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Katherine Dunn



加拿大石油天然氣之都阿爾伯塔卡爾加里市中心附近公園里,一只狗在奔跑。圖片來源:TODD KOROL










油砂煉油必須從含油泥沙中提取和加工,成本高昂且伴隨大量排放,比起傳統鉆探通常更類似露天開采。長期以來,航空拍攝的大量尾礦池,即開采過程中厚厚的油性副產品引發了環保人士抵制。近年,環保人士一直呼吁封閉Keystone XL輸油管道,該管道可以向美國輸送更多油砂原油。盡管特朗普政府努力推動管道項目,然而美國一項法律規定已經叫停建設。













我出生時恰逢石油危機。1989年11月,我出生在卡爾加里,當天沙特阿拉伯宣布發現了一處新的大油田。似乎世界上到處都是原油。當時油價僅為每桶20美元。種種因素促成了我的父母在卡爾加里的“銀拖鞋沙龍”酒吧(Silver Slipper Saloon)相識,加入了前些年逐漸衰落的行業。(我父母一輩子都在能源行業。)



卡爾加里市的市長納希德?奈什認為,現在阿爾伯塔應該擺脫對石油和天然氣的依賴。圖片來源:AARON M. SPRECHER—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES


阿爾伯塔跟一些石油資源豐富的經濟體不同,多年來并沒做到未雨綢繆。這方面最突出的是多年來靠著石油財富已積累1萬億美元主權財富基金的挪威。當地有130億美元的阿爾伯塔儲蓄信托基金(Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund),規模根本不足以填補缺口。雖然1976年基金成立以來,政府收入大幅增加,但基金市值卻基本上未變。阿爾伯塔的財富主要投向建立全球一流的公共醫療和教育,稅收也是全國最低。

當然,即便油價不出現大幅反彈,預計油氣行業也不會很快消失。雖然有可能積極推進綠色經濟轉型,預計到2050年仍然會保留一些石油生產,問題只是從何處開采。挪威能源咨詢公司Rystad energy預計,未來10年加拿大西部地區石油產量年增長率將接近2%,因為墨西哥和受危機重創的委內瑞拉產量下降,而阿爾伯塔對重質原油仍然有大量需求。但不少分析師表示,現在不會有油砂方面的新投資。一些國際石油公司,如法國道達爾公司已經完全撤出該地區。

石油行業從阿爾伯塔撤出,部分原因在于政治不確定性,即Keystone及其他石油運輸管道能否獲批。但最大的問題是在油砂煉油成本。Rystad Energy和總部位于愛丁堡的能源咨詢公司Wood Mackenzie都將油砂煉油盈虧價格定在每桶45美元左右,一些項目成本能夠維持在20至30美元之間。不過,另一些成本高得多。






希德布拉姆在石油行業工作多年。如今他負責一家非營利組織,倡導投資可持續能源。圖片來源:JAMIE TANNER COURTESY OF LLIAM HILDEBRAND


那一年,如今35歲的希爾德布蘭德和石油行業的同事成立了“鐵與地球”(Iron & Earth)非營利組織,倡導可持續能源投資。他們認為,全面能源轉型將推動巨大的基礎設施建設熱潮,不僅包括風能和太陽能,也包括生物能、地熱能和氫能發電廠。

愿景雄心勃勃,可惜與現實相去甚遠。進展倒是有一些。今年,伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源公司加拿大子公司新投資的風電場將為阿爾伯塔東南部提供相當于7.9萬戶家庭用量的電力。2019年,可再生能源發電量不到總發電量的10%。但據加拿大風能協會統計,目前阿爾伯塔已經是全國第三大風能市場,裝機容量達1685兆瓦。2017年,加拿大清潔能源部估計,清潔能源就業崗位有26358個,整體行業約占阿爾伯塔GDP的1%。6月,位于阿爾伯塔的環境非政府組織Pembina Institute表示,綠色能源轉型過程中,預計到2030年將在阿爾伯塔創造6.7萬個就業崗位,相當于能源部門現有員工的67%。



