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在美國佛羅里達州桑福德的桑福德公民中心(Sanford Civic Center),一名女孩準備接種新冠疫苗。圖片來源:PHOTO BY PAUL HENNESSY/SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES






許多新冠肺炎患者康復后,會出現最初患病時沒有的長期癥狀,被稱為“長期新冠癥狀”(long COVID)。我們認為,新近感染者的癥狀將會變得更輕,同時對長期新冠癥狀的臨床表現、治療和預后的了解也會進一步加深。但遺憾的是,長期新冠癥狀很可能是一種復發緩解型的慢性病,沒有特別有效的治療方法。




雖然在2021年,醫療保健IT領域的 IPO數量和籌資規模都創下了最高紀錄,但我們認為,2022年將會有更多IPO問世,而且上市后表現更佳。另一方面,2022年的治療類IPO市場將大幅降溫。


傳統投資者和連鎖藥店將加速轉型,進入供應商領域。2021年,連鎖藥店沃爾格林(Walgreens)向醫療保健公司VillageMD投資52億美元,并宣布其計劃增建500至700家診所門店。我們預計,沃爾格林、連鎖藥房集團CVS、連鎖藥店來德愛(RiteAid)和布魯斯(the Blues)等醫療保健供應商,甚至沃爾瑪(Walmart),都將進行更多的投資和并購。雖然有些人可能會說,這只是在抄健康管理公司Optum在過去十年中的作業,但我們認為,在2022年,許多專家級的從業機構會參與大部分的轉型活動,轉型并不會僅涉及基層醫療服務。



6. 2022年數字醫療領域的并購規模和市值將翻一番

醫療保健一直都是一個巨大的市場,而且現在市場已經夠成熟,該進行一些動蕩重組了。盡管美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)極度反對并購,但由于去年大多數投資者和科技公司的利潤和股價都出現了史上新高,并購現象只會愈演愈烈。新冠疫情改變了人們的行為方式,有利于許多數字醫療公司的發展,現在很多公司的高額營收和大規模增長都足以使其成為合格的并購者。然而也有大量醫療保健IT領域的初創公司營收滯于2000萬美元到5000萬美元之間,表現不是非常理想,它們最終將選擇將自己并入更大的公司。

7. 治療阿爾茨海默癥的藥物Aduhelm的年銷售額將低于5000萬美元


8. 允許墮胎將成為州政策,而不會成為聯邦政策

關于墮胎政策的制定,2022年是關鍵的一年。美國最高法院(Supreme Court)很可能會支持密西西比州對羅伊訴韋德案的質疑,并裁定各州可以制定自己的墮胎政策。我們認為,最高法院不會允許得克薩斯州實行私人執法機制,但會讓得克薩斯州提交關于“禁止女性在懷孕6周后墮胎”的可行性報告。因為各州的墮胎政策都大不相同,整個國家的政策也缺乏一致性,各方將出現強烈反應。

9. 醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心將改變風險調整規則

美國聯邦醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)正在加大審計力度和風險調整規則的執行力度,這些規則旨在激勵聯邦醫療優惠計劃關注病情較重的病人。例如,該中心最近起訴了凱撒醫療(Kaiser),宣稱其超付款達到10億美元。盡管風險調整是一種關鍵措施,但越來越多的人擔心這種做法是孤注一擲的,且會導致超付款。我們期待著美國聯邦醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心啟動研發工作,建立更好的風險調整模型。

10. Illumina公司將迎來DNA測序領域的真正競爭

Ilumina在全球DNA測序市場占有80%的份額。其在價格和產品性能上都將遇到真正的競爭,市場優勢地位將開始動搖。在基因長讀測序和微生物等細分市場方面,Pacific Biosciences公司和Oxford Nanopore公司等開始崛起;更大范圍內的普通市場中,Ilumina也將遭遇競爭對手,比如華大基因和其他一些即將進入市場角逐的新企業。



