader strategies on how to handle and work with each of them without losing your mind.

The Family Outing: A Memoir by Jessi Hempel

Available October 4

“Two decades ago, in the space of five years, everyone in my family came out,” writes Jessi Hempel in her new memoir about her family. The former Fortune senior writer describes how her family—who, from the outside, might have seemed like the generic, TV-idealized version of a nuclear family—slowly and painfully collapsed as each family member began to come to terms with their own truths. Hempel, already out, watched as her father came out as gay, her sister as bisexual, and her brother as transgender, while their mother was already dealing with a lifelong trauma buried deep inside since her childhood.

When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, and How We Can Learn From Them by Julia Boorstin

Available October 11

CNBC senior correspondent Julia Boorstin weaves together more than sixty stories of female CEOs and leaders along with the findings of dozens of studies to illustrate how once-underestimated characteristics—from vulnerability and gratitude to divergent thinking—can be vital superpowers for women in the workplace. Among those interviewed and featured in the book include Gwyneth Paltrow, Katrina Lake, Jenn Hyman, Whitney Wolfe Herd, and Lena Waithe.

Demon Copperhead: A Novel by Barbara Kingsolver

Available October 18

One of the most lauded and best-selling American authors in contemporary fiction, Barbara Kingsolver is back with a new take on the hero's journey, heavily influenced by David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Set in the mountains of southern Appalachia, Demon Copperhead follows a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, overcoming nearly every hurdle life can throw at someone, including foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, and broken hearts.

The White Wall: How Big Finance Bankrupts Black America by Emily Flitter

Available October 25

New York Times finance reporter Emily Flitter delivers a deeply reported look at how systemic racism permeates through the American financial services industry. Starting from a tip she received in 2018 that Morgan Stanley fired a Black employee without cause, Flitter has been on a three-year reporting journey, investigating how practices dating back to the Jim Crow era are still prevalent, from bank tellers committing racial profiling when serving Black customers to insurers refusing to pay claims by Black policyholders to hiring and layoff policies designed to stall career advancement among Black employees.



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