很多阿爾伯塔人對反對化石燃料的論點持懷疑態度。2018年Pembina Institute采取了一項判斷人們對可持續能源態度的調查,叫“阿爾伯塔故事項目”,發現約半數參與者要么堅決拒絕氣候變化的概念,要么懷疑氣候變化到底是不是由人類行為造成。







身為長期從事石油天然氣行業的資深人士,同時也是原住民女性,迪安娜?伯加特努力將行業評論家和支持者的觀點結合起來。圖片來源:TODD KOROL


伯加特接受了自己的雙重身份。她年輕時就在石油領域獲得成功,后來才知道自己跟母親一樣屬于原住民德恩和克里族。她想辦法將種種觀點加以融合。如今,伯加特是卡爾加里大學的教授,努力將原住民知識融入工程課程,盡量在項目早期階段參考原住民意見。她還是咨詢公司Indigenous Engineering Inclusion的創始人,與石油公司和原住民團體合作,處理從環境影響到創造就業機會等各方面事務。她說,選擇離開石油行業投身創業,也是為了“融合”自身身份。她說,她盡最大的努力傾聽每個人的心聲,而且持續交談,這也是她與母親剛開始談話時學到的策略。



農場主約翰?克羅斯在阿爾伯塔南頓附近歷史悠久的A7牧場上。圖片來源:TODD KOROL










據非營利組織Pembina Institute估計,到2030年,阿爾伯塔轉型綠色能源可創造的崗位數量


















油砂煉油必須從含油泥沙中提取和加工,成本高昂且伴隨大量排放,比起傳統鉆探通常更類似露天開采。長期以來,航空拍攝的大量尾礦池,即開采過程中厚厚的油性副產品引發了環保人士抵制。近年,環保人士一直呼吁封閉Keystone XL輸油管道,該管道可以向美國輸送更多油砂原油。盡管特朗普政府努力推動管道項目,然而美國一項法律規定已經叫停建設。












我出生時恰逢石油危機。1989年11月,我出生在卡爾加里,當天沙特阿拉伯宣布發現了一處新的大油田。似乎世界上到處都是原油。當時油價僅為每桶20美元。種種因素促成了我的父母在卡爾加里的“銀拖鞋沙龍”酒吧(Silver Slipper Saloon)相識,加入了前些年逐漸衰落的行業。(我父母一輩子都在能源行業。)




阿爾伯塔跟一些石油資源豐富的經濟體不同,多年來并沒做到未雨綢繆。這方面最突出的是多年來靠著石油財富已積累1萬億美元主權財富基金的挪威。當地有130億美元的阿爾伯塔儲蓄信托基金(Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund),規模根本不足以填補缺口。雖然1976年基金成立以來,政府收入大幅增加,但基金市值卻基本上未變。阿爾伯塔的財富主要投向建立全球一流的公共醫療和教育,稅收也是全國最低。

當然,即便油價不出現大幅反彈,預計油氣行業也不會很快消失。雖然有可能積極推進綠色經濟轉型,預計到2050年仍然會保留一些石油生產,問題只是從何處開采。挪威能源咨詢公司Rystad energy預計,未來10年加拿大西部地區石油產量年增長率將接近2%,因為墨西哥和受危機重創的委內瑞拉產量下降,而阿爾伯塔對重質原油仍然有大量需求。但不少分析師表示,現在不會有油砂方面的新投資。一些國際石油公司,如法國道達爾公司已經完全撤出該地區。

石油行業從阿爾伯塔撤出,部分原因在于政治不確定性,即Keystone及其他石油運輸管道能否獲批。但最大的問題是在油砂煉油成本。Rystad Energy和總部位于愛丁堡的能源咨詢公司Wood Mackenzie都將油砂煉油盈虧價格定在每桶45美元左右,一些項目成本能夠維持在20至30美元之間。不過,另一些成本高得多。