我們一直認為,如果哪家大型科技公司可以在醫療領域做出點成績,那一定是亞馬遜。蘋果(Apple)的產品還將僅保持在健康娛樂消費品的水準上,實際上并沒有任何醫療用途。我們對大型科技公司的表現仍然總體保持悲觀,它們從不了解醫療保健需求,也不知道激勵機制如何運轉。除了向制藥公司出售數據能夠賺錢,其他的動作都仍舊是拿巨額資金打水漂。它們最大的一項成功將會是蘋果手表(Apple Watch),可以半精確地測量一些健康數據和特征,那些喜歡摳健康數據的人能夠拿著它去找醫生的麻煩。




本文作者鮑勃·科克(Bob Kocher)和布萊恩·羅伯茨(Bryan Roberts)是衛生和健康領域的風投專家,供職于風投公司Venrock。







許多新冠肺炎患者康復后,會出現最初患病時沒有的長期癥狀,被稱為“長期新冠癥狀”(long COVID)。我們認為,新近感染者的癥狀將會變得更輕,同時對長期新冠癥狀的臨床表現、治療和預后的了解也會進一步加深。但遺憾的是,長期新冠癥狀很可能是一種復發緩解型的慢性病,沒有特別有效的治療方法。




雖然在2021年,醫療保健IT領域的 IPO數量和籌資規模都創下了最高紀錄,但我們認為,2022年將會有更多IPO問世,而且上市后表現更佳。另一方面,2022年的治療類IPO市場將大幅降溫。


傳統投資者和連鎖藥店將加速轉型,進入供應商領域。2021年,連鎖藥店沃爾格林(Walgreens)向醫療保健公司VillageMD投資52億美元,并宣布其計劃增建500至700家診所門店。我們預計,沃爾格林、連鎖藥房集團CVS、連鎖藥店來德愛(RiteAid)和布魯斯(the Blues)等醫療保健供應商,甚至沃爾瑪(Walmart),都將進行更多的投資和并購。雖然有些人可能會說,這只是在抄健康管理公司Optum在過去十年中的作業,但我們認為,在2022年,許多專家級的從業機構會參與大部分的轉型活動,轉型并不會僅涉及基層醫療服務。



6. 2022年數字醫療領域的并購規模和市值將翻一番

醫療保健一直都是一個巨大的市場,而且現在市場已經夠成熟,該進行一些動蕩重組了。盡管美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)極度反對并購,但由于去年大多數投資者和科技公司的利潤和股價都出現了史上新高,并購現象只會愈演愈烈。新冠疫情改變了人們的行為方式,有利于許多數字醫療公司的發展,現在很多公司的高額營收和大規模增長都足以使其成為合格的并購者。然而也有大量醫療保健IT領域的初創公司營收滯于2000萬美元到5000萬美元之間,表現不是非常理想,它們最終將選擇將自己并入更大的公司。

7. 治療阿爾茨海默癥的藥物Aduhelm的年銷售額將低于5000萬美元


8. 允許墮胎將成為州政策,而不會成為聯邦政策

關于墮胎政策的制定,2022年是關鍵的一年。美國最高法院(Supreme Court)很可能會支持密西西比州對羅伊訴韋德案的質疑,并裁定各州可以制定自己的墮胎政策。我們認為,最高法院不會允許得克薩斯州實行私人執法機制,但會讓得克薩斯州提交關于“禁止女性在懷孕6周后墮胎”的可行性報告。因為各州的墮胎政策都大不相同,整個國家的政策也缺乏一致性,各方將出現強烈反應。

9. 醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心將改變風險調整規則

美國聯邦醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)正在加大審計力度和風險調整規則的執行力度,這些規則旨在激勵聯邦醫療優惠計劃關注病情較重的病人。例如,該中心最近起訴了凱撒醫療(Kaiser),宣稱其超付款達到10億美元。盡管風險調整是一種關鍵措施,但越來越多的人擔心這種做法是孤注一擲的,且會導致超付款。我們期待著美國聯邦醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心啟動研發工作,建立更好的風險調整模型。

10. Illumina公司將迎來DNA測序領域的真正競爭

Ilumina在全球DNA測序市場占有80%的份額。其在價格和產品性能上都將遇到真正的競爭,市場優勢地位將開始動搖。在基因長讀測序和微生物等細分市場方面,Pacific Biosciences公司和Oxford Nanopore公司等開始崛起;更大范圍內的普通市場中,Ilumina也將遭遇競爭對手,比如華大基因和其他一些即將進入市場角逐的新企業。



