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力拓CEO夏杰思攝于2020年2月,他將在投資者對澳大利亞古代土著遺址遭到破壞的強烈反對中下臺。圖片來源:SIMON DAWSON—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES

因為破壞澳洲土著遺址而遭到投資者的強烈反對,澳大利亞礦業巨頭力拓集團(Rio Tinto Group)的CEO夏杰思(Jean-Sebastien Jacques)將主動辭職。

就在幾周前,該公司的董事長陶慕森(Simon Thompson)還表示,夏杰思在處理破壞遺跡善后工作方面得到了董事會的支持。受此影響,另外兩名高管——鐵礦石部門的CEO克里斯?索爾茲伯里和公司的企業關系主管西蒙?尼文也將離職。力拓集團在9月11日的一份聲明中說,夏杰思將繼續擔任他的職位直到明年3月底,在此期間繼任者也或將替代他的職位。






持有力拓股份的阿爾戈投資公司(Argo Investments Ltd.)的高級投資官安迪?福斯特表示,這可能需要一位具有澳大利亞鐵礦石行業經驗、善于處理社區關系并有能力帶領公司完成復雜的成長型項目的高管。“很明顯,未來幾年的一個大問題就是修復這些關系?!彼f。



夏杰思還在上個月的一次議會委員會聽證會上說,該地區的原住民組織PKKP(Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation)沒有被告知力拓有三種可以避免破壞Juukan峽谷遺址的選擇,遺址的損壞本可以避免。該公司在一份聲明中表示,PKKP將繼續與力拓合作處理爆炸的善后事宜,并倡議“進行大規模的改革,以確保類似悲劇不再發生”。在聲明中,公司拒絕對管理層變動發表評論。



現年48歲的夏杰思于2011年加入力拓,他的離職正值礦業高層出現大范圍的動蕩之際。據了解,采礦行業將迎接中國需求的長期放緩,并面對全球經濟脫碳行動的挑戰。礦業巨頭必和必拓集團(BHP Group)今年1月任命韓慕睿(Mike Henry)擔任新的CEO,而英美資源集團(Anglo American Plc)和嘉能可集團(Glencore Plc)的領導層更替也或將到來。

在夏杰思的領導下,力拓在倫敦上市的股票上漲了一倍,漲幅超過了必和必拓和彭博世界礦業指數(Bloomberg World Mining Index),該公司還向投資者返還了巨額現金。據悉,其股票在悉尼股市于9月11日收盤時下跌了0.6%。



因為破壞澳洲土著遺址而遭到投資者的強烈反對,澳大利亞礦業巨頭力拓集團(Rio Tinto Group)的CEO夏杰思(Jean-Sebastien Jacques)將主動辭職。

就在幾周前,該公司的董事長陶慕森(Simon Thompson)還表示,夏杰思在處理破壞遺跡善后工作方面得到了董事會的支持。受此影響,另外兩名高管——鐵礦石部門的CEO克里斯?索爾茲伯里和公司的企業關系主管西蒙?尼文也將離職。力拓集團在9月11日的一份聲明中說,夏杰思將繼續擔任他的職位直到明年3月底,在此期間繼任者也或將替代他的職位。






持有力拓股份的阿爾戈投資公司(Argo Investments Ltd.)的高級投資官安迪?福斯特表示,這可能需要一位具有澳大利亞鐵礦石行業經驗、善于處理社區關系并有能力帶領公司完成復雜的成長型項目的高管?!昂苊黠@,未來幾年的一個大問題就是修復這些關系?!彼f。



夏杰思還在上個月的一次議會委員會聽證會上說,該地區的原住民組織PKKP(Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation)沒有被告知力拓有三種可以避免破壞Juukan峽谷遺址的選擇,遺址的損壞本可以避免。該公司在一份聲明中表示,PKKP將繼續與力拓合作處理爆炸的善后事宜,并倡議“進行大規模的改革,以確保類似悲劇不再發生”。在聲明中,公司拒絕對管理層變動發表評論。



現年48歲的夏杰思于2011年加入力拓,他的離職正值礦業高層出現大范圍的動蕩之際。據了解,采礦行業將迎接中國需求的長期放緩,并面對全球經濟脫碳行動的挑戰。礦業巨頭必和必拓集團(BHP Group)今年1月任命韓慕睿(Mike Henry)擔任新的CEO,而英美資源集團(Anglo American Plc)和嘉能可集團(Glencore Plc)的領導層更替也或將到來。

在夏杰思的領導下,力拓在倫敦上市的股票上漲了一倍,漲幅超過了必和必拓和彭博世界礦業指數(Bloomberg World Mining Index),該公司還向投資者返還了巨額現金。據悉,其股票在悉尼股市于9月11日收盤時下跌了0.6%。



Rio Tinto Group Chief Executive Officer Jean-Sebastien Jacques will step down amid an investor backlash over the destruction of ancient Aboriginal heritage sites in Australia.