那一年,如今35歲的希爾德布蘭德和石油行業的同事成立了“鐵與地球”(Iron & Earth)非營利組織,倡導可持續能源投資。他們認為,全面能源轉型將推動巨大的基礎設施建設熱潮,不僅包括風能和太陽能,也包括生物能、地熱能和氫能發電廠。

愿景雄心勃勃,可惜與現實相去甚遠。進展倒是有一些。今年,伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源公司加拿大子公司新投資的風電場將為阿爾伯塔東南部提供相當于7.9萬戶家庭用量的電力。2019年,可再生能源發電量不到總發電量的10%。但據加拿大風能協會統計,目前阿爾伯塔已經是全國第三大風能市場,裝機容量達1685兆瓦。2017年,加拿大清潔能源部估計,清潔能源就業崗位有26358個,整體行業約占阿爾伯塔GDP的1%。6月,位于阿爾伯塔的環境非政府組織Pembina Institute表示,綠色能源轉型過程中,預計到2030年將在阿爾伯塔創造6.7萬個就業崗位,相當于能源部門現有員工的67%。



很多阿爾伯塔人對反對化石燃料的論點持懷疑態度。2018年Pembina Institute采取了一項判斷人們對可持續能源態度的調查,叫“阿爾伯塔故事項目”,發現約半數參與者要么堅決拒絕氣候變化的概念,要么懷疑氣候變化到底是不是由人類行為造成。









伯加特接受了自己的雙重身份。她年輕時就在石油領域獲得成功,后來才知道自己跟母親一樣屬于原住民德恩和克里族。她想辦法將種種觀點加以融合。如今,伯加特是卡爾加里大學的教授,努力將原住民知識融入工程課程,盡量在項目早期階段參考原住民意見。她還是咨詢公司Indigenous Engineering Inclusion的創始人,與石油公司和原住民團體合作,處理從環境影響到創造就業機會等各方面事務。她說,選擇離開石油行業投身創業,也是為了“融合”自身身份。她說,她盡最大的努力傾聽每個人的心聲,而且持續交談,這也是她與母親剛開始談話時學到的策略。













據非營利組織Pembina Institute估計,到2030年,阿爾伯塔轉型綠色能源可創造的崗位數量








The Mayor of Calgary is driving north. Naheed Nenshi is making the three-hour trip to a meeting of the provincial legislature in Edmonton, and I’m along for the ride via speakerphone. As he heads down a flat stretch of highway, the GPS bleating instructions in the background, Nenshi begins laying out the challenges that his city is facing. A prolonged slump in oil prices, made worse by the pandemic, has severely strained Calgary’s finances. And the dramatic downturn has put a new spotlight on a problem that Nenshi has been talking about for years: the region’s unhealthy overdependence on the oil and gas industry.

A onetime McKinsey consultant, Nenshi, 48, is famously cheerful and friendly; he is, after all, Canadian. So he comes across as pretty upbeat. But it’s possible to detect just a touch of frustration in his voice as he offers a blunt assessment of his city’s economic situation: “Uh, not great.”

Suddenly, Nenshi interrupts himself to read a billboard he’s driving past with a message from the government of Alberta: “Diversify Our Economy.” “That’s it,” he says drily. Then he adds, chuckling: “That’s all it says.”

The language is striking for more than its simplicity. Nenshi points out that it represents a sudden shift in messaging from the government of the Canadian province. “I would not have seen that billboard six months ago,” he says. The trauma of the COVID-19 crisis, however, has quickly reshaped a long-running debate in one of the world’s biggest strongholds for the oil and gas business.