我們一直認為,如果哪家大型科技公司可以在醫療領域做出點成績,那一定是亞馬遜。蘋果(Apple)的產品還將僅保持在健康娛樂消費品的水準上,實際上并沒有任何醫療用途。我們對大型科技公司的表現仍然總體保持悲觀,它們從不了解醫療保健需求,也不知道激勵機制如何運轉。除了向制藥公司出售數據能夠賺錢,其他的動作都仍舊是拿巨額資金打水漂。它們最大的一項成功將會是蘋果手表(Apple Watch),可以半精確地測量一些健康數據和特征,那些喜歡摳健康數據的人能夠拿著它去找醫生的麻煩。




本文作者鮑勃·科克(Bob Kocher)和布萊恩·羅伯茨(Bryan Roberts)是衛生和健康領域的風投專家,供職于風投公司Venrock。


We are back to prediction making once again, and here is the first: 2022 will be a year to look forward to. We hope that 2022 will be the year we go from thinking about COVID-19 every single day, to one when we can once again turn our compulsive worries to more mundane things, at least by the end of the year.

Before elaborating on our health care predictions for 2022, let’s look back and see how we did in 2021. Not to brag, but…we crushed it with our 2021 predictions. (Longtime readers will recall years when our forecasts were solid F material.) By our scoring, we got eight out of 10 correct. Okay, that is technically only a B, but quite an improvement from 2020’s two out of 10.

The only thing we got totally wrong was our prediction that Amazon’s retail pharmacy would gain traction. (We still have hope…it should work.) We gave ourselves partial credit for two other predictions: that confidence (and independence) would be restored at the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and that virtual care for Medicare patients would take off. We think Rochelle Walensky is off to a good start at the CDC. We love Rob Califf at the FDA too, but why did it take so long to appoint him? And while there are new startups offering virtual primary care like Heyday Health and Patina, we are surprised by how rapidly care has reverted to in-person, both among Medicare Advantage groups like ChenMed and Oak Street and in the legacy brick-and-mortar health systems.

Now let’s look forward. Here we offer 10 predictions for what will happen in the world of health care over the next 12 months:

1. Long COVID will be recognized as a chronic disease

While we think new COVID-19 infections are going to get much better, we also think that we will gain a much better understanding about symptoms, treatments, and prognosis for the syndrome called long COVID. Sadly, we think that long COVID is likely to be a chronic disease with relapsing and remitting characteristics with no great treatments.

2. COVID will become endemic, and COVID-19 deaths will fall by 80% in the U.S.

We are hopeful that the COVID-19 situation will get much better in the U.S. in 2022. With very effective vaccines, sufficient supply, effective booster programs, employer mandates, and the expansion of eligibility to kids age 5 and above, we should have a population with lots of antibody-mediated protection. Unfortunately, we will have persistent pockets of susceptible people and a virus that mutates often enough that eradication seems super unlikely (hello, Omicron). But COVID-19 will have a much harder time spreading, and effective new treatments will lead to dramatic reductions in deaths in 2022. We expect daily COVID deaths to drop from about 1,200 per day at the end of 2021 to fewer than 200 per day by the end of 2022.

3. Digital health IPOs will do even better than in 2021

While 2021 was a record year for the number of HCIT IPOs and dollars raised, we think that the 2022 class will both be larger in number and perform better post-offering. On the flip side (as a bonus prediction), we think that the therapeutics IPO market will cool substantially in 2022.

4. More payers will try to become providers

We think that there will be an acceleration of legacy payers and pharmacy chains moving into the provider space. In 2021, Walgreens made a $5.2 billion investment in VillageMD and announced plans to add 500 to 700 clinics. We expect more investments and M&A of health care providers by the likes of Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid, and the Blues, maybe even Walmart. While some may say this is just playing catch-up to Optum’s playbook of the last decade, we think a 2022 twist will be that much of the activity will also include specialists instead of just primary-care doctors.

