







專欄 - 與中國接軌


甘思德 2012年10月25日

甘思德(Scott Kennedy),美國印第安那大學中國政治與商務研究中心主任 http://www.indiana.edu/~rccpb/



????奧巴馬的立場似乎相對清晰。他將延續過去四年所采取的政策,特別是自從2010年至2011年奧巴馬政府將“重心”轉移到亞洲以來的政策。奧巴馬將繼續尋求世界貿易組織(WTO)的幫助。因為正如他所說,美國在這方面一直相當成功。按照筆者的統計,美國在日內瓦提出的、針對中國的貿易仲裁,10項有9項都是美國獲勝。他對泛太平洋伙伴關系(Trans-Pacific Partnerhsip,簡稱TPP)也出人意料地坦誠。第三場辯論中,他沒有提到TPP。但他說,美國正在組織地區內國家實施一項高標準的貿易和投資標準協定,這應當會給中國帶來更多壓力時,其實說的就是TPP。這段概述或許是美國政府首次在公開場合對TPP協議作出如此明確地表述,但人們可以明白為什么奧巴馬選擇在競選時期這么干。或許他已得出結論,中國絕不可能簽約,至少一開始不會,因此,比以前更明確地探討TPP目標并沒有什么害處。



????China featured prominently in the 2nd and 3rd US presidential debates, in fact, more in the 2nd than the 3rd, even though the latter was on foreign policy. Although there has been handringing in Beijing because President Obama and Governor Romney have emphasized the competitive nature of the relationship and the need to have China play by the rules, neither has given many specifics about policy going forward. Also, both have used essentially the same formulation, "We want to be partners if China plays by the rules." That is essentially consistent with the approach taken since the middle of the Clinton Administration.

????The most detail we got from Romney is that, "On Day One I will label China a currency manipulator." That implies he will institute sanctions or penalties against China because the RMB is undervalued. Maybe, but not necessarily. There are several steps that have to occur between his declaration and sanctions, and none are automatic. So this moment of supposed policy precision is just another example of Romney being Romney. In fact, we have absolute zero idea what Romney's policies toward China -- or essentially anywhere in the world -- will be.

????President Obama's position seems clearer. He'll continue his policies of the last 4 years, particularly since the administration adopted its "pivot" to Asia in 2010/11. Obama will continue to go to the WTO, since as he noted, the US has been so successfl there. By my count, it has won 9 of 10 cases against China in Geneva. He also was perhaps unexpectedly honest about the Trans-Pacific Partnerhsip (TPP). He did not mention these words last night, but when he said the US is organizing countriesi in the region to adopt an agreement on trade and investment principles that sets high standards and that should put additional pressure on China, he meant TPP. This framing gives the agreement a sharper edge than perhaps the administration has been suggesting in public, but one can see why Obama would do so in the context of the campaign. He may have also concluded that there is no way China would ever sign on, at least initially, so there's no harm in being more explicit about the TPP's goals.

????Switching gears, in 2011, China sold less than 9,000 electric or hybrid vehicles. At the time I remarked how this was a horrible record for a country supposedly so intent on promoting green energy. Things have only gotten worse. According to Caixin, in the first 3 quarters of 2012, China has sold only 235 electric cars. That is essentially zero and means there is no support for this sector whatsoever. China reportedly did export 7,500 electric cars. If so, we are seeing the same pattern as in the solar sector: export over 95% of production. This means solar and electric vehicles are part of a global trade strategy but not central to domestic energy or conservation policy.







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