Calgary, a city of 1.3 million people, is the corporate and financial headquarters of Canada’s energy industry. When Nenshi was elected in 2010, he became the first Muslim mayor of a major North American city. He rode to victory on a “purple wave” coalition of red and blue centrist voters and took office near the end of a two-decade boom. Nenshi touted plans to build on Calgary’s economic strength by investing in industries outside of oil and gas. But as oil prices have tumbled from above $100 per barrel over the past decade to the current level below $40—falling even lower along the way—the instinct of many of his fellow Albertans has been to hunker down and wait for the slide to reverse. And a loud and growing chorus of criticism from environmentalists has caused some of Nenshi’s constituents to grow even more defiant.

Alberta’s energy wealth is derived primarily from the so-called oil sands located in the region’s north. The area’s vast unconventional petroleum deposits add up to proven reserves of 165.4 billion barrels—the third-largest total in the world after Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. The sands are the source of more than 60% of Canada’s oil production. They have also made Alberta a global target for activists.

Crude from the oil sands must be extracted and processed from a sandy sludge, in a costly and emissions-intensive process that often more closely resembles open-pit mining than conventional drilling. Aerial photos of the vast ponds of tailings—a thick, oily by-product of the extraction process—have long sparked pushback by environmentalists. Blocking the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring additional oil-sands crude to the U.S., has been a major priority of environmental campaigners in recent years. A legal effort has successfully stopped construction in the U.S. for the time being, despite the Trump administration’s efforts to push the pipeline ahead.

For years, tax revenues from the oil sands helped fund robust and balanced budgets in Alberta. And the province still makes a net contribution to the federal government that is redistributed across the country.

Today, however, the province’s accountants are looking at a gaping hole. In August, the Alberta government released a revised budget forecast for the current year with a deficit that was $12.8 billion larger than projected back in February. Resource revenues, mainly from the oil and gas sector, are expected to be $3 billion below the original projection. The unemployment rate in Alberta, meanwhile, stood at nearly 12% in August, the second-highest of any province in the country. And the province’s economy is expected to contract 8.8% this year. Last year, oil and gas, along with mining, accounted for 26% of Alberta’s GDP, and its indirect impact was even bigger. So the slowdown stings.

In many ways, Alberta is emblematic of the struggle going on in oil-rich areas around the world, from West Texas to the Middle East. The pandemic has merely laid bare and made even starker the economic challenges Alberta was already facing—the essential conundrums of boom and bust at the heart of any oil region. When times are good, there’s little motivation to shift attention away from a lucrative sector. When times are bad, there’s no money. But while breaking the “resource curse” is always hard, the problem is especially vexing in Alberta, which is landlocked and dependent on its trading partner to the south—the U.S. is the destination for 96% of its exports. Meanwhile, green-energy advocates—increasingly with the heft of governments and institutional investors behind them—are gaining new traction globally in the push to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels. Alberta must adapt, or it could be left behind in the new energy economy.

That’s why Nenshi believes that the region has no choice but to change how it sees its future, and quickly. Calgary must embrace a nascent movement to develop clean-energy jobs, and up the pace of its investment in other areas.

“There is a very famous bumper sticker. And it says, ‘God, grant me another boom, I promise not to piss it away this time,’?” says Nenshi as his car rolls through the prairie.

He continues: “What I’ve been saying for some time is, ‘We can’t piss away the downturn, either.’ We’re exceptionally good at pissing away booms. We’re world-class at it. But we cannot actually afford to piss away a downturn.”

If Calgary can’t change now, can it ever?


My arrival in this world coincided with an oil bust. I was born in Calgary in November 1989, on the same day that Saudi Arabia announced the discovery of a major new oilfield. The world was seemingly awash in crude. And it was trading at just $20 a barrel. All of which meant that the industry that had drawn my parents—who met at a Calgary bar called the Silver Slipper Saloon—to the city earlier that decade was in decline. (Both of my parents have spent their careers in the energy sector.)

By the time I was starting school, a new boom had begun, driven by the expansion of the oil sands. It would be the longest, biggest boom of all. Before long, coffee chains were struggling to find staff; the suburbs were blooming in every direction; and teenage boys knew they could get big money, fast, by dropping out to work on the rigs.

