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投資公司Roundhill Investments的副總裁馬里奧·斯蒂法尼迪斯將截至3月31日的上一財年稱為任天堂的“革命性”年份,因為這是該公司收入連續第四年上升,并且該財年收入增長在無新主機上市年份中創下歷史新高。


專注于日本市場的游戲咨詢公司Kantan Games的首席執行官及創始人塞爾坎·托托說,在疫情期間,任天堂最出色的游戲無疑是《集合啦!動物森友會》(Animal Crossing: New Horizons)。這款在疫情爆發初期推出的模擬經營游戲“極具社交性”。在無法面對面交流之際,它為玩家提供了一條互動途徑。作為2020年的最熱門任天堂游戲,《集合啦!動物森友會》售出2085萬份,進而提升了Switch的普及率并擴大了任天堂的用戶群體。同時,《集合啦!動物森友會》的總銷量已經接近3300萬份,正在逼近售出3500萬份的Switch歷史最暢銷游戲《馬里奧賽車8豪華版》(Mario Kart 8 Deluxe)。


Switch和《集合啦!動物森友會》與疫情期間的情況相契合,但現在世界上一些地區的疫情正在減退。泛亞洲主機游戲研究公司Niko Partners的高級分析師丹尼爾·阿赫邁德預計,今年前兩個季度對任天堂來說將很艱難,原因是居家令正在放寬,而且該公司也不會推出《集合啦!動物森友會》等級的大作。

而接下來幾個月有望為任天堂提供支撐的是發布Switch Pro,有傳言稱該產品可以利用AI技術將游戲畫面分辨率升級到4K(也就是超高清水平)。索尼(Sony)的PlayStation 5等任天堂產品的競爭對手已經能夠提供4K畫質。


但全球性缺芯可能成為Switch Pro取得成功的障礙,也會對目前Switch的業績產生影響。阿赫邁德說:“[全球]所有主機廠商今年都很難完全滿足需求?!?/p>


斯蒂法尼迪斯認為,無論Switch Pro何時發布,它都有望延長任天堂當前的“超級增長周期”并為Switch重新注入活力。Switch正在邁向上市后的第五個年頭,而游戲主機的表現通常會在這個時候見頂。




Kantan Games的首席執行官托托說,近年來任天堂在“ [IP領域]已經變得積極得多,比如,它已經開始通過對樂高(Lego)、李維斯(Levi’s)和優衣庫(Uniqlo)的授權來變現”。在業績公告中,任天堂同時披露,已經將照明娛樂公司(Illumination Entertainment)的首席執行官克里斯·梅勒丹德利聘為董事。任天堂正在和照明娛樂合作開發超級馬里奧(Super Mario)的動畫電影,定于2022年上映。

今年3月18日,日本環球影城(Universal Studios Japan)的超級任天堂世界主題樂園(Super Nintendo World)終于開業。此舉再次提振了任天堂的IP業務。但由于大阪宣布進入新冠疫情緊急狀態,這個外界大肆熱炒的主題樂園幾周后即宣布停業。


新加坡與好萊塢的環球影城以及佛羅里達州的環球影城史詩宇宙公園(Universal Studios’ Epic Universe)也計劃修建超級任天堂主題樂園,但這些工程均因為疫情而推遲。

在移動游戲領域,任天堂一直處于落后位置。它最新的手游大作是2019年9月發布的《馬里奧賽車之旅》(Mario Kart Tour)。也就是說,任天堂并未實現每年發布兩到三款新手游的目標。同時,由于最適于自家主機的現有游戲大獲成功,任天堂或許已經失去了對移動游戲的熱情。









投資公司Roundhill Investments的副總裁馬里奧·斯蒂法尼迪斯將截至3月31日的上一財年稱為任天堂的“革命性”年份,因為這是該公司收入連續第四年上升,并且該財年收入增長在無新主機上市年份中創下歷史新高。


