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明晟(MSCI Inc.)和富時羅素(FTSE Russell)將從廣泛追蹤指數中剔除俄羅斯股票,倫敦證券交易所(London Stock Exchange)也暫停了數十只俄羅斯存托憑證的交易,此舉將切斷俄羅斯股票與大部分投資基金行業的聯系。

MSCI表示,絕大多數市場參與者認為俄羅斯股市“不可投資”,并將于3月9日起從MSCI新興市場指數(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)中剔除俄羅斯證券。富時羅素將于3月7日以零值刪除在莫斯科交易所上市的俄羅斯成分股。與此同時,倫敦證券交易所集團的首席執行官戴維·施維默在3月3日接受彭博電視(Bloomberg Television)采訪時表示,倫敦證券交易所已經暫停28只俄羅斯公司存托憑證的交易。

對烏克蘭發起軍事行動后,俄羅斯的外匯儲備被凍結,其與國際市場的聯系正被切斷。同時,俄羅斯實施資本管制并禁止外國人在當地出售證券,封住了國際投資者的退路。俄羅斯還面臨新一輪打擊,例如買家避開俄羅斯石油出口,其債券被降為垃圾級,諸多公司比如殼牌公司(Shell Plc)紛紛撤離俄羅斯市場。

基金公司VanEck Associates Corp.的悉尼投資和資本市場負責人拉塞爾·切斯特稱:“我們無法出售手上的俄羅斯股票,甚至在開市的情況下,我們的經紀人也無法出售這些股票。這只會讓投資者的處境更加惡化。”


道瓊斯俄羅斯GDR指數(Dow Jones Russia GDR Index)在兩周內暴跌98%。該指數追蹤俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom PJSC)和俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行(Sberbank of Russia PJSC)等公司。

3月3日前,彭博還就全球股票指數中俄羅斯指數股的可投資性征求反饋意見。彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)是彭博新聞(Bloomberg News)和彭博指數服務有限公司(Bloomberg Index Services Ltd.)的母公司,后者負責管理指數業務。

與此同時,隨著歐盟、英國和美國對俄羅斯實施制裁,斯托克(Stoxx)表示將于3月18日收盤時從其指數中移除60多家俄羅斯公司。此外,標準普爾道瓊斯指數公司(S&P Dow Jones Indices)“正在與市場參與者進行磋商,討論將在俄羅斯上市和/或注冊地在俄羅斯的股票剔除的潛在行動”,包括在海外交易所交易的股票。


法國興業銀行(Societe Generale SA)駐倫敦的歐洲、中東和非洲策略師馬雷克·德里馬爾表示:“簡單來說,俄羅斯資產已經成為有毒資產,其在岸市場受到限制,基本上不可投資,而離岸市場則受到重創。事態發展速度令人難以置信。”


富時羅素表示正在評估制裁對俄羅斯債券的影響。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co)正在審查是否將部分俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和烏克蘭的債券納入其指數,而洲際交易所(Intercontinental Exchange Inc.)將移除受制裁的俄羅斯實體所發行的債券。

百達資產管理(日本)有限公司(Pictet Asset Management (Japan) Ltd.)高級投資組合經理松本博史指出:“部分基金可能最后會將其俄羅斯資產的賬面價值標記為零。”一旦投資者試圖出售俄羅斯債券,“可能會血本無歸。股票的情況可能也是如此。”

俄羅斯在彭博新興市場本幣指數(Bloomberg Emerging-Market Local Currency Index)中的權重為 1.85%,在摩根大通廣泛的新興市場債券指數(JPMorgan’s Emerging-Market Bond Index Plus)中的權重為2.22%。



新加坡瑞穗銀行(Mizuho Bank Ltd.)的經濟與戰略主管毗瑟努·維拉德翰表示,印度和中國可能是受益者。三星資產管理公司(Samsung Asset Management)的投資組合經理艾倫·理查森表示,資本流動或轉向印度尼西亞和馬來西亞,因為兩國以大宗商品為基礎的經濟與俄羅斯有相似之處。


東京信金資產管理公司(Shinkin Asset Management Co.)的首席基金經理藤原直樹說:“鑒于經濟不確定性和潛在的清算風險,將俄羅斯從主要指數中剔除對投資者來說將是一件好事。”(財富中文網)



