
  • 3月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2008-03-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞actuate中文釋義啟動(動詞,非正式)英文釋義(verb, FORMAL) To cause something to begin; to start a complex mechanical operation or massive effort例句EXAMPLE: All o...

  • 1月14日商務英語

    《財富》(中文版) 2011-01-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞actuary ['?ktju?ri]中文釋義精算師(名詞)英文釋義(noun) A statistician who is employed in the insurance industry to calculate insurance rates according to ri...

  • 9月14日商務英語

    《財富》(中文版) 2010-09-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞finger-pointing['fi?ɡ?'p?inti?]中文釋義指責(動名詞)英文釋義(gerund) The act of accusing others, often used without reasonable consideration.例句EXAMPLE: When...

  • 7月14日商務英語

    《財富》(中文版) 2010-07-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞next-generation中文釋義新式的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Describing something that is far more advanced than others of its type, and, usually that is based ...

  • 6月14日商務英語

    《財富》(中文版) 2010-06-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞alarmist [?'lɑ:mist]中文釋義危言聳聽者,喜歡咋呼的人(名詞)英文釋義(noun) A person who intentionally alarms others by inventing or exaggerating rumors of future cata...

  • 1月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2009-01-14 08:28

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句dirtbag邋遢鬼(名詞,幽默俚語)(noun, HUMOROUS CONTEMPORARY SLANG) A sloppy, unclean, and irresponsible personEXAMPLE: When my little brother gra...

  • 8月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2008-08-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句angst憂慮,擔心(名詞)A sense of acute emotional apprehension and general depression without any specific cause (GERMAN "fear")EXAMPLE: Young...

  • 7月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2008-07-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句squabble爭論(名詞,動詞)(noun, verb) An argument about trivial concerns (also, to engage in a petty argument)NOUN EXAMPLE: The business part...

  • 5月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2008-05-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句checker驗貨員(名詞,航運術語)(noun, SHIPPING TERM) The person on a ship carrying freight who is responsible for inspecting cargo and administer...

  • 4月14日商務英語

    財富中文網 2008-04-14 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句frenetic興奮的,狂熱的(形容詞)(adjective) Excessively active, delirious, aggressiveEXAMPLE: The frenetic sales representative spoke so quickly ...


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