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2022年6月1日,乘客在上海地鐵站乘坐自動扶梯。在經歷了數周的新冠肺炎疫情后,上海逐漸恢復了生產和日常生活。圖片來源:TANG YANJUN—CHINA NEWS SERVICE VIA GETTY IMAGES

今年3月,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的科技分析師姚橙和他的研究團隊發表了一份報告,宣稱中國互聯網股票“不可投資”,此舉讓他意外地成了名人。這一尖銳的評級認定引發了2000億美元的中國股票拋售,并促使一家中國科技公司后來取消了摩根大通作為其計劃中的股票發行高級承銷商資格。

今年5月,姚橙再次登上新聞頭條,這次他看好中國股票。他將七家中國主要互聯網公司的評級從此前的“減持”上調至“增持”,并將另外幾家公司的評級上調至“中性”。姚橙并不是唯一一個重新評估中國股市的人。最近幾周,高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)、美國銀行(Bank of America)、杰富瑞金融集團(Jefferies Financial Group)、東方匯理資產管理公司(Amundi)和花旗銀行(Citi)等20家主要投資機構的分析師都看好中國,此前這個全球第二大經濟體的股市前景黯淡。市場情緒的轉變推動摩根士丹利資本國際公司中國指數(MSCI China Index)自3月15日以來上漲逾20%,該指數是衡量中國內地和離岸市場中國股票的最廣泛指標。

其他主要的中國股指也有所上漲。滬深300指數是滬深兩市上市公司的主要基準指數,同期上漲近12%。追蹤在香港上市的中國股票的恒生中國企業指數(Hang Seng China Enterprises Index)上漲了23%,而以在納斯達克(Nasdaq)上市的成功中國企業為主的金龍指數(Golden Dragon Index)飆升了近52%。一些分析師現在將中國吹捧為美國和歐洲股市近期暴跌的“避風港”。




姚橙對中國互聯網股票的嚴重警告,引發了全球對中國股票幾乎所有板塊的瘋狂拋售。數小時內,香港恒生指數(Hang Seng Index)暴跌6%,至10年來最低水平。當時,中國政府正在多個城市抗擊新冠肺炎疫情,科技中心深圳已經封城,外交政策專家警告稱,如果中國政府在俄烏沖突中支持俄方,美國可能會對中國實施嚴厲的經濟制裁。在監管部門為期近兩年的打擊行動之后,中國一度充滿活力的互聯網巨頭仍然籠罩在不確定性的陰云之中。









相比之下,由于油價上漲以及美聯儲(Federal Reserve)和歐洲央行為對抗通脹而宣布大幅加息,美國和歐洲股市均下跌。過去三個月,道瓊斯工業平均指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)下跌了12%,而標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)下跌了16%?!叭缃駵p持中國股票是有風險的?!睎|方匯理資產管理公司的首席投資官文森特·莫蒂爾在5月接受彭博社采訪時表示。

目前,有一些全球投資者正在悄悄重返中國股市。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的首席中國股票策略師王瀅一直是對中國股市反彈持最大懷疑態度的人之一,她表示,她目前還不建議客戶增持中國股票。但在今年6月的早些時候接受彭博電視臺(Bloomberg TV)采訪時,她承認中國股市看起來更有吸引力,可能正處于長期熊市的“最后一站”。(財富中文網)


今年3月,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的科技分析師姚橙和他的研究團隊發表了一份報告,宣稱中國互聯網股票“不可投資”,此舉讓他意外地成了名人。這一尖銳的評級認定引發了2000億美元的中國股票拋售,并促使一家中國科技公司后來取消了摩根大通作為其計劃中的股票發行高級承銷商資格。

今年5月,姚橙再次登上新聞頭條,這次他看好中國股票。他將七家中國主要互聯網公司的評級從此前的“減持”上調至“增持”,并將另外幾家公司的評級上調至“中性”。姚橙并不是唯一一個重新評估中國股市的人。最近幾周,高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)、美國銀行(Bank of America)、杰富瑞金融集團(Jefferies Financial Group)、東方匯理資產管理公司(Amundi)和花旗銀行(Citi)等20家主要投資機構的分析師都看好中國,此前這個全球第二大經濟體的股市前景黯淡。市場情緒的轉變推動摩根士丹利資本國際公司中國指數(MSCI China Index)自3月15日以來上漲逾20%,該指數是衡量中國內地和離岸市場中國股票的最廣泛指標。