明晟(MSCI Inc.)和富時羅素(FTSE Russell)將從廣泛追蹤指數中剔除俄羅斯股票,倫敦證券交易所(London Stock Exchange)也暫停了數十只俄羅斯存托憑證的交易,此舉將切斷俄羅斯股票與大部分投資基金行業的聯系。

MSCI表示,絕大多數市場參與者認為俄羅斯股市“不可投資”,并將于3月9日起從MSCI新興市場指數(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)中剔除俄羅斯證券。富時羅素將于3月7日以零值刪除在莫斯科交易所上市的俄羅斯成分股。與此同時,倫敦證券交易所集團的首席執行官戴維·施維默在3月3日接受彭博電視(Bloomberg Television)采訪時表示,倫敦證券交易所已經暫停28只俄羅斯公司存托憑證的交易。

對烏克蘭發起軍事行動后,俄羅斯的外匯儲備被凍結,其與國際市場的聯系正被切斷。同時,俄羅斯實施資本管制并禁止外國人在當地出售證券,封住了國際投資者的退路。俄羅斯還面臨新一輪打擊,例如買家避開俄羅斯石油出口,其債券被降為垃圾級,諸多公司比如殼牌公司(Shell Plc)紛紛撤離俄羅斯市場。

基金公司VanEck Associates Corp.的悉尼投資和資本市場負責人拉塞爾·切斯特稱:“我們無法出售手上的俄羅斯股票,甚至在開市的情況下,我們的經紀人也無法出售這些股票。這只會讓投資者的處境更加惡化。”


道瓊斯俄羅斯GDR指數(Dow Jones Russia GDR Index)在兩周內暴跌98%。該指數追蹤俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom PJSC)和俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行(Sberbank of Russia PJSC)等公司。

3月3日前,彭博還就全球股票指數中俄羅斯指數股的可投資性征求反饋意見。彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)是彭博新聞(Bloomberg News)和彭博指數服務有限公司(Bloomberg Index Services Ltd.)的母公司,后者負責管理指數業務。

與此同時,隨著歐盟、英國和美國對俄羅斯實施制裁,斯托克(Stoxx)表示將于3月18日收盤時從其指數中移除60多家俄羅斯公司。此外,標準普爾道瓊斯指數公司(S&P Dow Jones Indices)“正在與市場參與者進行磋商,討論將在俄羅斯上市和/或注冊地在俄羅斯的股票剔除的潛在行動”,包括在海外交易所交易的股票。


法國興業銀行(Societe Generale SA)駐倫敦的歐洲、中東和非洲策略師馬雷克·德里馬爾表示:“簡單來說,俄羅斯資產已經成為有毒資產,其在岸市場受到限制,基本上不可投資,而離岸市場則受到重創。事態發展速度令人難以置信。”


富時羅素表示正在評估制裁對俄羅斯債券的影響。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co)正在審查是否將部分俄羅斯、白俄羅斯和烏克蘭的債券納入其指數,而洲際交易所(Intercontinental Exchange Inc.)將移除受制裁的俄羅斯實體所發行的債券。

百達資產管理(日本)有限公司(Pictet Asset Management (Japan) Ltd.)高級投資組合經理松本博史指出:“部分基金可能最后會將其俄羅斯資產的賬面價值標記為零。”一旦投資者試圖出售俄羅斯債券,“可能會血本無歸。股票的情況可能也是如此。”

俄羅斯在彭博新興市場本幣指數(Bloomberg Emerging-Market Local Currency Index)中的權重為 1.85%,在摩根大通廣泛的新興市場債券指數(JPMorgan’s Emerging-Market Bond Index Plus)中的權重為2.22%。



新加坡瑞穗銀行(Mizuho Bank Ltd.)的經濟與戰略主管毗瑟努·維拉德翰表示,印度和中國可能是受益者。三星資產管理公司(Samsung Asset Management)的投資組合經理艾倫·理查森表示,資本流動或轉向印度尼西亞和馬來西亞,因為兩國以大宗商品為基礎的經濟與俄羅斯有相似之處。


東京信金資產管理公司(Shinkin Asset Management Co.)的首席基金經理藤原直樹說:“鑒于經濟不確定性和潛在的清算風險,將俄羅斯從主要指數中剔除對投資者來說將是一件好事。”(財富中文網)



MSCI Inc. and FTSE Russell are cutting Russian equities from widely-tracked indexes, while the London Stock Exchange suspends dozens of Russian depositary receipts from trading, isolating the stocks from a large segment of the investment-fund industry.

