過去幾十年間,查爾斯和他已故的弟弟大衛?科赫利用他們共同的財富和人脈關系,發揮著令人難以置信的政治影響力。他們豪擲數億美元,重塑了美國的政治格局,推動共和黨議程向他們支持的自由主義和自由市場靠攏,并催生了茶黨運動。2014年,兄弟兩人共同創立了強大的保守主義組織“繁榮美國人”(Americans for Prosperity)。
現年85歲的查爾斯?科赫在他的新書《相信人民:在一個自上而下的世界提出自下而上的解決方案》(Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World)中寫道:“天哪,我們搞砸了!真是一團亂!”
“茶黨不是我們創立的。我們只是和他們一樣擔心政府支出不可持續。我們在這點上支持一些茶黨團體。”11月13日科赫在給《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)記者道格拉斯?貝爾金的電子郵件中寫道,“但現在我覺得,從長遠來看,茶黨基本上失敗了,因為我們現在選出的共和黨政府是歷史上政府開支最大的一屆。”
他還祝賀了喬?拜登和賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)分別當選總統和副總統,并表示他愿意與新一屆白宮政府合作,“設法攜手打破阻礙人們前進的障礙”。他說,這些障礙包括了刑事司法和移民改革。
過去幾十年間,查爾斯和他已故的弟弟大衛?科赫利用他們共同的財富和人脈關系,發揮著令人難以置信的政治影響力。他們豪擲數億美元,重塑了美國的政治格局,推動共和黨議程向他們支持的自由主義和自由市場靠攏,并催生了茶黨運動。2014年,兄弟兩人共同創立了強大的保守主義組織“繁榮美國人”(Americans for Prosperity)。
現年85歲的查爾斯?科赫在他的新書《相信人民:在一個自上而下的世界提出自下而上的解決方案》(Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World)中寫道:“天哪,我們搞砸了!真是一團亂!”
“茶黨不是我們創立的。我們只是和他們一樣擔心政府支出不可持續。我們在這點上支持一些茶黨團體。”11月13日科赫在給《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)記者道格拉斯?貝爾金的電子郵件中寫道,“但現在我覺得,從長遠來看,茶黨基本上失敗了,因為我們現在選出的共和黨政府是歷史上政府開支最大的一屆。”
他還祝賀了喬?拜登和賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)分別當選總統和副總統,并表示他愿意與新一屆白宮政府合作,“設法攜手打破阻礙人們前進的障礙”。他說,這些障礙包括了刑事司法和移民改革。
Charles and his late brother, David, used their collective wealth and connections to wield incredible political influence over the past few decades, donating hundreds of millions of dollars to reshape the American political landscape, push the Republican agenda towards their Libreterian, free-market bend, and give rise to the Tea Party movement. Together, the brothers founded the conservative powerhouse Americans for Prosperity in 2004.
“Boy, did we screw up!,” wrote Koch, now 85, in his new book, Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World. “What a mess!"
Koch and his brother were also largely involved in shaping the country’s response to climate change. Through Americans for Prosperity, they got over 400 members of Congress to sign a pledge to vote against climate change legislation that does not include equivalent tax cuts. In California, they were influential in rolling back emission regulations, and between 1997 and 2018 they spent $145,555,197 financing nearly 100 groups that attacked climate change science.
Following the 2011 Supreme Court Citizens United decision, the Kochs spent nearly $200 million to elect Republicans who said that they would not pass any new environmental regulations.
"We did not create the tea party. We shared their concern about unsustainable government spending, and we supported some tea-party groups on that issue," Koch wrote in an email to Wall Street Journal reporter Douglas Belkin on November 13. "But it seems to me the tea party was largely unsuccessful long-term, given that we're coming off a Republican administration with the largest government spending in history."
He also congratulated President-elect Joe Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris and said he’d like to collaborate with the new White House on "finding ways to work with them to break down the barriers holding people back." Those barriers, he said, include criminal justice and immigration reform.
"At the same time," Koch wrote in his email, "I hope we all use this post-election period to find a better way forward. Because of partisanship, we've come to expect too much of politics and too little of ourselves and one another."
Though the Kochs did not support Trump, they poured about $750 million into the 2016 election. In 2018, they pledged to spend another $400 million to back conservative candidates.