
  • Where Goldman really went wrong

    Allan Sloan 2010-04-22 11:26 發現相似文章

    "Our assets are our people, capital and reputation. If any of these is ever diminished, the last is most difficult to restore."-- From Goldman Sachs B...

  • Where Toyota went wrong

    Alex Taylor III 2010-02-03 09:18 發現相似文章

    By Alex Taylor IIIWhen Toyota gets around to doing one of its famous "root cause" analyses of the Great Accelerator Recall, it should start by looking...

  • What went wrong at Burger King

    Dan Mitchell 2010-09-08 01:08 發現相似文章

    It's not yet clear what Burger King's new owner, the Brazilian-backed private equity firm 3G Capital, has in mind for the troubled No. 2 fast-food cha...

  • What went wrong at AMD

    Eleanor Bloxham 2011-01-19 01:53 發現相似文章

    The AMD board's ouster of CEO Dirk Meyer on Monday caught many by surprise and highlights the need for better succession planning and communication be...

  • Where will Hurd go next?

    Adam Lashinsky 2010-08-12 01:42 發現相似文章

    Mark Hurd's departure is mired in muck, but C-suite headhunters are sure to focus less on the rumors than on the possibilities.Yes, I know. The focus ...

  • Where are they now?

    財富中文網 2009-11-03 05:49 發現相似文章

    Fortune takes a look back at our '40 under 40' of a decade ago to find out who's still flying high, and who's fallen from grace.By Maha Atal and Kim T...

  • Where have you been? Google knows...

    Seth Weintraub 2010-06-01 12:44 發現相似文章

    For those who want to log their every move, Google now offers an extension to its Latitude service which logs your location history.Google Location Hi...

  • What's wrong with Windows 7

    財富中文網 2009-10-10 01:18 發現相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittReading between the lines of Walt Mossberg's reviewIt's a given that Windows 7, scheduled for release in two weeks, is an improv...

  • Is the dollar really doomed?

    Colin Barr 2010-11-24 01:21 發現相似文章

    Maybe the convulsing world financial system isn't doomed after all.Headlines are rife with reports of currency wars and respectable people are talking...

  • How Obama got Keynes wrong

    Shawn Tully 2010-02-10 12:55 發現相似文章

    by Shawn TullyThe Obama White House likes to say that the theories of John Maynard Keynes form the foundation for its fiscal policies. Most notably, i...

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