其他主要的中國股指也有所上漲。滬深300指數是滬深兩市上市公司的主要基準指數,同期上漲近12%。追蹤在香港上市的中國股票的恒生中國企業指數(Hang Seng China Enterprises Index)上漲了23%,而以在納斯達克(Nasdaq)上市的成功中國企業為主的金龍指數(Golden Dragon Index)飆升了近52%。一些分析師現在將中國吹捧為美國和歐洲股市近期暴跌的“避風港”。




姚橙對中國互聯網股票的嚴重警告,引發了全球對中國股票幾乎所有板塊的瘋狂拋售。數小時內,香港恒生指數(Hang Seng Index)暴跌6%,至10年來最低水平。當時,中國政府正在多個城市抗擊新冠肺炎疫情,科技中心深圳已經封城,外交政策專家警告稱,如果中國政府在俄烏沖突中支持俄方,美國可能會對中國實施嚴厲的經濟制裁。在監管部門為期近兩年的打擊行動之后,中國一度充滿活力的互聯網巨頭仍然籠罩在不確定性的陰云之中。









相比之下,由于油價上漲以及美聯儲(Federal Reserve)和歐洲央行為對抗通脹而宣布大幅加息,美國和歐洲股市均下跌。過去三個月,道瓊斯工業平均指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)下跌了12%,而標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)下跌了16%。“如今減持中國股票是有風險的?!睎|方匯理資產管理公司的首席投資官文森特·莫蒂爾在5月接受彭博社采訪時表示。

目前,有一些全球投資者正在悄悄重返中國股市。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的首席中國股票策略師王瀅一直是對中國股市反彈持最大懷疑態度的人之一,她表示,她目前還不建議客戶增持中國股票。但在今年6月的早些時候接受彭博電視臺(Bloomberg TV)采訪時,她承認中國股市看起來更有吸引力,可能正處于長期熊市的“最后一站”。(財富中文網)


JPMorgan Chase technology analyst Alex Yao earned unwanted celebrity in March when he and his research team published a report declaring Chinese internet stocks “uninvestable.” That scathing designation ignited a $200 billion selloff of China shares—and prompted one Chinese technology company to later remove JPMorgan as the senior underwriter for a planned stock offering.

In May, Yao made headlines again, this time as a China bull. He revised his rating of seven leading Chinese internet firms to “overweight,” up from an earlier “underweight” rating, and bumped up several more to “neutral.” Yao isn’t alone in his reassessment of China shares. In recent weeks analysts at a score of leading investment houses—Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Jefferies Financial Group, Amundi, and Citi—have brightened formerly dim outlooks for equities in the world’s second-largest economy. The shift in sentiment has helped to drive the MSCI China Index, the broadest measure of China stocks on mainland and offshore markets, up more than 20% since March 15.

Other key China stock indexes have gained as well. The CSI 300, the leading benchmark of companies listed on exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen, has risen nearly 12% during that same interval. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, which tracks Chinese shares traded in Hong Kong, is up 23%, while the Golden Dragon Index, dominated by high-flying Chinese companies listed on the Nasdaq, has soared nearly 52%. Some analysts now tout China as a “safe haven” from recent carnage in U.S. and Europe markets.

No one is predicting a return—at least not anytime soon—to the dizzying valuations commanded by Chinese tech companies before November 2020, when Chinese government squelched a $37 billion initial public offering planned by Ant Group, the sprawling mobile payments company controlled by billionaire Jack Ma. But Goldman Sachs China strategist Kinger Lau now says the worst may be over for China shares. In a June 13 report, he argued that the recent recovery is “on par” with earlier China market corrections and may yet have room to run. Lau’s upbeat take is notable because he and colleague Timothy Moe were among the first analysts to use the “u-word” in connection with China. In a July 2021 research note they observed that “’uninvestable’ has featured in many of our recent conversations with clients regarding investing in Chinese stocks.”

Sean Darby, global equity strategist at Jefferies, also believes China shares have turned the corner. “A bottom has been made in the CSI 300,” he wrote in June 13 note to clients. “We upgrade to Bullish from Modestly Bullish.”

