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并非所有人都對這種局面感到滿意。正如《紐約時報》(New York Times)報道的那樣,從法學教授到前監管官員,越來越多的意見領袖開始呼吁政府推出新的監管方法。在他們看來,現行反壟斷法太過拖沓,政府應該設立全新機構,對蘋果(Apple)、Facebook、谷歌(Google)、微軟(Microsoft)以及亞馬遜(Amazon)等科技巨頭進行監管。《紐約時報》報道節選如下:


正如《紐約時報》所指出的那樣,設置專職監管機構專門監管某些行業或企業的做法其實不算新鮮。比如,在航空公司監管方面,有聯邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration);在制藥企業監管方面,有食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration),在AT&T和威瑞森(Verizon)等公司監管方面,有聯邦通信委員會(Federal Communications Commission)。此外,政府也在根據規模對特定的金融機構進行特殊監管。

哈佛大學(Harvard University)的教授杰森·福爾曼也支持設置專職監管機構對大型科技企業進行監管,他也在與英國政府合作,就新設數字公用事業監管機構向后者提供咨詢建議。福爾曼稱自己是個“準保守派”,《紐約時報》指出,他與其他主張設立新監管機構的人士都算不上所謂的“進步煽動者”。

當然,這些科技巨頭從未離開過監管部門的管控。美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)擁有一支精干的技術團隊,曾經多次針對Facebook、谷歌和其他公司的各種不當行為(包括侵犯隱私)發起調查。話雖如此,聯邦貿易委員會似乎仍然缺乏能夠強制科技企業遵守相關規定的法律工具。"同意法令"是該委員會的主要工具,而根據該法令,如果企業為初犯,則不得對其加以罰款,此外,企業違反相關法令的代價也較小,處罰力度無法促使企業改變自己的違法行為。

因此,新設靈活、專業的監管機構可能正是防止科技巨頭濫用自己壟斷地位的可靠工具。但也不是所有人都贊同這一想法。福特漢姆大學(Fordham University)的法學教授、科技評論界意見領袖澤福·蒂奇奧特就警告稱,那些鼓吹新設監管機構的人可能另有目的:






蒂奇奧特繼續指出,大型科技監管機構的權限范圍將會難以界定,而且此類機構很容易被強大的科技說客所左右(許多人聲稱,在737 Max空難發生之后,聯邦航空管理局就受到了說客的影響)。




——莎拉·米勒 (@sarahmillerdc) ,2020年10月22日


不過也有其他人對新設監管機構的想法表示了贊賞。GMF Digital是一家頗具影響力的政策團體,其高管卡倫·科恩布盧赫指出,上述呼吁與她最近參與編寫的報告結論不謀而合。該報告稱,政府需要設置新型監管機構來審查大型科技公司濫用壟斷地位行為。





并非所有人都對這種局面感到滿意。正如《紐約時報》(New York Times)報道的那樣,從法學教授到前監管官員,越來越多的意見領袖開始呼吁政府推出新的監管方法。在他們看來,現行反壟斷法太過拖沓,政府應該設立全新機構,對蘋果(Apple)、Facebook、谷歌(Google)、微軟(Microsoft)以及亞馬遜(Amazon)等科技巨頭進行監管。《紐約時報》報道節選如下:


正如《紐約時報》所指出的那樣,設置專職監管機構專門監管某些行業或企業的做法其實不算新鮮。比如,在航空公司監管方面,有聯邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration);在制藥企業監管方面,有食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration),在AT&T和威瑞森(Verizon)等公司監管方面,有聯邦通信委員會(Federal Communications Commission)。此外,政府也在根據規模對特定的金融機構進行特殊監管。

哈佛大學(Harvard University)的教授杰森·福爾曼也支持設置專職監管機構對大型科技企業進行監管,他也在與英國政府合作,就新設數字公用事業監管機構向后者提供咨詢建議。福爾曼稱自己是個“準保守派”,《紐約時報》指出,他與其他主張設立新監管機構的人士都算不上所謂的“進步煽動者”。

當然,這些科技巨頭從未離開過監管部門的管控。美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)擁有一支精干的技術團隊,曾經多次針對Facebook、谷歌和其他公司的各種不當行為(包括侵犯隱私)發起調查。話雖如此,聯邦貿易委員會似乎仍然缺乏能夠強制科技企業遵守相關規定的法律工具。"同意法令"是該委員會的主要工具,而根據該法令,如果企業為初犯,則不得對其加以罰款,此外,企業違反相關法令的代價也較小,處罰力度無法促使企業改變自己的違法行為。

