


Moshe Silver 2014-02-18

????信不信由你,就在其他方面的通脹壓力不斷堆積的時候,大宗商品價格正在向上突破。不相信?看看金價吧。今年初以來,金價漲幅已經超過了7%,而標普500指數(S&P 500)則下跌了1.5%。同時,路透商品研究局(CRB)商品價格指數年初以來已經上漲了4%。


????如果美聯儲(Federal Reserve)主席詹尼特?耶倫決定將削減購債規模的計劃倒轉過來以便“拯救”股市,由此產生的影響可能造成美元匯率下跌,同時促使投資者追逐收益率,由此可能導致抗通脹資產的價格上升,引發新一輪降低經濟增長速度的大宗商品價格上漲。






????Believe it or not, commodity prices are breaking out right now as other inflationary pressures continue to build. Don't believe it? Take a look at gold prices. They have already risen over 7% year-to-date as the S&P 500 (SPX) has fallen 1.5%. Meanwhile, the CRB Commodity Index is up 4% year-to-date.

????Something is stirring here, and it doesn't have the whiff of deflation.

????If U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen decides to "rescue" equity markets by reversing the central bank's plans to scale down its bond purchases, the impact could knock down the U.S. Dollar and trigger investors to chase yield, which would drive up inflation hedge assets and likely spark another round of growth-slowing commodity inflation.

????After peaking in 2011-2012, commodity prices cratered in 2013. Because of last year's price declines, period-to-period comparisons are especially sensitive, so even a moderate commodity price increase looks inflationary year over year. This is an optical effect, not yet an economic reality. But policy -- and market panics -- are made in response to how things appear, not how things actually are.

????Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough says we are unlikely to see 2011-2012 style actual inflation (which the Fed did not see at the time). But, as people perceive the rise in commodity prices alongside decelerating growth and declining stock prices, there will be speculation that the Fed will again loosen policy to support flagging growth. If Yellen reverses plans to scale down the Fed's bond purchases, a process dubbed, "tapering," your stocks will lift temporarily. But globally the dollar will suffer, causing inflation to rise faster.

????Wage inflation was rising at the margin even before President Obama ordered wage increases. Savings rates are declining toward historic lows as consumption is again displacing savings. During the third quarter of 2013, aggregate household debt growth turned positive for the first time in 18 calendar quarters. After five years of household deleveraging, credit-driven consumption growth is back, and consumer overspending could spike if consumers start to worry about inflation as consumers chase rising prices.

????Inflation is likely to lead to stock market multiple compression, the very opposite of what most Wall Street strategists are calling for. Last year saw both growth and inflation accelerating, leading optimistic investors to assign higher price-to-earnings ratio multiples to stocks and driving prices higher. Now commodity inflation is rising, but U.S. growth is showing signs of slowing. This is not a good place to be, and not an easy one to work out of, and no politician wants to hear that the best policy option is to sit tight and wait it out. This increases the risk of new tinkering by the Fed.

????Thanks to over-optimistic Wall Street projections, investors are not positioned for slower growth and stock price multiple compression. McCullough says commodity prices seem to be front-running Fed policy -- an "inflation trade" that could explode if Yellen reverses the taper. Broad measures of inflation, such as CRB prices, continue to make higher lows as stock prices decline.


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