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后來,約翰遜在2018年創辦了線上服裝和生活方式品牌Bitter Grace,之后又在華盛頓特區的國會山街區開設了公司的第一家旗艦店。

約翰遜特意選擇銷售各種可持續產品,目的是通過為顧客提供一個舒適、包容的環境,幫助顧客重新建立自我形象和培養社區意識。公司將10%的銷售額捐贈給了一家致力于幫助家庭暴力和侵害幸存者的非營利組織Women’s HQ。

最近,《財富》雜志就Bitter Grace的前期經營狀況和未來規劃獨家對話其創始人安妮-瑪麗·約翰遜。

Bitter Grace創始人安妮-瑪麗·約翰遜。圖片來源:Bitter Grace


《財富》雜志:能否簡單介紹一下你在創立Bitter Grace之前的職業背景?


什么原因促使你創立自己的品牌?Bitter Grace背后的靈感來源是什么?


目前,Bitter Grace正踐行這一承諾以及兩大主要支柱理念——社區和可持續性,得益于這兩大理念,我們才能圓滿完成使命。誠信與真實是我們的主要核心價值觀之一,也是我們為了讓世界更加美好所采取的每一個決定和行動背后的驅動力。我們的Inner Elegance社區平臺有助于提升自我形象、強化獨立和個性化的造型體驗,通過這個平臺我們幫助女性激發自身力量、享受具有無限可能性的生活,讓她們變得更加勇敢和自信。

Bitter Grace最新發布的可持續運動休閑系列。Bitter Grace總部位于華盛頓特區,是一個由女性和有色人種經營的服裝和生活方式品牌。

圖片由Bitter Grace提供

一開始Bitter Grace只做線上業務,去年開設第一家店面后轉向實體店經營。拋開實體店經營狀況不談,為什么會朝著這個方向發展?此外,2020年疫情期間,國家鼓勵消費者待在家里減少外出購物,在這種情況下開設一家實體店是什么感受?

我認為我們需要創造更多空間,激勵人們做更多事情、享受多樣化生活;雖然我們的才華時常被埋沒,但我們每一個人都有獨一無二的非凡天賦,能夠在這個世界上發揮作用、作出積極改變并產生影響。在我為我們的實體店空間簽訂租約之前,我內心已經有了一個想法,那就是創造和建設一個培養內在美和社區意識的空間,這個誘人的空間提醒著人們,只要敢信,一切皆有可能。Bitter Grace就是一個兼容并包的空間,這個空間能夠培養和建立有意義的聯系,從而推動我們進步。

但是創業絕不是易事,尤其是在疫情期間,我們面臨更多的復雜性和挑戰,開設旗艦店是我做過的最佳決定。我堅信,我們應該在恰當的時間吸引合適的消費者并抓住機遇。2020年10月中旬我們開設了旗艦店,有很多值得慶祝和感激的事情,在不到三個月時間內我們創造了超過5萬美元的收入(不包括網店的銷售額)。旗艦店的開設為我們奠定了基礎,使我們能夠持續經營到2021年,并建立一個有機、真實的顧客群。目前我們的顧客群仍在不斷發展壯大。以旗艦店為立足點,我們建立了與我們的使命和價值觀相契合的適當伙伴關系,建設了人才隊伍,并有機會啟動了我們的第一個產品系列的開發創意過程。我們的可持續運動休閑裝膠囊系列“每日典雅”(“Elevated Every Day”)于9月7日首發。

“每日典雅”運動休閑系列是在加州研發和以可持續方式制作的,這個系列有很多必不可少的百搭小法寶,幫你輕松度過多個季節。圖片來源:Bitter Grace

Bitter Grace最近推出了運動休閑產品線。早在疫情前幾年,有人可能認為運動休閑只不過是經濟大衰退之后的曇花一現而已。但隨著很多人經歷了居家辦公的巨大轉變之后,似乎這種風格還會持續下去。你為什么認為消費者會青睞于運動休閑風格?


我們的單品自始至終都經過精心研發和制作,采用親膚又環保的優質柔軟面料。這些單品不單是你每日要穿的黑色瑜伽褲;而是代表典雅的穿衣風格,適合任何場合,時隔多年也不會過時。在Bitter Grace,我們提倡可持續生活,鼓勵顧客把錢花在讓他們感到愉悅舒適的單品,以及能與他們一同進步、伴他們一生的單品。

展望未來,五年后你想看到Bitter Grace發展成什么樣?你想如何發展品牌和產品線?

