自年初以來,華爾街出現了大量有關經濟衰退的預測,從摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)CEO杰米·戴蒙到億萬富翁投資者卡爾·伊坎都發出了警告。除了這些末日預測,近四十年來最高的通脹水平,讓許多消費者感到悲觀。
密歇根大學(University of Michigan)評估的消費者信心在5月降至10年最低水平,而CNBC在4月調查發現,超過80%的美國人認為美國今年將發生經濟衰退。
席勒在2019年出版了一本書名為《敘事經濟學: 故事如何傳播并推動重大經濟事件》(Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events),講述了敘事如何驅動經濟走向。他還指出,美聯儲(Federal Reserve)未來激進的加息計劃是導致經濟衰退概率增加的關鍵因素。
太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.,Pimco)投資組合經理安東尼·克雷森齊在周二表示,美聯儲可以實現其目標。他表示,經濟軟著陸的可能性“很高”,而發生嚴重衰退的可能性“很低”。
瑞銀全球資產管理(UBS Global Wealth Management)首席投資官馬克·海菲勒也認同這種觀點。他在6月2日發表的一篇報告中表示“我們認為軟著陸的可能性依舊存在。”
但另一方面,富國銀行(Wells Fargo)CEO查理·沙爾夫在6月1日召開的一次會議上表示“在當前的環境下,經濟軟著陸的情境很難實現。”(財富中文網)
自年初以來,華爾街出現了大量有關經濟衰退的預測,從摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)CEO杰米·戴蒙到億萬富翁投資者卡爾·伊坎都發出了警告。除了這些末日預測,近四十年來最高的通脹水平,讓許多消費者感到悲觀。
密歇根大學(University of Michigan)評估的消費者信心在5月降至10年最低水平,而CNBC在4月調查發現,超過80%的美國人認為美國今年將發生經濟衰退。
席勒在2019年出版了一本書名為《敘事經濟學: 故事如何傳播并推動重大經濟事件》(Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events),講述了敘事如何驅動經濟走向。他還指出,美聯儲(Federal Reserve)未來激進的加息計劃是導致經濟衰退概率增加的關鍵因素。
太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.,Pimco)投資組合經理安東尼·克雷森齊在周二表示,美聯儲可以實現其目標。他表示,經濟軟著陸的可能性“很高”,而發生嚴重衰退的可能性“很低”。
瑞銀全球資產管理(UBS Global Wealth Management)首席投資官馬克·海菲勒也認同這種觀點。他在6月2日發表的一篇報告中表示“我們認為軟著陸的可能性依舊存在。”
但另一方面,富國銀行(Wells Fargo)CEO查理·沙爾夫在6月1日召開的一次會議上表示“在當前的環境下,經濟軟著陸的情境很難實現。”(財富中文網)
Yes, it’s yet another recession prediction. And, this time, the bearish outlook is coming from one of the most respected economists in the world.
Nobel laureate and Yale professor Robert Shiller said in a Bloomberg interview on Wednesday that he believes there is a “good chance” the U.S. will experience a recession sometime over the next few years.
The odds? A “much higher than normal” 50%, he noted.
While there are many reasons behind the increasing chances of an economic downturn, from inflation to the war in Ukraine, Shiller said that he believes a recession may become a “self-fulfilling prophecy” as consumers, investors, and companies prepare for the worst and slow down their spending.
“The fear can lead to the actuality,” the famed economist argued.
Recession predictions have flooded Wall Street to start the year, with everyone from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to billionaire investors like Carl Icahn sounding the alarm. The consistent doomsday forecasts coupled with nearly four-decade high inflation have many consumers feeling pessimistic.
Consumer confidence, as measured by the University of Michigan, fell to its lowest level in a decade in May, and an April CNBC survey found that more than 80% of Americans believe the U.S. will experience a recession this year.
Most economists are more optimistic, but Shiller said rising consumer prices are wreaking havoc on average Americans’ economic sentiment, even after the U.S. economy added 390,000 jobs in May.
“Inflation affects everyone,” he said. “Every time they go to the store they see inflation, and it makes them angry.”
On top of that, “stark” political polarization, “post-traumatic stress disorder” from the pandemic, and talk of a U.S. “housing bubble” are dampening consumers’ confidence in the economy, leading to increased odds of a recession, Shiller said.
A pessimistic consumer is likely to spend less, and since consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of U.S. GDP, Americans’ feelings about the economy can have a real effect on economic outcomes.
The soft landing debate
Shiller, who in 2019 wrote the book on how narratives can drive the economy, titled Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events, also noted that the Federal Reserve’s aggressive plan for interest rate hikes moving forward is a key factor in the increasing odds of a recession.
The central bank has already increased interest rates twice so far this year, and Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said that he plans to continue with rate hikes until there is “clear and convincing” evidence that consumer prices are cooling.
This could pose a risk to the economy, as securing a “soft landing”—where inflation comes down, but economic growth remains—is easier said than done when hiking rates by a half-point per Fed meeting.
Economists and Wall Street are split when it comes to the Fed’s odds of landing the economic plane and avoiding an outright recession.
Anthony Crescenzi, portfolio manager at Pacific Investment Management Co. (Pimco), argued on Tuesday that the central bank will be able to achieve its goals. The odds of a soft landing are “pretty good,” he said, while the odds of a deep recession are “pretty low.”
Mark Haefele, chief investment officer at UBS Global Wealth Management, agrees, writing in a June 2 note that “a soft landing remains possible in our view.”
“The picture is still consistent our view that inflation will decelerate but remain above central bank targets,” he wrote. “Economic growth should slow below-trend, but remain above zero, and markets will end the year higher.”
On the other side of the argument, Wells Fargo CEO, Charlie Scharf, said at a conference on June 1 that “the scenario of a soft landing is…extremely difficult to achieve in the environment that we’re in today.”