The current reckoning really began in 2014, when oil prices dropped by more than 50% in a matter of months. Despite periodic rallies, oil has remained persistently lower since then. The biggest reason has been the astonishing, fracking-enabled surge in U.S. oil production. In 2010, the U.S. produced some 5.5 million barrels per day of oil. Last year, the average was over 12.2 million barrels per day. Now the coronavirus-driven economic slowdown has only increased the downward pressure on prices. The most recent estimate from the International Energy Agency is that global oil demand is expected to average 91.9 million barrels per day this year—that’s 8.1 million barrels per day less than in 2019.

While it’s possible oil prices could climb again post-pandemic, there are signs that another boom like the last one may never come back. Automation threatens 50% of upstream energy jobs in the province, according to an August report by EY. And Calgary Economic Development, an economic council, says that retraining for jobs in a more digital energy sector—largely for the kinds of jobs that can repurpose Calgary’s surplus of petroleum engineers and geophysicists—must happen on a massive scale. The city of Calgary, led by Nenshi, has been trying to stoke new economic development. In 2018, the city created a $100 million fund to give grants to tech startups and other local businesses outside the oil and gas industry that pledge to create jobs. But the pairing of the pandemic and the oil slump has also hit some alternative sources of job creation—like what was an exploding restaurant and brewery scene, and tourism around the Rockies.

Unlike some oil-rich economies—notably Norway, which socked away its petroleum riches over the years to amass what is now a $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund—Alberta hasn’t saved much for a rainy day. The province’s own Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, with some $13 billion in assets, is simply not large enough to plug the gap. While government revenue has soared since 1976, when the fund was created, its value has essentially remained flat: Alberta’s riches, instead, went to its world-class public health care and education—and toward the lowest taxes in the country.

Of course, the oil and gas sector is not expected to disappear any time soon, even if prices don’t rise dramatically. Even under aggressive forecasts for transitioning to a green economy, some oil production is still expected to be in place by 2050—it’s simply a matter of where it will come from. The Norwegian energy consultancy Rystad Energy still expects oil production across western Canada to grow by close to 2% annually for the next decade, with demand for Alberta’s heavier-style crude bolstered by declining output from Mexico and crisis-wracked Venezuela. But new investment in the oil sands in particular is nonexistent right now, according to a range of analysts. Some international oil companies, such as French giant Total, have pulled out of the region completely.

The industry’s pullback from Alberta can be chalked up in part to political uncertainty over whether or not Keystone and other pipelines to bring more oil out of the region will be approved. But the biggest issue is the cost of producing crude in the oil sands. Both Rystad Energy and Wood Mackenzie, the Edinburgh-based energy consultancy, put the break-even price for existing oil-sands production at around $45 per barrel, with some projects able to keep the lights on in the $20 to $30 range. For some projects, though, the price is much higher.

Oil-sands projects are vast pieces of infrastructure and typically require 40- to 50-year commitments to get off the ground. And even the most efficient developments are hugely capital intensive. The Alberta government estimated in 2019 that the most expensive mining-style projects’ initial break-even price is as steep as $75 or $85 per barrel. That’s a very high bar to meet, especially when banks and other investment groups are under pressure to tighten financing for fossil-fuel projects.

Another reality that Nenshi and his peers in government must accept is that economic prosperity on the scale of an oil boom is basically impossible to manufacture through policy. In fact, other parts of Canada—particularly the Atlantic provinces, which already lived through their own epic busts in the cod fishing and logging industries—arguably need help even more than Alberta, says Andrew Leach, an energy economist at the University of Alberta. And yet there have been few blockbuster solutions. One of the great ironies of the Alberta boom was that it employed so many of the people whose economic futures had been displaced by the busts in Atlantic Canada that came before. “There’s nothing that a government policy can do that’s automatically going to bring in billions of dollars of foreign direct investment every year,” Leach says.