5. Failing is not a crime, but fraud is: Elizabeth Holmes will be convicted

While Elizabeth Holmes’s lawyers are arguing that a startup failing is not a crime, we think the prosecution will succeed at convincing the jury that Holmes committed fraud at Theranos. Moreover, we think that she will serve time in jail despite efforts to persuade the judge that as a new mother, she should serve only probation at home. In all honesty, both sides—management and investors—in the Theranos saga deserve an F.

6. Digital health M&A volume and value will double in 2022

Health care remains, and is now being recognized as, an enormous market, ripe for disruption. Combine that with record profits and stock prices at most payers and technology companies over the last year and we believe there will be even more M&A, despite a dramatically hostile Federal Trade Commission. With COVID-19 and its attendant behavior changes providing a tailwind to many digital health companies, there are now a large number of companies that have enough revenue and growth to be attractive M&A candidates. On the less successful side, there are also a ton of HCIT point solution startups, and these companies, finding themselves stuck as $20 million to $50 million revenue businesses, will ultimately choose to be folded into larger platforms.

7. Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm will fail to surpass $50 million in 2022 sales

The prelaunch analyst consensus for Aduhelm peak sales was $9 billion annually. Postlaunch, Aduhelm is off to a stunningly bad start, reporting only $300,000 in sales in the third quarter of 2021. We do not think things will get better for Aduhelm next year, making it an even bigger flop than PCSK9 inhibitors for cholesterol; all told, Aduhelm might see $50 million in 2022 sales.

8. Abortion rights will become state-based rather than federal policy

We think 2022 will be a momentous year for abortion. We think it is likely that the Supreme Court will uphold the Mississippi challenge to Roe v. Wade and rule that states can enact their own abortion policies. We think the court will not allow Texas’s citizen enforcement mechanism but will allow Texas to define viability at six weeks. This will lead to a patchwork of very different state policies and trigger strong reactions from all sides.

9. Changes will come to Medicare Advantage risk adjustment

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are putting more effort into audits and enforcement of its risk adjustment rules, which are designed to incentivize Medicare Advantage to care for sicker patients. As only one of many examples, the centers recently sued Kaiser, alleging $1 billion in overpayments. While risk adjustment is a critical tool, there is growing concern that the current approach is gameable and leads to overpayments. We expect Medicare to kick off R&D efforts to build better risk adjustment models.

10. Illumina will face real competition in DNA sequencing for the first time ever

Ilumina holds about an 80% market share in DNA sequencing globally. We expect the first viable competition, on both a price and performance basis, to begin to erode Illumina’s advantage. This will be true not only in niche markets—for example, long read and microbial—where companies like Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore are becoming competitive, but also in larger, more general markets, where rivals include BGI and a number of soon-to-launch new entrants.

We also want to re-up two of our past predictions in a new category: perennial predictions. It remains to be determined if we will use these for grade inflation purposes—check back here in a year when we see how we did.

Evergreen prediction No. 1: Big Tech will continue to be terrible at health care

We still believe that if anyone makes this work, it will be Amazon; Apple will simply be consumer-grade health entertainment and not actually medically useful. But we now revert to our bearish core belief that Big Tech just doesn’t understand how health care demand and incentives work. Outside of selling data to pharma, we think Big Tech will continue to waste prodigious amounts of money, and its greatest success will be that the Apple Watch can semi-accurately measure some biometrics for metric-needy people to bother their doctors with.

Evergreen prediction No. 2: Nothing will happen on drug pricing

Donald Trump tried and failed. Joe Biden tried and failed. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation may try and will fail. We do not think anything or anyone is going to meaningfully challenge high drug prices in the U.S. in 2022. We think Americans are going to be too appreciative of their COVID-19 vaccines and new therapeutics to make cutting drug prices popular enough. We think it is much more likely that Congress addresses drug pricing by capping out-of-pocket spending for seniors, and that will be the extent of any reforms.

We look forward to reporting back to you in a year. In the meantime, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season and 2022.

Bob Kocher and Bryan Roberts are partners at the venture capital firm Venrock, where they invest in health care businesses.



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