Bitter Grace始終以信念和宗旨為行動指南,現在我已經看到它獲得了很大的發展和進步,我非常期待它未來的發展。我對它的未來非常樂觀。我們正在初步擴大產品系列,希望明年能夠推出新的系列。我的目標是慢慢擴大產品系列,保證更具包容性和可持續性。我還想為Bitter Grace設立多個門店,以便我們能夠持續拓展業務范圍,讓世界變得更加宜居。(財富中文網)





后來,約翰遜在2018年創辦了線上服裝和生活方式品牌Bitter Grace,之后又在華盛頓特區的國會山街區開設了公司的第一家旗艦店。

約翰遜特意選擇銷售各種可持續產品,目的是通過為顧客提供一個舒適、包容的環境,幫助顧客重新建立自我形象和培養社區意識。公司將10%的銷售額捐贈給了一家致力于幫助家庭暴力和侵害幸存者的非營利組織Women’s HQ。

最近,《財富》雜志就Bitter Grace的前期經營狀況和未來規劃獨家對話其創始人安妮-瑪麗·約翰遜。


《財富》雜志:能否簡單介紹一下你在創立Bitter Grace之前的職業背景?


什么原因促使你創立自己的品牌?Bitter Grace背后的靈感來源是什么?


目前,Bitter Grace正踐行這一承諾以及兩大主要支柱理念——社區和可持續性,得益于這兩大理念,我們才能圓滿完成使命。誠信與真實是我們的主要核心價值觀之一,也是我們為了讓世界更加美好所采取的每一個決定和行動背后的驅動力。我們的Inner Elegance社區平臺有助于提升自我形象、強化獨立和個性化的造型體驗,通過這個平臺我們幫助女性激發自身力量、享受具有無限可能性的生活,讓她們變得更加勇敢和自信。

Bitter Grace最新發布的可持續運動休閑系列。Bitter Grace總部位于華盛頓特區,是一個由女性和有色人種經營的服裝和生活方式品牌。

圖片由Bitter Grace提供

一開始Bitter Grace只做線上業務,去年開設第一家店面后轉向實體店經營。拋開實體店經營狀況不談,為什么會朝著這個方向發展?此外,2020年疫情期間,國家鼓勵消費者待在家里減少外出購物,在這種情況下開設一家實體店是什么感受?

我認為我們需要創造更多空間,激勵人們做更多事情、享受多樣化生活;雖然我們的才華時常被埋沒,但我們每一個人都有獨一無二的非凡天賦,能夠在這個世界上發揮作用、作出積極改變并產生影響。在我為我們的實體店空間簽訂租約之前,我內心已經有了一個想法,那就是創造和建設一個培養內在美和社區意識的空間,這個誘人的空間提醒著人們,只要敢信,一切皆有可能。Bitter Grace就是一個兼容并包的空間,這個空間能夠培養和建立有意義的聯系,從而推動我們進步。

但是創業絕不是易事,尤其是在疫情期間,我們面臨更多的復雜性和挑戰,開設旗艦店是我做過的最佳決定。我堅信,我們應該在恰當的時間吸引合適的消費者并抓住機遇。2020年10月中旬我們開設了旗艦店,有很多值得慶祝和感激的事情,在不到三個月時間內我們創造了超過5萬美元的收入(不包括網店的銷售額)。旗艦店的開設為我們奠定了基礎,使我們能夠持續經營到2021年,并建立一個有機、真實的顧客群。目前我們的顧客群仍在不斷發展壯大。以旗艦店為立足點,我們建立了與我們的使命和價值觀相契合的適當伙伴關系,建設了人才隊伍,并有機會啟動了我們的第一個產品系列的開發創意過程。我們的可持續運動休閑裝膠囊系列“每日典雅”(“Elevated Every Day”)于9月7日首發。

Bitter Grace最近推出了運動休閑產品線。早在疫情前幾年,有人可能認為運動休閑只不過是經濟大衰退之后的曇花一現而已。但隨著很多人經歷了居家辦公的巨大轉變之后,似乎這種風格還會持續下去。你為什么認為消費者會青睞于運動休閑風格?


我們的單品自始至終都經過精心研發和制作,采用親膚又環保的優質柔軟面料。這些單品不單是你每日要穿的黑色瑜伽褲;而是代表典雅的穿衣風格,適合任何場合,時隔多年也不會過時。在Bitter Grace,我們提倡可持續生活,鼓勵顧客把錢花在讓他們感到愉悅舒適的單品,以及能與他們一同進步、伴他們一生的單品。

展望未來,五年后你想看到Bitter Grace發展成什么樣?你想如何發展品牌和產品線?

Bitter Grace始終以信念和宗旨為行動指南,現在我已經看到它獲得了很大的發展和進步,我非常期待它未來的發展。我對它的未來非常樂觀。我們正在初步擴大產品系列,希望明年能夠推出新的系列。我的目標是慢慢擴大產品系列,保證更具包容性和可持續性。我還想為Bitter Grace設立多個門店,以便我們能夠持續拓展業務范圍,讓世界變得更加宜居。(財富中文網)



After moving to the Washington, D.C., area from the Philippines in 1996, Anne Marie Johnson experienced a variety of hardships. Emotional and physical trauma left her with feelings of unworthiness, wrecking her self-image for many years.