專注于日本市場的游戲咨詢公司Kantan Games的首席執行官及創始人塞爾坎·托托說,在疫情期間,任天堂最出色的游戲無疑是《集合啦!動物森友會》(Animal Crossing: New Horizons)。這款在疫情爆發初期推出的模擬經營游戲“極具社交性”。在無法面對面交流之際,它為玩家提供了一條互動途徑。作為2020年的最熱門任天堂游戲,《集合啦!動物森友會》售出2085萬份,進而提升了Switch的普及率并擴大了任天堂的用戶群體。同時,《集合啦!動物森友會》的總銷量已經接近3300萬份,正在逼近售出3500萬份的Switch歷史最暢銷游戲《馬里奧賽車8豪華版》(Mario Kart 8 Deluxe)。


Switch和《集合啦!動物森友會》與疫情期間的情況相契合,但現在世界上一些地區的疫情正在減退。泛亞洲主機游戲研究公司Niko Partners的高級分析師丹尼爾·阿赫邁德預計,今年前兩個季度對任天堂來說將很艱難,原因是居家令正在放寬,而且該公司也不會推出《集合啦!動物森友會》等級的大作。

而接下來幾個月有望為任天堂提供支撐的是發布Switch Pro,有傳言稱該產品可以利用AI技術將游戲畫面分辨率升級到4K(也就是超高清水平)。索尼(Sony)的PlayStation 5等任天堂產品的競爭對手已經能夠提供4K畫質。


但全球性缺芯可能成為Switch Pro取得成功的障礙,也會對目前Switch的業績產生影響。阿赫邁德說:“[全球]所有主機廠商今年都很難完全滿足需求?!?/p>


斯蒂法尼迪斯認為,無論Switch Pro何時發布,它都有望延長任天堂當前的“超級增長周期”并為Switch重新注入活力。Switch正在邁向上市后的第五個年頭,而游戲主機的表現通常會在這個時候見頂。




Kantan Games的首席執行官托托說,近年來任天堂在“ [IP領域]已經變得積極得多,比如,它已經開始通過對樂高(Lego)、李維斯(Levi’s)和優衣庫(Uniqlo)的授權來變現”。在業績公告中,任天堂同時披露,已經將照明娛樂公司(Illumination Entertainment)的首席執行官克里斯·梅勒丹德利聘為董事。任天堂正在和照明娛樂合作開發超級馬里奧(Super Mario)的動畫電影,定于2022年上映。

今年3月18日,日本環球影城(Universal Studios Japan)的超級任天堂世界主題樂園(Super Nintendo World)終于開業。此舉再次提振了任天堂的IP業務。但由于大阪宣布進入新冠疫情緊急狀態,這個外界大肆熱炒的主題樂園幾周后即宣布停業。


新加坡與好萊塢的環球影城以及佛羅里達州的環球影城史詩宇宙公園(Universal Studios’ Epic Universe)也計劃修建超級任天堂主題樂園,但這些工程均因為疫情而推遲。

在移動游戲領域,任天堂一直處于落后位置。它最新的手游大作是2019年9月發布的《馬里奧賽車之旅》(Mario Kart Tour)。也就是說,任天堂并未實現每年發布兩到三款新手游的目標。同時,由于最適于自家主機的現有游戲大獲成功,任天堂或許已經失去了對移動游戲的熱情。



Nintendo benefited big from the COVID-19 pandemic, with stay-at-home orders boosting demand for its gaming products. On May 6, the 132-year-old Kyoto-headquartered firm announced a record year for operating profits, which skyrocketed 82% year over year to 640.6 billion yen ($5.9 billion).

Net sales of hardware and software jumped 34.4% to 1.76 trillion yen ($16.1 billion yen). Nintendo sold 28.8 million Switch consoles in the year.

Nintendo’s share price has climbed 90% since March 2020, but it closed down 1.72% to 61,610.00 yen on May 6 as the company also predicted an 11.5% drop for the upcoming fiscal year sales and potential production hurdles because of the global semiconductor chip shortage. (Nintendo shares continued to slide on May 7.) Market watchers are weighing whether sales of the four-year-old Switch have peaked and if the company can maintain its profit momentum beyond the pandemic.

Breaking the cycle

Some analysts are bullish on the gamemaker.

“The stock will [grow] over time,” said Han Joon Kim, division director at Macquarie, and he set a 12-month price target of 101,600.00 yen.