An overwhelming majority of market participants see the Russian market as “uninvestable” and its securities will be removed from emerging markets indexes effective March 9, MSCI said. FTSE Russell will delete Russia constituents listed on the Moscow Exchange at a zero value on March 7. Meanwhile, trading in 28 depositary receipts for Russian companies have been suspended on the LSE, Chief Executive Officer David Schwimmer said in an interview with Bloomberg Television on March 3.

Russia’s links with global markets are getting cut with its foreign reserves frozen after it invaded Ukraine, while Moscow’s capital controls and a ban on foreigners selling securities locally have shut the exit for international investors. The latest blow comes as buyers shun Russian oil exports, while its bonds get cut to junk status and companies including Shell Plc pull out.

“We can’t sell our Russian stocks,” said Russel Chesler, head of investments and capital markets at fund manager VanEck Associates Corp. in Sydney. “Even last week our brokers wouldn’t sell them when the markets were open, and this will just deteriorate things further for investors.”

The London Stock Exchange’s move to suspend Russian depositary receipts is “in connection with events in Ukraine, in light of market conditions, and in order to maintain orderly markets,” LSE said in a statement. It also noted that less than 1% of its total income comes from operations in Russia and Ukraine.

The Dow Jones Russia GDR Index, which tracks companies like Gazprom PJSC and Sberbank of Russia PJSC, has plunged 98% in two weeks.

Bloomberg is also seeking feedback on the invest ability of Russian index members in global equity gauges by March 3. Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, is the parent company of Bloomberg Index Services Ltd., which administers these indexes.

Meanwhile, Stoxx Ltd. said it will delete Russian companies from its indexes following the sanctions from the European Union, the U.K. and the U.S. More than 60 constituents will be deleted from its index universe at the close on March 18. Also, S&P Dow Jones Indices “is conducting a consultation with market participants on the potential removal of stocks listed and/or domiciled in Russia,” including those that trade on exchanges abroad.

While Moscow has kept its stock market closed since February 28, foreign-listed shares in Russian companies plunged this week. To support its market, the country announced on March 1 that it will deploy up to $10 billion from its sovereign wealth fund to buy up equities.

“Russian assets have become toxic, for a lack of better expression,” said Marek Drimal, a strategist covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Societe Generale SA in London. “Onshore markets are barricaded and basically uninvestable, while offshore markets have been hammered. The speed of events as they are happening is just mind-boggling.”

The expulsion of Russian bonds from indexes could be next, with billions of dollars left in limbo less than one week after the invasion.

FTSE Russell said it’s evaluating the impact of sanctions on the nation’s bonds. JPMorgan Chase & Co. is reviewing the inclusion of some debt from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in its indexes while Intercontinental Exchange Inc. will remove those issued by sanctioned Russian entities.

“Some funds may end up marking their book value for Russian assets as zero,” said Hiroshi Matsumoto, senior client portfolio manager at Pictet Asset Management (Japan) Ltd. Once investors try to sell Russian bonds they will “probably have close to no value and it’ll probably be the same for stocks.”

Russia has a weighting of 1.85% in the Bloomberg Emerging-Market Local Currency Index, and makes up 2.22% in JPMorgan’s Emerging-Market Bond Index Plus.

India and China

Russia’s removal from key equity gauges means other emerging markets may benefit from fresh inflows.

India and China could be beneficiaries, according to Vishnu Varathan, head of economics and strategy Mizuho Bank Ltd. in Singapore. Alan Richardson, a portfolio manager at Samsung Asset Management, said capital flows may pivot to Indonesia and Malaysia, which share similarities to Russia in terms of their commodity-based economies.

Russia had a 1.5% weighting in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, and 1.3% for FTSE Russell’s comparable gauge, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“The removal of Russia from key indexes will be a positive thing for investors given the uncertainty surrounding the economy and potential settlement risks,” said Naoki Fujiwara, chief fund manager at Shinkin Asset Management Co.



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