Running with the energy bulls
Scott Cendrowski 2009-10-23 05:52A new report from portfolio manager Fayez Sarofim says all signs point to a rebound in energy stocks.By Scott Cendrowski, reporterNEW YORK (Fortune) -...
Bulls tiptoe into homebuilder stocks
Nancy Miller 2010-08-05 05:47It takes a lot of courage to be a bull on homebuilder stocks these days. They exist, for sure. And they aren't on mind-bending drugs. In fact, they se...
Devon Energy
《財富》 2011-04-07 09:19排名:41 (去年排名:20)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?2005年,Devon開始為員工提供高達每人3,000美元的舉薦費。五年內,公司發放的這項獎金額超過了200萬美元,有些員工一年可以得到3次獎勵。2009年營業收入(百萬美元):8,015網址:www.devonenergy.com ...
Subaru isn't running under the radar any more
Alex Taylor III 2010-11-12 11:33For October, Subaru saw its sales jump 25% in a month where auto sales as a whole rose only 13%. In the year to date, its sales are up 23% vs. the ind...
Metering tools slash energy costs
財富中文網 2009-05-06 05:17A small firm muscles in on the electricity metering business.By Phaedra Hise(Fortune Small Business)-The minute a lightbulb burns out in your place of...
Chesapeake Energy:免費提供“體重監測”
《財富》 2011-04-07 09:46排名:32 (去年排名:34)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?這家天然氣巨頭有一個健身中心,其中配備了游泳池和攀巖墻,而且還免費提供“體重監測”會員資格。去年,它增加了長達一個街區的可持續花園,其中有一個亭臺供大家練高溫瑜伽,此外還有健康食品課。2009年營業收入(百萬美元):7,702網址:www.ch...
Renewable energy: The government piggy-bank
Shelley DuBois 2010-08-18 01:39If the government truly wants America to go green, it's going to have to shell out to support the nascent but important sector of our economy. Green j...
Wave energy developers face rougher waters
財富中文網 2009-04-14 05:35By Todd WoodyWave farm developers must overcome more hurdles to get their projects approved under an agreement signed Thursday ending a feud between t...
2013年增長最快的公司:CVR Energy
《財富》 2013-08-30 12:086.CVR Energy6隨著美國原油產量達到1993年以來的最高水平,CVR能源公司的利潤也出現了激增。煉油商和化肥生產商CVR能源公司在堪薩斯州科菲維爾有一家煉油廠——位于美國在俄克拉荷馬州庫欣的石油集散地以北120英里。高產量使庫欣出現了瓶頸,因為,現有的交通基礎設施跟不上原油庫存增加的速度。...
NuStar Energy:把獎金當作首要事項
《財富》 2011-04-07 09:50排名:30 (去年排名:21)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?這家管道和石油產品存儲罐運營商把獎金當作首要事項。如果員工沒有得到獎金,CEO也不拿獎金。公司還有一個傳統的明確給付退休金計劃。2009年營業收入(百萬美元):3,856網址:www.nustarenergy.com...