The change comes only weeks after Chairman Simon Thompson said Jacques had the board’s backing to handle the fallout from the company’s destruction of the ancient sites. Chris Salisbury, iron ore unit CEO, and Simone Niven, group executive of corporate relations, will also exit. Jacques will remain in his role until the end of March next year, or a successor is appointed, Rio said on September 11 in a statement.

Talks with about 75 investors and Indigenous community leaders in the past few weeks made clear that many were unsatisfied with penalties delivered by a board-led inquiry that found no single individual was at fault for the blasts and reprimanded the three senior executives by trimming bonus payments, Thompson said in a phone interview.

“It became clear that this issue of individual accountability was just an obstacle to rebuilding trust,” Thompson said. “If these three individuals do not have the confidence of critical stakeholders to lead the required changes then we have got to move on.”

Explosions in May to open up a mining area at an iron ore operation impacted two rock-shelters—shallow, cave-like structures—in the Juukan Gorge region of Western Australia’s Pilbara region. The sites, used by Aboriginal Australians for cooking and shelter as long as 46,000-years ago, were among the most significant of their type in the country, according to archaeologists.

“Repairing those relationships”

The successor to Jacques, CEO since July 2016, will need to convince investors, regulators and legislators in Western Australia that Rio can address governance failings in its iron ore unit—the division that accounted for more than 90% of first-half earnings. The new CEO will also take on a flagship copper mine expansion in Mongolia that’s been beset by delays and a budget blowout.

That will likely require an executive with experience of Australia’s iron ore sector, an ear for community relations and the capability to usher through complex growth projects, said Andy Forster, senior investment officer at Argo Investments Ltd., which holds Rio shares. “Clearly a big issue for the next few years is just going to be repairing those relationships,” he said.

Rio, which is headquartered in London and has been criticized for a lack of understanding about community issues in Western Australia, should move to appoint an Aboriginal person to its board, Marica Langton, associate provost at the University of Melbourne, and a prominent Indigenous academic told Bloomberg Television on September 11 in a interview.

While the May explosions were lawful under a state government decision, Rio has been accused of failing to act on information that later showed the heritage sites had greater significance than first understood.

Jacques also told a Parliamentary committee hearing last month that the region’s traditional land owners, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation, were not made aware that Rio had three alternative options that could have avoided damaging the Juukan Gorge shelters. The PKKP will continue to work with Rio on the aftermath of the blasts and advocate “for wide-ranging changes to ensure a tragedy like this never happens again,” the corporation said in a statement, declining to comment on the executive changes.

Rio’s next top executive will face a potentially lengthy task to restore the company’s relationships in local communities, and the ability to carry out that work will shape the board’s decision on replacing Jacques, Thompson said. Both internal and external candidates will be assessed, he said.

“They will have to take responsibility for what is going to be a process running over months, if not years, of restoring confidence in our ability to manage communities and heritage effectively, and that will be one of the key criteria,” Thompson said.

The departure of Jacques, 48, who joined Rio in 2011, comes amid wider upheaval in the top ranks of the mining industry, as the sector prepares for a longer-term slowdown in demand from China and navigates moves to decarbonize the global economy. Top miner BHP Group installed Mike Henry as its new CEO in January, while leadership transitions are seen looming at both Anglo American Plc and Glencore Plc.

Under Jacques’s leadership, Rio’s London-listed shares have doubled, beating gains by BHP and the Bloomberg World Mining Index, and the company has handed back record amounts of cash to investors. Rio’s Sydney traded shares closed 0.6% lower on September 11.

Salisbury and Niven will leave Rio on Dec. 31, while Ivan Vella will be appointed as Rio’s new head of the iron ore division, the company said.



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