因此,新設靈活、專業的監管機構可能正是防止科技巨頭濫用自己壟斷地位的可靠工具。但也不是所有人都贊同這一想法。福特漢姆大學(Fordham University)的法學教授、科技評論界意見領袖澤福·蒂奇奧特就警告稱,那些鼓吹新設監管機構的人可能另有目的:






蒂奇奧特繼續指出,大型科技監管機構的權限范圍將會難以界定,而且此類機構很容易被強大的科技說客所左右(許多人聲稱,在737 Max空難發生之后,聯邦航空管理局就受到了說客的影響)。




——莎拉·米勒 (@sarahmillerdc) ,2020年10月22日


不過也有其他人對新設監管機構的想法表示了贊賞。GMF Digital是一家頗具影響力的政策團體,其高管卡倫·科恩布盧赫指出,上述呼吁與她最近參與編寫的報告結論不謀而合。該報告稱,政府需要設置新型監管機構來審查大型科技公司濫用壟斷地位行為。




The Justice Department's decision to sue Google last week elicited mixed reactions, but there's one point on which everyone agreed: The antitrust case will take years to play out. There are various reasons for this—from the complexity of the case to Google's vast legal resources to the sluggishness of the judicial process—but the upshot is that the search giant will be able to conduct business as usual for the foreseeable future.

Not everyone is satisfied with this situation. As the New York Times reports, a growing number of influential figures, from laprofessors to former regulators, are calling for a different approach. Concluding that antitrust law is simply too slow, they believe it's time for a new body to oversee tech behemoths like Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. From the Times:

"A more rapid-response approach is required, they said. One solution: a specialist regulator that would focus on the major tech companies. It would establish and enforce a set of basic rules of conduct, which would include not allowing the companies to favor their own services, exclude competitors or acquire emerging rivals and require them to permit competitors access to their platforms and data on reasonable terms."

As the Times notes, the idea of a specialized regulator for certain sectors or companies is hardly unprecedented. The Federal Aviation Administration oversees airlines, for example, while the Food and Drug Administration regulates pharma companies, and the Federal Communications Commission watches over the likes of AT&T and Verizon. Meanwhile, the government singles out certain financial institutions for special regulation on the grounds of their size.

Among those calling for a specialized regulator for Big Tech is Jason Furman, a Harvard University professor who is advising the U.K. government on creating a new body to oversee digital utilities. Furman describes himself as a "small 'c' conservative," and the Times points out that he and other advocates for a new regulator are hardly progressive firebrands.

Currently, the tech giants aren't free from regulation, of course. The Federal Trade Commission has a sophisticated team of technical staff and has repeatedly launched into Facebook, Google, and others for a variety of misdeeds, including privacy violations. That said, the FTC also appears to lack the legal tools to bring the tech firms to heel. Its primary tool—so-called consent decrees—don't allow the agency to impose fines for a first offense and, when a company violates those decrees, the penalties haven't been enough to change their behavior.

A new agency that is both nimble and specialized could thus be just the tool to prevent the tech behemoths from abusing their monopoly positions. But not everyone is in favor of the idea. Zephyr Teachout, a law professor at Fordham University and an influential tech critic, warned that those advocating for the idea may have other agendas:

The named experts pushing a special tech regulator instead of antitrust enforcement are:

1. Furman, infamous neoliberal Walmart booster.

2. Morton, a paid consultant to Amazon and Apple.

3. Kimmelman of PK (funded by big tech)https://t.co/CTMaJdB7QR

— Zephyr Teachout (@ZephyrTeachout) October 22, 202

Teachout goes on to note that the scope of a Big Tech regulator's authority would be uncertain and that the agency would be prone to being captured by powerful tech lobbyists (something that many claim occurred at the FAA in the wake of the 737 Max air disasters).

Other critics of the proposal claimed that antitrust law is an effective tool so long as political leaders are willing to deploy it:

Re this article...antitrust hasna€?t worked because ita€?s been stuffed in a closet for the last 40 years!(!!)

Grateful for leaders like @RepCicilline who are demonstrating how antitrust + reg is essential for restoring fair competition and democracy itself. https://t.co/gmHt11EDL5

— Sarah Miller (@sarahmillerdc) October 22, 2020

The tweet cites Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), who led a landmark new report on anticompetitive activities by big tech companies, and who last week called for an end to an "era of weak enforcement" in antitrust.

Others, however, praised the idea for a new regulator. Karen Kornbluh, an executive with the influential policy group GMF Digital, noted that such calls are consistent with a recent report she coauthored that claims a new breed of regulator is required to check the abuses of big tech companies.

Ultimately, though, it would fall to Congress to create any Big Tech regulator and, for now, there appears to be little momentum to do so.



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