
微軟CEO談IT轉型、亞馬遜與Windows 10

微軟CEO談IT轉型、亞馬遜與Windows 10

Barb Darrow 2015年05月12日
在云計算時代,“自帶設備上班”潮流風起云涌,許多企業的IT人員越來越邊緣化。但微軟CEO納德拉認為,IT的真正含義應該是創新(Innovation)與轉型(Transformation),而IT人員正是企業創新和轉型的關鍵推動者。在接受《財富》專訪時,他還談到了微軟和亞馬遜等公司在云計算領域的競爭,以及Windows 10對于這家科技巨頭的意義。





????并不是只有IT部門的IT支出很有限,這個現象在營銷和人力資源領域也很普遍。一個有意思的現象是企業的分析支出。Power BI(微軟的“商業情報”分析服務)是我們以SaaS模式(Saas又稱“軟件即服務”,是一個用來描述云應用的行業術語)發布的,我起初以為它的用戶主要是開發者或營銷人員。后來我發現人力資源部門也在使用Power BI,這是因為“人力分析”的重要性。因此,有些領域我原本沒有預料到會出現較大的IT支出,但它們卻成了IT的開支大戶,因為現在IT已經無所不在。


????如果你看看我們的數據庫業務特別是SQL服務器業務……我覺得非常搞笑的是,很多人認為亞馬遜網頁服務(Amazon Web Services)是數據領域的領軍者,卻沒有意識到我們通過“古老的”數據庫業務早已實現了數據的平民化——這項業務已經發展到80億美元的市值,無處不在,居于企業的核心地位。

????我們最近剛剛收購了一家名叫Revolution Analytics的公司。憑借我們的數據解決方案,我們將徹底改變所謂的“高級分析”的面貌。我們的機器學習技術將把高級分析和統計學機器學習技術帶到全球各地的數據科學部門。我們的Excel絕對擁有這種優勢。作為一項SaaS服務,Power BI可以使你通過云端進行豐富的可視化和儀表盤操作,并進行協作與分享。

????我非常關注這些技術的使用。我仔細研究了Office 365的租借和服務使用情況。所有這些數據都是用儀表盤工具(Dashboard)分析的。如果一位利用Office 365的工程師——比如說他正在利用其Exchange Online功能——有一個儀表盤,我就可以發現他的使用情況。所以,它其實已經成為我們理解公司內部的大數據及其協作方式的通用工具。

????而且它不僅僅是報告或儀表盤這樣簡單,它是實時的數據。這意味著我可以問一個自然語言的問題,并且可以獲得回答,做豐富的可視化操作,然后分享回去。這就是我以前提到過的“數據文化”。僅僅擁有大數據,并不意味著你就擁有了正確的見解,或擁有了更好的決判能力,所以你必須要有數據文化。什么意思呢?如果你有了正確的工具,你只需要擁有數據文化就可以了。這正是Power BI的目標。

????Many companies think that if they put more business applications in the cloud, they don’t need as many IT people. Maybe you don’t need a SharePoint expert or an Exchange expert. Is the net number of IT professionals shrinking at large companies?

????There are always going to be people who are experts in security, or end-user devices, or collaboration, or databases. That’s not going to go away. But what’s the reason all of these professions come together? To help the business transform itself.

????You talk about shrinking budgets. So here is a fascinating phenomenon. Ask any company—it could be in manufacturing, packaged goods, energy, retail, what have you—what in their total digital technology spend is going up as a percentage of revenue. Then ask what is coming down. It’s what was considered past IT—maybe a bunch of fans, or servers. Even if you are predominantly an on-premise customer, you’re using the cloud quite a bit for development and testing new applications. You may be building a mobile or web back end in the cloud, but you’re not yet moving your ERP [“enterprise resource planning”] system to the cloud.

????So in a sense they want more out of the same dollar for what they did yesterday. And then they want to spend more dollars for things that they’re doing that are new.

????IT spend is not limited just to the IT department. It’s spread across marketing and human resources. One of the fascinating things I see is the amount of analytics spend. Power BI [a Microsoft “business intelligence” service], which we launched as SaaS [“software-as-a-service,” the industry term for a cloud-based application], I initially thought would be used by developers and maybe marketers. It turns out that HR departments all use Power BI because “people analytics” is a big deal. So in places where I traditionally would not have expected big IT spending, they are becoming big spenders of IT, because IT is everywhere.

????Let’s talk about data, making really complex data sets, and making the ability to parse them available to mere mortals.

????If you look at what has happened with our database business, at the core, with SQL Server…I mean, it’s just pretty hilarious for me to think about people who think of Amazon Web Services as a leader in data and not have an understanding of the democratization of data that we have done with our regular old database business—an $8 billion business that’s everywhere, in the core of the enterprise.

????We just bought a company called Revolution Analytics. We are going to completely change what it means to do advanced analytics with our data solutions. We have machine-learning stuff that is about really bringing advanced analytics and statistical machine learning into data-science departments everywhere. We absolutely have this strength in Excel, but Power BI is a SaaS service that allows you to do these rich visualizations and dashboards and collaborate and share.

????I’ve been very, very focused on usage. I look at what’s happening in Office 365 by tenant, by service. All of that is dashboarded. So if one of the engineers on Office 365, say Exchange Online, has a dashboard I can go discover that usage. So it’s become, in fact, the lingua franca of how we make sense of big data inside the company and how we collaborate on it.

????And it’s not just reports or dashboards. It’s live data. That means I can ask a natural-language question, get a response, do a rich visualization, and then share back. That, I think, is what I referenced before as data culture. Just because you have big data doesn’t mean you have insights or a better ability to pass judgment. So you’ve got to have this data culture. What does that mean? You are only going to have a data culture if you have the right kinds of tools. That’s what Power BI is about.

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