The average oil and gas worker in Alberta is highly educated, specialized, and well-paid. Despite the sparkle of the tech economy, there is no guarantee that the new jobs that might arrive will match that standard. But there are Albertans who are determined to do their best to make it so.


Lliam Hildebrand wanted to use his skills as a welder in the oil patch to assist the green-energy transition—he just couldn’t get a job. There’s an assumption that oil and gas workers don’t want to work in renewable energy, he says. But that’s not the case. The truth is that you can’t expect people to jump on a green future without a job.

Hildebrand took his first job in the oil business at age 20. In 2010, he went back to university to get a degree in geography with an eye toward a career in green energy—but no job offers materialized. So he returned to the oil sands to work as a welder for another six years. “I was nicknamed Greenpeace, like day one,” he says with a laugh. But while many of his colleagues were legitimately skeptical, others admitted that worries over climate change, or the stress of boom and bust, were wearing on them.

By 2015, with oil prices crashing, the conversations over lunch in the work camps gained new urgency. “We weren’t discussing a hypothetical situation,” he says. “We might not have a job tomorrow. What are we going to do about that?”

That year Hildebrand, now 35, and a group of his fellow oil-sector workers, formed a nonprofit called Iron & Earth to advocate for sustainable energy investment. They argue that a full energy transition will produce a vast infrastructure building boom, across not just wind and solar, but biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen plants.

It’s an ambitious vision—and far from the current reality. But there are signs of progress. This year a new wind farm funded by Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Canadian subsidiary will power the equivalent of 79,000 homes in southeast Alberta. Renewables made up less than 10% of the province’s electricity generation in 2019. But Alberta is now the country’s third-largest wind market, with 1,685 megawatts of installed capacity, according to the Canadian Wind Energy association. In 2017, Clean Energy Canada estimated that the province was home to 26,358 jobs in clean energy, with the sector representing about 1% of the province’s GDP. In June, the Pembina Institute, an Alberta-based environmental NGO, said it estimated 67,000 jobs—the equivalent of 67% of the current employees of the resources sector in the province—could be created by 2030 as part of a green-energy transition.

Hildebrand, who left his oil job to run Iron & Earth full-time, believes that Albertans are ready to embrace big changes. There is a “whole awakening among workers,” he says.


Not everyone in the province is so open to the concept of green energy. In recent years, Alberta has become more politically polarized, and that has made conversations about sustainability more difficult. A poll by the Canadian broadcaster CBC in March 2020 asked Albertans what the province needed to get its economy back on track. While nearly 40% mentioned the need to control pandemic or government support, some 30% of respondents said “economic diversification,” while 29% said “double down on oil.” Such markers were closely linked to how respondents vote, the survey noted. And since March 2018, those self-reporting that they are on either the left or the right politically have grown, while those reporting they are in the center shrunk by 9%.

Many Albertans are dubious about the arguments against fossil fuels. A 2018 effort by the Pembina Institute to gauge attitudes about sustainability, called The Alberta Narratives Project, found that about half of the people who participated either rejected the concept of climate change outright or doubted that it is caused by human behavior.

Within the corporate community, views are mixed. Multiple energy economists and experts I spoke with said climate-change doubt is unheard-of among executives at the largest oil and gas companies in the region, and support for an existing carbon tax is widespread. Both Suncor and Cenovus, Calgary-based oil and gas companies, have said they would reduce their per-barrel emissions intensity by 30% by 2030.

There have been plenty of examples in recent years of the damaging natural disasters that scientists are increasingly connecting to climate change. In 2013, flooding engulfed downtown Calgary, rising up the stands at the city’s hockey stadium. And in 2016, a fire so massive it was nicknamed “The Beast” eviscerated swaths of suburban homes in Fort McMurray, the company town that serves the oil sands.

