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Tom Kertscher



3月24日星期二凌晨6點,朱莉?格雷弗森站在有機玻璃屏障后面,監督塞拉斯吸收材料公司(Sellars Absorbent Materials)每位員工進行體溫檢測。這家公司總部位于密爾沃基,生產粗紙巾、一次性紙巾、衛生紙和其他紙制品。 在冠狀病毒疫情期間,該公司全部250名員工沒有一人因體溫超過37.8攝氏度而無法工作。






通過生產優化,塞拉斯在下個月增加的產能將達到數百輛卡車的運量。圖片來源:COURTESY OFSELLARS ABSORBENT MATERIALS


雖然生產以接近24/7的全天候方式持續運行,但公司也有顧慮。人力資源副總裁凱西?亨辛格表示,與美國社會的整體情況差不多,“人們非常著急和擔憂,有些人會盡力做到最好,而有些人就不是那么努力了。” 凱西是約翰?塞拉斯和湯姆?塞拉斯的妹妹。

培訓師哈根17年前在姐夫的推薦下加入了公司,隨時處理出現的機械問題。他說, 車間里的氣氛有些憂郁,“我們仍然在開玩笑,但比以前要少得多。”


她說:“我期盼當我們從這件事情走出來時,彼此之間能更加以誠相待,能更明白什么是生命中真正重要的東西。” “與世隔絕時,你意識到時間是很寶貴的。 我希望這件事結束后,我們都會成為更好的人。”(財富中文網)


3月24日星期二凌晨6點,朱莉?格雷弗森站在有機玻璃屏障后面,監督塞拉斯吸收材料公司(Sellars Absorbent Materials)每位員工進行體溫檢測。這家公司總部位于密爾沃基,生產粗紙巾、一次性紙巾、衛生紙和其他紙制品。 在冠狀病毒疫情期間,該公司全部250名員工沒有一人因體溫超過37.8攝氏度而無法工作。







雖然生產以接近24/7的全天候方式持續運行,但公司也有顧慮。人力資源副總裁凱西?亨辛格表示,與美國社會的整體情況差不多,“人們非常著急和擔憂,有些人會盡力做到最好,而有些人就不是那么努力了。” 凱西是約翰?塞拉斯和湯姆?塞拉斯的妹妹。

培訓師哈根17年前在姐夫的推薦下加入了公司,隨時處理出現的機械問題。他說, 車間里的氣氛有些憂郁,“我們仍然在開玩笑,但比以前要少得多。”


她說:“我期盼當我們從這件事情走出來時,彼此之間能更加以誠相待,能更明白什么是生命中真正重要的東西。” “與世隔絕時,你意識到時間是很寶貴的。 我希望這件事結束后,我們都會成為更好的人。”(財富中文網)


At 6 a.m?on Tuesday, March 24, Julie Graverson stood behind a plexiglass barrier to monitor each employee at Sellars Absorbent Materials as they got their temperature taken.

So far during the coronavirus crisis, none of the 250 employees at the Milwaukee-based manufacturer of shop towels, disposable wipers, toilet tissue, and other paper products has had to be sent home for having a temperature over 100 degrees.

After the first shift was cleared for work, Graverson, vice president of operations, supervised the taping-off of areas on the manufacturing floor, in the break room, and other places—an effort to ensure that the workers stay six feet apart.

When Graverson arrived home after work, she went first into the laundry room, left her clothes there, cleaned up a bit, donned a robe and then showered—all in hopes of not “contaminating” anything inside her home.

That no Sellars employee has yet tested positive for COVID-19 can be attributed at least in part to those steps and others taken by Tom Sellars, chairman and CEO of the 35-year-old company, long before most Americans had heard of Wuhan, China, the source of the coronavirus outbreak.

Sellars recalls it was Feb?23, the day Italy experienced its first surge of coronavirus cases, that he began to act?He withdrew his company from a global trade show in Miami that was to be held in mid-March and canceled all company travel—including plans for his brother John, the company's founder and president, and another employee to travel to Seattle, near where the first coronavirus death in the United States was recorded on Feb?29.

Sellars said some people thought he was overreacting?But his sense was that too much of the United States was reacting with an attitude of “it’s no big deal,” despite signs that a worldwide outbreak was brewing.

The coronavirus has meant booked sales for March are 30% above budget for Sellars’ company, as it shifts more production to the cleaning wipes that health care facilities need?Sellars doesn't sell directly to health care providers?Its health care customers include distributors which pick up Sellars cleaning wipes and towels by truck and delivers them to health care providers?"They are seeing and anticipating ongoing high demand. We are having to put limits on how much we are allowing people to purchase above normal so we can serve all of our customers," said John Sellars?“The challenge in something like this is we’re not taking on new customers; we’re trying to take care of the customers we have,” adds Sellars.

Operations continue to run nearly 24/7—though not without worries.

Like much of American society, “you have people who are very anxious and concerned, and then folks who are trying to do the best they can, and then you have folks who are just not paying enough attention,” said Kathy Huntsinger, the vice president of human resources and Tom and John Sellars’ sister.

The mood on the floor is more somber, said trainer Al Hagen, the go-to guy for any machine problems; he joined the company on the recommendation of his brother-in-law 17 years ago?“We’re still joking and laughing, but a lot less,” he said.

Graverson hopes for a silver lining.

“I expect that we come out of this and maybe be just a little bit more conscientious about each other, and also a little bit more aware about what’s important in life,” she said?“When you’re isolated, you kind of start thinking about time is precious?I hope that we’re just better people after this.”



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