根據皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一項研究,2021年第三季度,美國的年通脹率在受調查的46個國家中高居第八位。從2019年第三季度到今年同期,美國的通脹增幅也位居第三位,達到3.58個百分點。這一增幅僅次于巴西和土耳其,這兩個國家均為欠發達經濟體,通脹率通常都高于美國。
今年感恩節前夕,食品價格全面上漲,美國人備受通脹的影響,尤其是貧困群體。根據聯合國糧食及農業組織(United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization)的數據,全球糧食價格正在達到幾十年來的最高水平。至于半導體芯片、天然氣等其他商品,供應鏈問題也使情況雪上加霜,供不應求導致價格飆漲。
許多美國人似乎都將此歸咎于拜登,他的支持率在各個搖擺州都處于低位。他自己也將解決物價上漲問題列為關鍵議題,正在加倍努力緩解供應鏈問題,釋放石油儲備,并提名杰羅姆·鮑威爾連任美聯儲(Federal Reserve)的主席。
根據皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一項研究,2021年第三季度,美國的年通脹率在受調查的46個國家中高居第八位。從2019年第三季度到今年同期,美國的通脹增幅也位居第三位,達到3.58個百分點。這一增幅僅次于巴西和土耳其,這兩個國家均為欠發達經濟體,通脹率通常都高于美國。
今年感恩節前夕,食品價格全面上漲,美國人備受通脹的影響,尤其是貧困群體。根據聯合國糧食及農業組織(United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization)的數據,全球糧食價格正在達到幾十年來的最高水平。至于半導體芯片、天然氣等其他商品,供應鏈問題也使情況雪上加霜,供不應求導致價格飆漲。
許多美國人似乎都將此歸咎于拜登,他的支持率在各個搖擺州都處于低位。他自己也將解決物價上漲問題列為關鍵議題,正在加倍努力緩解供應鏈問題,釋放石油儲備,并提名杰羅姆·鮑威爾連任美聯儲(Federal Reserve)的主席。
Inflation has taken its toll on much of the world recently, but the United States has stood out as one of the most affected in the last few months.
With a 6.2% annual inflation rate in October, the U.S. is now seeing prices increase at the highest rate in more than 30 years.
According to a study by Pew Research Center, in the third quarter of 2021, the country had the eighth-highest annual inflation rate among 46 countries that were examined. The U.S. also had the third-highest increase in inflation, 3.58 percentage points, between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year. It trailed only Brazil and Turkey, both of which have less-developed economies that generally struggle with higher inflation rates more than the U.S.
Americans, especially the poor, have struggled with the effects of inflation as food prices have increased across the board in the run-up to Thanksgiving. Food prices globally are reaching their highest rates in decades, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. When it comes to other goods, such as semiconductor chips and natural gas, supply chain issues have also worsened the situation, sending prices higher as supply struggles to keep up with demand.
As prices continue to rise, inflation has become a political problem for President Joe Biden. According to the polling company Gallup, 26% of Americans say an economic concern such as unemployment, inflation, or the economy in general is the country’s top problem. Seven percent specifically pointed to inflation as the nation’s most pressing issue.
Many Americans appear to blame President Biden, whose approval rating is underwater in every battleground state. He in turn has made tackling price increases a key part of his agenda, doubling down on efforts to ease supply chain problems, releasing oil reserves, and nominating Jerome Powell to a second term as chair of the Federal Reserve.
Still, despite being an inflation "leader", the U.S. is far from the only developed economy being affected by it. Both New Zealand and Spain saw inflation rates increase more than 2 percentage points between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year.