
  • Desperately seeking math and science majors

    Geoff Colvin 2010-08-04 01:49

    Applied Materials had to fly in 100 interviewers just to screen all the job applicants for its new Solar Technology Center in Xi'an, China, last year....

  • Where are all the science majors?

    David A. Kaplan 2010-06-12 02:05

    In a move to measure its workforce not too long ago, Nationwide Insurance surveyed its 36,000 employees at the time. Its CEO was in for a shock. The s...

  • Getting girls to groove on science

    財富中文網 2009-09-27 05:27

    By Stephanie N. MehtaMen still outnumber women in science and engineering fields. Would a science-loving "Hannah Montana" type change that?At Fortune'...

  • Kraft's cheesy math

    Colin Barr 2010-01-13 06:08

    By Colin BarrIn the strange but true department, a recent securities filing by Kraft Foods seems to stretch the value stock investors are willing to p...

  • Big banks' fuzzy math

    財富中文網 2009-04-18 01:40

    JPMorgan and Wells Fargo play up an obscure measure of their profitability to show how strong they are - but surging credit losses may hint otherwise....

  • 15個最有“錢途”的大學專業

    Anne Fisher 2012-08-24 10:14

    要開學了,還不確定該選什么專業嗎?可以去看看最新出版的紙皮版大手冊,《大學專業指南:職業道路和回報》(College Majors Handbook with Real Career Paths and Payoffs)。這本長達546頁的手冊詳細記錄了58個專業的職業信息,其中包括:可能得到的工作...

  • Bailout math leaves shareholders almost zero

    Allan Sloan 2010-06-07 06:56

    There's some good news for those of us who worry that Wall Street hasn't paid a big enough price for being bailed out by the government. It's that the...

  • The crazy math of health-care reform

    財富中文網 2009-09-07 05:45

    A new program for long-term care is billed as a money saver. In fact, it does just the opposite.By Shawn TullyEmbedded in the health-care plan moving ...

  • 美國薪水最高專業:年薪6位數,全美僅10萬崗位

    ALICIA ADAMCZYK 2023-06-01 03:30

    這份新鮮出爐的薪資數據可以幫助準大學生在選擇專業時“做出更明智的決定”。圖片來源:NITAT TERMMEE—GETTY IMAGES在充滿不確定性的就業市場中,在職員工和準職場新人想要“求穩”十分正常。雖然在生活中,沒有什么是一定的,但通過這份新鮮出爐的報告,我們至少可以知道哪10個專業在本科畢業...

  • Countering the Global Slowdown: CEOs Seeking to "Control the Controllable" to Create Competitive Advantage in 2013

    David Hoffman, Charles Mitchell 2013-04-18 04:50

    2013年首席執行官的挑戰專題· 在經濟減速中掌控未來· [英文原文]Countering the Global Slowdown · [6位CEO的12大挑戰]馬儒超、蔚藍、李瑞麟馬克·伯恩哈特、海博、張錦榮 · 與預言作斗爭的人——訪雷軍· 人本推動力——訪SAS大中華區CEO · 打造一家卓越...


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