Lean In和SurveyMonkey的一項調查顯示,95%的美國人支持受新型冠狀病毒疫情影響的工作者享受某種形式的緊急帶薪休假。
由Facebook首席運營官雪莉·桑德伯格創建的組織Lean In聯合SurveyMonkey在3月20日和21日調查了約2700名成年人。在被問到“你認為誰應該享受與新型冠狀病毒有關的帶薪病假或隔離假?”時,95%的受訪者選擇了至少一類工作者。只有5%選擇了“以上都不”。
LeanIn. Org的CEO瑞秋·托馬斯在一份聲明中表示:“這些調查結果給立法者發出了強烈的信號,表明人們需要并且想要帶薪病假,以幫助他們度過此次危機。帶薪休假讓人們有機會照顧家人,如果他們自己生病了可以留在家里。這是每個人應得的基本福利,不論他們從事什么職業,或者他們工作的公司規模有多大。”
Lean In還調查了受訪者對這項法律的意見;79%的受訪者認為這項法律應該擴大帶薪休假的范圍。(財富中文網)
Lean In和SurveyMonkey的一項調查顯示,95%的美國人支持受新型冠狀病毒疫情影響的工作者享受某種形式的緊急帶薪休假。
由Facebook首席運營官雪莉·桑德伯格創建的組織Lean In聯合SurveyMonkey在3月20日和21日調查了約2700名成年人。在被問到“你認為誰應該享受與新型冠狀病毒有關的帶薪病假或隔離假?”時,95%的受訪者選擇了至少一類工作者。只有5%選擇了“以上都不”。
LeanIn. Org的CEO瑞秋·托馬斯在一份聲明中表示:“這些調查結果給立法者發出了強烈的信號,表明人們需要并且想要帶薪病假,以幫助他們度過此次危機。帶薪休假讓人們有機會照顧家人,如果他們自己生病了可以留在家里。這是每個人應得的基本福利,不論他們從事什么職業,或者他們工作的公司規模有多大。”
Lean In還調查了受訪者對這項法律的意見;79%的受訪者認為這項法律應該擴大帶薪休假的范圍。(財富中文網)
Ninety-five percent of Americans support some form of emergency paid leave for workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey by Lean In and SurveyMonkey.
Lean In, the organization founded by Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, with SurveyMonkey polled about 2,700 adults on March 20 and 21. When they were asked, “Who do you think should have access to paid leave for illness or quarantine related to the coronavirus?,” 95% of those respondents picked at least one type of worker. Only 5% said none of the above.
The respondents overwhelmingly supported paid leave for health care workers, emergency responders, grocery store employees, pharmacy employees, and childcare workers, with at least 70% in favor of paid leave for each group. Sixty-seven percent supported paid leave for workers at all businesses that are open during the pandemic.
“These findings should send a strong message to lawmakers that people need and want paid sick leave to help them through this crisis,” LeanIn.Org CEO Rachel Thomas said in a statement. “Paid leave would help people take care of their families and stay home if they are sick. These are basics that everyone deserves, no matter what they do for a living or the size of the company they work for.”
Before the coronavirus crisis, Americans didn’t have access to paid sick leave at the national level, although California and a handful of other states guarantee the benefit. President Trump last week signed into law the the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which requires some employers to provide two weeks of fully paid sick leave for employees who are quarantined or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and two weeks of leave at two-thirds pay to care for a quarantined family member. The legislation also guarantees 10 weeks of paid family and medical leave at two-thirds pay for workers, employed for at least 30 days, who need to care for a child whose school or childcare provider is closed because of the crisis.
Large employers with more than 500 workers are exempt from the requirement.
Lean In also polled survey respondents on that legislation; 79% said the law should go further to expand paid leave.