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Top women entrepreneurs
Patricia Sellers 2009-12-10 10:53by Patricia SellersThe Fortune Most Powerful Women isn’t only about Fortune 500 bosses and world-renowned business builders like Oprah Winfrey.Today w...
2010's top people in business
Peter Newcomb 2010-11-27 03:06When Fortune set out to pick the Businessperson of the Year -- and the 49 runners-up -- we searched for leaders who didn't just crawl from the wreckag...
How BlackBerry plans to stay on top
Jessi Hempel 2010-05-10 09:50Apple's iPhone is getting more appealing to business users, but BlackBerry maker RIM says it will prevail among the corporate set.For an executive on ...
周展宏 2004-12-01 08:00作者:周展宏約翰?湯普森(John W. Thompson)1999 年出任賽門鐵克公司(Symantec)首席執行官的時候,賽門鐵克的年收入只有 6.3 億美元,而現在其年收入近 25 億美元。在湯普森領導的 6 年里,公司每年的增長率都超過了 25%。1998 年,賽門鐵克進入中國,亦取得了不俗...
《財富》最佳雇主Top 10
《財富》 2011-01-26 02:251. SAS排名:1(去年排名:1)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?軟件公司SAS連續14年榜上有名,而且連續兩年位居榜首。SAS公司的待遇令人驚嘆不已,包括現場醫療保健服務、高質量的育兒服務(價格每月410美元)、面向員工子女的兒童夏令營,甚至還有一個美容院,此外它還有一個占地66000平方英尺的先進的...
《財富》最佳雇主Top 10
《財富》 2011-01-26 02:251. SAS排名:1(去年排名:1)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?軟件公司SAS連續14年榜上有名,而且連續兩年位居榜首。SAS公司的待遇令人驚嘆不已,包括現場醫療保健服務、高質量的育兒服務(價格每月410美元)、面向員工子女的兒童夏令營,甚至還有一個美容院,此外它還有一個占地66000平方英尺的先進的...
Facebook COO Sandberg on making it to the top
Patricia Sellers 2010-12-14 11:45Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote one of the most-read Guest Posts ever on Postcards. "Don't Leave Before You Leave" ranks second in popularity to a ...
Top 10 myths about job interviews
Anne Fisher 2010-11-24 09:43Dear Annie: I graduated from college last spring and, after taking a few months off to take care of some family business, I'm looking for my first "re...
Cisco CTO’s tips for a top career
Padmasree Warrior 2010-03-17 09:40Today is International Women’s Day. While we’re celebrating the achievements of women, we also need to recognize that in many fields, there are way to...