8月19日,揚州大學科研團隊在期刊《流體物理學》(Physics of Fluids)上發表的最新研究結果顯示,公共廁所是病毒傳播的高風險場所。無論是沖馬桶還是沖小便池,都可能會釋放出攜帶大量病毒的氣溶膠。對此,研究人員建議市民們帶上口罩如廁,并警告稱:“疫情期間,公共廁所應強制規定使用者佩戴口罩,各項防擴散措施也要跟上,盡最大可能避免病毒傳播。”
8月19日,揚州大學科研團隊在期刊《流體物理學》(Physics of Fluids)上發表的最新研究結果顯示,公共廁所是病毒傳播的高風險場所。無論是沖馬桶還是沖小便池,都可能會釋放出攜帶大量病毒的氣溶膠。對此,研究人員建議市民們帶上口罩如廁,并警告稱:“疫情期間,公共廁所應強制規定使用者佩戴口罩,各項防擴散措施也要跟上,盡最大可能避免病毒傳播。”
Here's one more thing to worry about: Flushing that toilet—or urinal—could spread COVID-19.
A study from Chinese researchers at Yangzhou University on August 19 found that the flushing action from both toilets and urinals can release clouds of virus-teeming aerosols, making public restrooms a potentially risky place for transmission. The researchers' advice: If you're going to use a public restroom, wear a mask. "Wearing a mask should be mandatory within public restrooms during the pandemic, and anti-diffusion improvements are urgently needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19," the researchers warned.
Flushing a toilet or urinal has always posed some kind of hygiene risk, as the action creates an interaction between gas and air. In the paper, titled Virus Transmission from Urinals, published in the journal Physics of Fluids, the researchers found that a urinal was potentially even more risky. The research used a model to track aerosol particles released during flushing, and found that in a urinal, those particles could spread up to a typical man's thigh level in about five and a half seconds, versus around half a minute for a flushing toilet. As a result, flushing from urinals produces a "more violent climbing tendency," the researchers said, adding it's something they had noticed outside of their research.
This latest study builds on previous evidence that COVID-19 can spread through restrooms. As early as February, Chinese researchers flagged that the virus could spread through feces, and one of the virus routes of transmission could be via the "fecal-oral" route—a particular worry on cruise ships.
Queasiness aside, the research highlights just how difficult it is to track and understand the many sources of virus transmission—a struggle that is frustrating even the most diligent governments the world over, including New Zealand, which previously announced it had contained the virus. And it appears to underscore a simple message to life in the COVID-19 era: If you must use a public toilet, bring your mask.