China to dominate in 2030? Maybe not.
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-08-20 01:24Now that Japan has been knocked out by China as the world's second-biggest economy, the next question is: When will it dominate the U.S.? The Asian po...
How China came to dominate the race for rare earths
Katherine Ryder 2010-10-10 01:33Amidst the latest flare-up in the centuries-old Sino-Japanese spat, Beijing made an unexpected move last month when it halted exports of a little-know...
China: The next branding superpower?
Karl Gerth 2010-11-18 01:16Trade tensions between China and the United States dominate the headlines. But the two countries actually agree on one thing: Both Chinese and America...
Brian Dumaine 2012-12-18 11:05每次總統大選結束后,位于華盛頓特區的美國國家情報委員會(The National Intelligence Council,NIC)都會發布一份關于安全風險的報告,為美國情報界提供長期戰略分析。該委員會于12月10日發布了最新報告《2030年全球趨勢:不一樣的世界》(Global Trends 20...
秦晨 2010-04-16 08:00通用汽車中國公司總裁兼總經理甘文維通用汽車中國公司總裁兼總經理甘文維(Kevin Wale)是一個“超級世博迷”。哪怕有一點空閑時間,他就會擠出來,駕駛他的凱迪拉克 SLS 去正在緊張建設中的上海世博會上汽集團-通用汽車館去考察一番場館建設進展狀況。“那(世博汽車館)是我第二個家!”甘文維帶著幾分幽...
Jeff Bussgang 2011-03-10 12:58我每年都會帶著孩子們參觀波士頓紅襪隊(Red Sox)的春季訓練營,這個周末,我又帶著兩個兒子去了佛羅里達州的麥爾斯堡。在追著界外球跑或是找球員討要簽名之余,我們也花了一些時間,討論未來會變成什么樣子。最后我們列出了一張頗有爭議的單子,我們稱之為“2030年的10大預測”。需要指出的是,我的兩個兒子...
Jeff Bussgang 2011-03-10 12:58我每年都會帶著孩子們參觀波士頓紅襪隊(Red Sox)的春季訓練營,這個周末,我又帶著兩個兒子去了佛羅里達州的麥爾斯堡。在追著界外球跑或是找球員討要簽名之余,我們也花了一些時間,討論未來會變成什么樣子。最后我們列出了一張頗有爭議的單子,我們稱之為“2030年的10大預測”。需要指出的是,我的兩個兒子...
A reality check on China
Michael Greeley 2010-11-16 01:34What a fascinating week to be traveling in Asia. President Obama is here for the G20 Summit – as is Tiger Woods – and frankly I am surprised at how to...
China buys the world
財富中文網 2009-10-11 01:18Chinese businesses, their coffers overflowing with state money, have been doing progressively bigger and bolder deals.By Maha AtalMoney machineThanks ...
Schooled by China and India
財富中文網 2009-05-07 05:22What US tech companies can learn about innovation from abroad. Hint: it isn't just about cheap labor.By Stephanie N. MehtaIt would be a groundbreaking...