
  • 黑山有意向美移交Do Kwon

    精選 2023-12-08 10:00 發現相似文章

    就在山姆·班克曼-弗里德(FTX創始人)、趙長鵬(幣安創始人)先后進入等待法庭發落刑期的階段后,這一輪加密貨幣暴雷潮的另一位知名人物Do Kwon,也極有可能在美國法庭迎接他最終的審判。...

  • Do women do better in a recession?

    財富中文網 2009-07-27 05:12 發現相似文章

    Female managers just might have an edge in a rotten economy, says the author of a new book. Here's why, and how men and women can learn from each othe...

  • “幣圈巨騙”權道亨在黑山被捕,韓美新展開引渡之爭

    精選 2023-03-30 02:00 發現相似文章

    虛擬貨幣Terra和Luna崩盤致全球投資者損失慘重,該案核心人物、Terraform Labs創始人權道亨(32歲)在黑山被捕,韓國、美國、新加坡對其展開引渡之爭,在韓國社會持續引發熱議。目前,韓國、美國、新加坡均致力于引渡權道亨,不過鑒于權道亨決定對黑山司法部門提起上訴,預計他近期被他國引渡的可...

  • What would Clinton do?

    Tory Newmyer 2010-11-22 07:25 發現相似文章

    With newly-empowered Republicans poised to bring gridlock to Congress, a powerhouse liberal think tank has some advice for President Obama: "Go around...

  • Do banks have something to hide?

    財富中文網 2009-11-02 06:20 發現相似文章

    Even experts have a hard time getting a handle on how bad losses might get as the commercial real estate market implodes.By Colin BarrThe banks have t...

  • Do you like your job?

    財富中文網 2009-09-02 05:30 發現相似文章

    By Stanley BingOn this last Monday before Labor Day, as the summer lies dying and the new school year begins for us all, a question has bubbled up in ...

  • 85后銀行家贏得黑山總統大選

    彭博社 2023-04-10 03:51 發現相似文章

    2023年4月2日,黑山首都波德戈里察,新當選的黑山總統雅科夫·米拉托維奇經過兩輪總統大選后宣布勝選,并接受祝賀。圖片來源:SAVO PRELEVIC —— 法新社/蓋蒂圖片社上周日,一位畢業于牛津大學的經濟學家在黑山總統大選中勝出。現任總統米洛·久卡諾維奇主導黑山政治三十多年,已經令選民厭倦。據黑...

  • Why CEOs should do housework

    財富中文網 2009-08-13 05:54 發現相似文章

    By Patricia SellersThis afternoon, I walked over to Bloomberg headquarters at 58th and Lex to hear an author, a former Goldman Sachs (GS) managing dir...

  • Why Microsoft and Yahoo had to do a deal

    財富中文網 2009-07-31 02:04 發現相似文章

    By Patricia Sellers“Every key word that every advertiser in every part of the world would put on Google, I want on our system.”That’s what Microsoft (...

  • When do you tell your boss?

    財富中文網 2009-06-18 06:55 發現相似文章

    By Stanley BingThere have been several kerfluffles around my office recently, all revolving around the same issue: What do you tell your boss and when...

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