Mario Stefanidis, vice president of Roundhill Investments, called the last fiscal year, which ended March 31, an “evolutionary” year for the company since it grew revenue for a fourth consecutive year and experienced its highest revenue growth ever outside a console launch window.

He interpreted the results as evidence that Nintendo has broken out of "console cyclicality"—whereby growth and shares surge alongside the launch of a new console—and is transitioning to a service-based model that focuses on selling online content, games, and subscriptions.

Nintendo's standout game of the pandemic is, without a doubt, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, an island simulation game launched early in the pandemic that is “extremely social,” said Serkan Toto, CEO and founder of Kantan Games, a Japan-focused game consultancy. It gave users a way to interface with one another at a time when human contact was off-limits. New Horizons was Nintendo’s most popular title of the year, selling 20.85 million units, boosting Switch's popularity and expanding Nintendo’s user base. Total sales of New Horizons are nearing 33 million, closing in on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the bestselling Switch game of all time with 35 million units sold.

Production and disruption

Switch and New Horizons met the pandemic moment, but now the pandemic is receding in some parts of the world. Daniel Ahmad, senior analyst for pan-Asia video game research firm Niko Partners, predicts the first two quarters of this year will be tough for Nintendo, with stay-at-home orders easing and no “Animal Crossing–level hit” set for release.

What could buoy Nintendo in coming months is the release of the Switch Pro, which is rumored to use A.I. tech to upgrade game graphics to 4K-resolution (also known as Ultra HD). Nintendo competitors like Sony’s PlayStation 5 already feature 4K.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has shot down rumors of new hardware releases in the near term, stating in a February release that Nintendo does not "have plans to announce a new model." But analysts are confident that the new iteration of the Switch will be released in late 2021 to high demand and just in time for Western markets’ holiday season.

But the global chip shortage could hinder the success of the Switch Pro—and the current Switch, for that matter. “All console manufacturers [worldwide] will struggle to fully meet demand this year,” said Ahmad.

A Nintendo spokesperson told Fortune on May 5 that it has the chips needed for immediate production. But Furukawa acknowledged in the company results that the “production of products might be affected by obstacles to the procurement of parts—including the increase in global demand for semiconductor components.”

Whenever the Switch Pro is released, it's likely to extend Nintendo’s ongoing growth "supercycle," said Stefanidis, and refresh the Switch as it approaches its fifth year, when game consoles usually peak.


Beyond hardware supply and demand, Nintendo’s future performance may also depend on whether it can diversify beyond its bread-and-butter console-based gaming business.

Mobile gaming and IP-related income earned Nintendo 57 billion yen ($522 million), just a fraction of the 1.7 trillion yen ($15.6 billion) brought in by video game hardware and software. Still, Nintendo is looking to the smaller segment for growth.

Nintendo has become “a lot more [aggressive] in recent years [in its IP space], monetizing its franchise with Lego, Levi’s, and Uniqlo deals for example,” said Kantan Games’ Toto. In its earnings release, Nintendo also announced that it has added Illumination Entertainment CEO Chris Meledandri to its board of directors. Illumination is the studio Nintendo has partnered with for the Super Mario animated film to be released in 2022.

Its IP licensing business got another boost on March 18 when Super Nintendo World finally opened at Universal Studios Japan. But the much-hyped theme park closed a few weeks later as Osaka declared a COVID state of emergency.

“One big question mark is when the new theme park can kick into gear” and contribute to profitability, said Toto.

More Super Nintendo Worlds are slated to open at Universal Studios locations in Singapore, Hollywood, and as part of Universal Studios’ Epic Universe in Florida, but the pandemic has pushed back construction.

In mobile gaming, Nintendo has fallen behind. Its last major mobile release was Mario Kart Tour in September 2019, meaning Nintendo hasn't reached its goal of releasing two to three new mobile titles per year and has, perhaps, lost its zeal for this segment given the roaring success of its legacy game franchise, which is best suited for its own consoles.

Nonetheless, Toto cautioned that one surprise launch from the company that “turns into a blockbuster can change the story instantly.”



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