9月9日上午,這家支付巨頭宣布了一項名為“中央銀行數字貨幣測試平臺”(Central Bank Digital Currencies Testing Platform)的計劃——雖然聽起來平平無奇,但這個項目很可能會受到那些行事風格極為謹慎的中央銀行家們的青睞。
對包括美聯儲(Federal Reserve)在內的中央銀行而言,這種純數字形式的貨幣將與任何硬幣或紙幣都無關,標志著現有的電子支付系統再次向前邁進了跨越性的一步。例如,中央銀行此后可以直接把錢發給用戶,而無需再依靠商業銀行作為中介。
萬事達卡的計劃是在各國央行對數字貨幣的興趣愈發強烈時提出的。《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)援引了一項由國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)在2018年進行的調查,發現政府銀行家已經在測試這項技術,旨在降低成本,并抑制比特幣等私人加密貨幣的興起。國際清算銀行(Bank for International Settlements)最近的一項調查發現,在全球各國家地區的中央銀行中,有八成都在從事著某種形式的數字貨幣研究工作。
9月9日上午,這家支付巨頭宣布了一項名為“中央銀行數字貨幣測試平臺”(Central Bank Digital Currencies Testing Platform)的計劃——雖然聽起來平平無奇,但這個項目很可能會受到那些行事風格極為謹慎的中央銀行家們的青睞。
對包括美聯儲(Federal Reserve)在內的中央銀行而言,這種純數字形式的貨幣將與任何硬幣或紙幣都無關,標志著現有的電子支付系統再次向前邁進了跨越性的一步。例如,中央銀行此后可以直接把錢發給用戶,而無需再依靠商業銀行作為中介。
萬事達卡的計劃是在各國央行對數字貨幣的興趣愈發強烈時提出的。《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)援引了一項由國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)在2018年進行的調查,發現政府銀行家已經在測試這項技術,旨在降低成本,并抑制比特幣等私人加密貨幣的興起。國際清算銀行(Bank for International Settlements)最近的一項調查發現,在全球各國家地區的中央銀行中,有八成都在從事著某種形式的數字貨幣研究工作。
In the 10 years since Bitcoin came on the financial scene, central banks have quietly been dabbling in digital currencies of their own. Now, Mastercard has unveiled a tool designed to simulate how those currencies would work in the real world.
The payments giant announced the project on September 9 morning, calling it the Central Bank Digital Currencies Testing Platform—a bland title to be sure, but one likely to find favor with cautious central bankers.
For central banks, including the Federal Reserve, a purely digital currency—one not linked to coins or paper bills—would represent a step beyond the existing system of electronic money transfer. A central bank could, for instance, distribute money directly to consumers without relying on commercial banks as intermediary.
State-backed digital money also offers the potential for greater efficiency in payments and money transfers, letting merchants settle deals instantly, and avoid the current patchwork of banks and clearing houses, which can take days.
Mastercard's platform—or "sandbox" in tech parlance—will let central banks issue digital versions of their currency in a controlled environment, and test how those currencies plug into existing bank and payment networks, and to see if they are practical for consumers to buy goods and services.
In an interview with Fortune, Mastercard EVP Raj Dhamodharan said the company is already working with a number of central banks, and that it is inviting various third parties, from banks to tech companies, to join its testing platform.
The Mastercard initiative comes at a time of growing interest in digital currency among central banks. A 2018 survey by the International Monetary Fund, cited by the Wall Street Journal, found government bankers are experimenting with the technology as a way to lower costs and to blunt the rise of private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. A more recent survey by the Bank for International Settlements found that 80% of the world's central banks are engaged in some form of digital currency research.
Not to be outdone, a consortium of companies led by Facebook is working on a new form of digital money called Libra, which is pegged to traditional currencies, and could offer the social network's billions of users a new way to shop and pay.
Projects like Libra, also pose significant privacy risks, as the networks on which the currencies travel can also track who is spending money and where.
According to Dhamodharan, Mastercard is sensitive to privacy issues and is building its testing kit to reflect that. He declined to provide any details about the software Mastercard is using to deploy its test network, other than to say it involves blockchain—the same technology on which Bitcoin is built.