Through a lot of work on self-rediscovery, Johnson found healing and purpose by helping other women, often by sharing her own story, which she found to be both liberating and empowering, coming to the realization that "through bitterness comes grace."

Johnson subsequently opened Bitter Grace in 2018 as an online-only clothing and lifestyle brand, followed by the opening of the company's first flagship store in D.C.'s Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Johnson intentionally selects every sustainable product carried, with the intent of assisting customers rebuild their self-image and foster a sense of community by offering a welcoming and inclusive environment. And 10% of sales are donated to Women’s HQ, a nonprofit working with survivors of domestic violence and assault.

Fortune recently spoke with founder Anne Marie Johnson about Bitter Grace's first few years in business and plans for its future.

The following interview has been condensed and lightly edited for clarity.

Fortune: Can you share a bit about your professional background prior to launching Bitter Grace?

Johnson: I was a certified project manager for a software company in Maryland for six years. And before that, I was in government consulting and worked at the White House and State Department while I was in graduate school in 2012.

What prompted you to start your own label? What's the inspiration behind Bitter Grace?

I've always had a desire to use fashion as a medium to unite women of all walks of life, to use clothing as a way to remind women of their unique gifts, and the innate beauty and power they can offer to the world. After our self-care retreat in Washington, D.C., in 2019, I realized that it was important to build a company beyond clothing; a holistic and lifestyle approach that helps us align our external self (the person we show to the world) with our inner self (the person we envision ourselves to be) in order to be our most authentic and magnetic selves.

Bitter Grace today represents this commitment, along with two other main pillars—community and sustainability—that bring our mission to full circle. Integrity and authenticity are some of our primary core values that are driving forces behind every decision and action we take to make the world a better place for the collective. Through our Inner Elegance community platform that helps elevate the self-image and our unique and personalized styling experiences, we help women feel bolder and more confident to step into their power and live a life of limitless possibilities.

The newly launched sustainable athleisure collection by Bitter Grace, a D.C.-based, woman- and POC-owned clothing and lifestyle brand.

Courtesy of Bitter Grace

Bitter Grace started out as an online-only operation, and then shifted toward brick-and-mortar with the first store opening last year. Why the progression in that direction—let alone to bricks and mortar at all anymore? Also, what was it like opening a brick-and-mortar location in 2020 as so many consumers were encouraged to stay home amid the pandemic?

I believe we need to create more spaces that inspire people to do more and be more; each of us has incredible and unique gifts—oftentimes, untapped talents—to serve, to create positive change, and be impactful in this world. Before I signed the lease for our space, I already had an inner knowing to create and build a space that fosters beauty and community, an inviting space that reminds people that anything is possible if you believe it. Bitter Grace is an inclusive space for everyone, a space to forge and build meaningful connections that move us forward.

While starting a business is never an easy task, and especially in the middle of a pandemic that added a layer of complexity and challenges, opening our flagship store was the best decision I ever made. I truly believe in attracting the right people and opportunities at the right time you need them. We opened in mid-October 2020 and had a lot to celebrate and be grateful for, generating a revenue of over $50,000 in less than three months, not including our online store sales. It allowed us to create a foundation that carried us into 2021 and build an organic and authentic customer base that continues to grow and shine today. It allowed us to plant the seeds, creating the appropriate partnerships that align with our mission and values, building our team, and the opportunity to be part of the creative process of developing our very first collection, our sustainable athleisure wear capsule collection "Elevated Every Day," which launched on Sept. 7.

Bitter Grace recently launched an athleisure line. A few years ago—well before the pandemic—it might have been argued that athleisure was just a passing fad after the Great Recession. But after the huge shift for so many people working from home, it looks like the style is here to stay. Why do you think consumers gravitate toward athleisure?

Athleisure wear is easy. During the pandemic, people realized that they didn't want to compromise comfort anymore (myself included). The Elevated Every Day capsule collection is to make dressing more fun and effortless in the mornings, to empower women that you can look elevated and refined by simply wearing basics that make you feel good and comfortable within a few minutes.

Our pieces were developed and made intentionally from the start with quality and buttery-soft fabrics that are great for your skin and great for the planet. These pieces are not your everyday black yoga pants; they are elevated styles that are great for any occasion and that transition with you through many years. At Bitter Grace, we promote sustainable living, encouraging our customers to invest in pieces that make you feel good and comfortable and pieces that will evolve with you and last a lifetime.

Looking forward, where do you want to see Bitter Grace in five years? How do you want to grow the brand and product line?

I already see so much growth and progress with Bitter Grace today, doing things with faith and purpose, and it's exciting to see. I'm more optimistic about the future. We are in the preliminary works of expanding our collection and hope to launch sometime next year. My goal is to slowly expand our collection to be more inclusive and sustainable. I also envision multiple locations for Bitter Grace so we can continue to broaden our reach and make the world a better place to live.



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