Such comments are a far cry from the gloom that prevailed among investors on March 14, when Yao downgraded 28 Chinese internet stocks including Alibaba Group Holding, Tencent Holdings, and Meituan to “underweight,” deeming them “uninvestable” for the next six to 12 months owing to rising geopolitical and macroeconomic risks. The write-downs were unusually aggressive. For example, Yao slashed his price target for Alibaba to $65, down from $180, making it the lowest among analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

Yao’s dire warning about Chinese internet stocks prompted a global stampede out of China stocks in nearly every sector. In hours, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index plunged 6% to its lowest level in 10 years. At the time, Chinese authorities were battling COVID-19 outbreaks in multiple cities, the tech hub of Shenzhen already was in COVID lockdown, and foreign policy experts warned that the U.S. might hit China with harsh economic sanctions if Beijing backed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. China’s once-dynamic internet giants remained shrouded in a cloud of uncertainty in the wake of a nearly two-year regulatory crackdown.

And in April, things got worse. The virus flared in Shanghai and Beijing, prompting authorities to impose harsh citywide lockdowns that dampened Chinese consumption, snarled global supply chains, and dragged on for two months. On May 6, when exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen reopened after the nation’s “Golden Week” holiday, the CSI 300 index tumbled to its lowest level in two years.

But Yao and his team saw reasons for optimism. On May 16, they upgraded a passel of leading Chinese tech companies including Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, and Pinduoduo citing strong policy support from Beijing.

In a report announcing the abrupt reversal, the JPMorgan team referenced a March 16 meeting in Beijing of China’s top financial policy committee led by Liu He, the government’s economic policy czar. In that meeting, according to accounts in China’s state-controlled press, Liu vowed the government would implement new measures to boost the economy and should “actively introduce policies that benefit markets.” The committee also resolved that measures to “rectify” China’s internet companies should be completed “as soon as possible.”

Liu’s comments had drawn mixed reviews from global investors at the time. Some hailed them as a signal that China’s leaders, who had long seemed oblivious to the worldwide selloff in China stocks, now recognized they needed to do something to reverse it. But others dismissed the remarks as empty rhetoric.

Yao and his team deemed Liu’s March 16 pronouncements a key turning point for Chinese tech shares. “Significant uncertainties facing the sector should begin to abate on the back of recent regulatory announcements,” they concluded.

In early May, Bloomberg, citing anonymous JPMorgan sources, reported that an internal investigation had concluded that Yao’s use of the “u-word” was the result of an editorial screwup and should never have happened. JPMorgan declined to comment on the Bloomberg report, but in an e-mail sent to the news service the firm stressed that “we stand by our published research and the analyst’s independent analysis of the sector.”

As May gave way to June, Yao’s volte-face looked increasingly shrewd. Shanghai and Beijing, by dint of unprecedented testing and surveillance measures, managed to contain their COVID outbreaks and were exiting lockdown. A parade of Chinese internet giants, including Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, and Baidu, announced better-than-expected quarterly financial results and raised their estimates for earnings for the rest of the year. On June 8, Beijing gave tech stocks a positive jolt by announcing the approval of 60 new online game licenses.

In recent weeks, there have been widespread media reports that regulators are on the verge of concluding their probe into data security violations at ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing, a move that would allow the company to resume normal business operations in China—and potentially move forward with plans to float shares in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, declines in U.S. and Europe markets in response to higher oil prices and aggressive interest rate hikes announced by the Federal Reserve and European central banks to combat inflation have helped China shares regain at least part of their lost luster. The Dow Jones industrial average has fallen 12% over the past three months, while the S&P 500 has slumped 16%. “To be underweight Chinese equities today is risky,” Vincent Mortier, Amundi’s chief investment officer declared in a May interview with Bloomberg.

For now, though, it seems clear that at least some global investors are tiptoeing back to Chinese equities. Morgan Stanley chief China equity strategist Laura Wang, who has been among the biggest skeptics of the idea of a China rally, says she’s not recommending clients load up on China shares yet. But in an interview with Bloomberg TV earlier June, she conceded that China stocks are looking more attractive and may be on the “last leg” of an extended bear market.



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