Todd Woody 2008-03-03 06:31作者:Todd Woody一年前,風險投資家、太陽能企業家簡-奧勒夫?威廉姆斯(Jan-Olaf Willums)出席了在舊金山舉行的清潔技術論壇(Cleantech Forum)。這之前,他剛剛收購了Think Global, 一家曾經屬于福特公司(Ford)的挪威電動汽車生產商。當時,威廉姆斯和...
Todd Woody 2008-03-03 06:31作者:Todd Woody一年前,風險投資家、太陽能企業家簡-奧勒夫?威廉姆斯(Jan-Olaf Willums)出席了在舊金山舉行的清潔技術論壇(Cleantech Forum)。這之前,他剛剛收購了Think Global, 一家曾經屬于福特公司(Ford)的挪威電動汽車生產商。當時,威廉姆斯和...
MARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ 2024-06-01 03:30豐田(Toyota)首席執行官佐藤浩二(Koji Sato)與斯巴魯(Subaru)和馬自達(Mazda)的首席執行官一起出席了一場新聞發布會,宣布推出新型內燃機。圖片來源:KIYOSHI OTA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES當許多汽車制造商預測純電動汽車時代即將到來時,豐田...
精選 2022-08-04 03:008月2日,日野汽車(即日野自動車株式會社)官方公布了由外部律師等組成的特別調查委員會對其今年3月4日曝出的引擎尾氣排放,以及油耗數據造假丑聞的調查結果。上述調查結果顯示,日野汽車的不正當行為大概可分為三個方面,包括引擎尾氣排放相關違規、油耗數據相關違規,以及在2016年日本國土交通省調查尾氣排放和油...
Think housing is recovering? Think again.
Kit R. Roane 2010-05-31 07:02Americans purchased homes at a surprising clip in April, but don't let that fool you into thinking the housing market is back.Although economists were...
財富中文網 2012-04-19 11:00 -
Malls think outside the (big) box
財富中文網 2009-09-11 05:33In a dismal retail climate, developers are luring unconventional tenants.By Beth KowittA freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a ...
No holiday party this year? Think again
Anne Fisher 2010-12-09 09:44Even in this weird, fragmented job market, your best people are still getting offers. So how do you keep them from jumping ship? For starters, don't c...
Layoffs cost more than you think
財富中文網 2009-06-01 10:59來源:2009年3月號《財富》雜志Cutting jobs may seem the fastest, easiest way to manage in a recession. But it's really one of the most expensive.By Geoff Colvin(Fo...
精選 2021-06-18 12:00近日,一加手機創始人劉作虎內部發文稱,“在一加和OPPO核心管理團隊的一致建議下,一加將成為OPPO旗下獨立運營的品牌,并繼續以不將就的品牌理念為全球用戶提供優質的科技產品”。...