Despite these visceral examples, broaching the urgency of addressing climate change and how it intersects with Alberta’s oil sector tends to come up against stout resistance. One argument the industry likes to make is that Alberta’s oil sands have dramatically reduced their emissions per barrel, which have historically been among the highest in the world. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers says that oil-sands emissions per barrel have fallen by 32% since 1990. And energy economists say it’s true that research and development has reduced per-barrel emissions across many of the projects, in some cases dramatically. But the intense extraction process in the oil sands means that, on average, Alberta’s product is still more energy-intensive than most other barrels. Plus, higher production volumes today mean that absolute emissions from the sector have increased over that same period.

Navigating these debates can be tricky. Deanna Burgart, 45, offers herself as an example of how to bridge the gap between loyalty to the industry and concern about the climate. She has learned from her own hard-won experience. Burgart was 35 and working as an engineer in the oil sands when she developed a relationship with her birth mother—an Indigenous woman and regular protester against the oil sands. It wasn’t easy. “I learned how to have these difficult, polarized conversations from a place of love and respect,” she says.

Burgart embraced her dual identities. She had found early success in the oil business. And now she learned that she was a Dene and Cree woman on her mother’s side. She sought a way to combine these perspectives. Today, Burgart is a teaching chair focused on integrating Indigenous knowledge into the engineering curriculum at the University of Calgary, working to bring First Nations perspective into projects at the earliest stages. She is also the founder of Indigenous Engineering Inclusion, a consulting company, where she works with oil companies and First Nations groups to address everything from environmental impact to the prospects for job creation. She describes the choice to quit her job in the sector and start her own business as a choice to “converge” her identities. These days she does her best, she says, to listen to everyone, and just keep talking—a strategy she learned in those early conversations with her mom.


Alfred Ernest Cross first arrived in Alberta from Montréal in 1884, founding the historic A7 Ranche just west of Calgary two years later. He would go on to become Albertan royalty: a ranchman, a proponent of the oil and gas industry, a politician, and one of the “Big Four”—the four ranchers that financed the first Calgary Stampede, the city’s famous 10-day festival and rodeo.

Roughly 100 years after Cross founded his ranch, it passed into the hands of his grandson John. And John Cross decided to buck convention. He decided to adopt a holistic method of managing his ranch, working with the ecosystem of the natural grasslands to increase yields without fertilizer. It was a decision that, in the 1980s, was “really uncommon and quite controversial,” he admits. It wasn’t his only quirky decision. In the 1990s, he built an entirely “off-the-grid” house, powering it largely with wind and solar. (Twenty years later, he gave in and ran electric power. Relying completely on renewables “was a pain in the ass,” he admits, especially in winter.)

Today John Cross believes the land has a place to play in a new energy transition. He advocates using offsets to reinvest in Alberta’s ecosystem, and understanding nature’s role as a carbon sink. “I think that’s where oil and gas and land ownership in Alberta can benefit each other,” he says.

Back on the highway, the mayor says he is buoyed by new ideas emerging, and he’s hopeful that Albertans are ready at last to find the common ground necessary to deliver on the urgent billboard directive.

“I think you’ve seen government shift just very recently from ‘all in’ on oil and gas to a more balanced view,” says Nenshi, as he rolls along through the prairie on the road to Edmonton. “Everyone wants jobs. Everyone wants a sustainable economy. And these are the sorts of things that should transcend partisanship.” It’s time to back up the billboard with action.


An oil region by the numbers


Portion of Alberta’s GDP last year connected to the oil and gas industry, including mining. The sector’s indirect impact on the province’s economy is even larger

$3 billion

Projected shortfall in resource revenues in Alberta’s revised budget this year, largely because of lower oil prices


Estimated number of jobs that could be created in Alberta by 2030 in a green-energy transition according to the nonprofit Pembina Institute


Portion of Alberta’s oil exports that go to the U.S.

$45 per barrel

Price of crude at which most oil-sands production breaks even, according to industry consultants. For some projects, the break-even price can be as high as $85

A version of this article appears in the October 2020 issue of Fortune with the headline “After the oil rush.”



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