重磅!微軟開源Deep Speed Chat
精選 2023-04-13 11:004月12日,微軟宣布開源了Deep Speed Chat,幫助用戶輕松訓練類ChatGPT等大語言模型,使得人人都能擁有自己的ChatGPT。...
精選 2022-12-16 10:00據21經濟網,傳聞中國最新擬投資總規模1430億美元(折合人民幣10046億元)扶持國內芯片企業,主要用于鼓勵中國企業購買本土半導體設備,提供20%采購成本補貼。該計劃將持續五年,通過補貼和稅收減免等形式,最快有望在2023年第一季度實施。對此,記者以投資人身份聯系芯源微投資者關系部門,相關人士稱,...
Anne Fisher 2013-06-18 09:39辦公室外的天氣很好,孩子們已經放假,誰知道會在家鬧出些什么亂子,你期待已久的假期很快就會到來。每年夏季員工生產率都會有所下降,這并沒什么可奇怪的。但根據Ask.com對美國2,060名成人全職雇員的最新調查,影響生產率的三大因素與夏季無關。Ask.com的人力資源副總裁麗薩?羅斯說,“這項調查獲得了...
Why private equity is in a deep freeze
財富中文網 2009-07-29 05:20Buyout firms with huge stockpiles of cash aren't making new deals. The reason? They're too focused on trying to manage the companies they've already g...
!@#^% the deficit! Full speed ahead!
Stanly Bing 2010-02-04 06:27By Stanly BingIt’s funny how hypocrisy never goes out of business.Now all the big conservators of the empire who were so careful with our economic sys...
精選 2024-04-14 03:00馬爾代夫媒體4月12日報道,該國將很快可以用人民幣進行進口貨品的結算,還將很快引入支付寶和微信。馬爾代夫新任總統穆伊祖當選后承諾,將減少該國對印度的依賴。...
GM's IPO: High hopes and deep fears
Alex Taylor III 2010-08-24 01:58When reporters run out of questions to ask executives in an interview, they often fall back on an old standby: "What keeps you up at night?"General Mo...
BP's murky deep-water future
Ken Stier 2010-05-14 09:44Not only did the virtually impossible happen -- a blowout on the Gulf of Mexico seabed a mile down -- it happened to a top-notch oil team. BP's debacl...
IBM rides the high-speed rail
財富中文網 2009-06-24 09:51The tech giant looks for ways to make high-speed trains smarter, safer and more efficient.By Jeffrey M. O'BrienIn keeping with its massive Smarter Pla...
精選 2022-01-16 06:301月15日,與上次更新時隔兩個多月后,微信iOS版推送了全新8.0.17版本。這一版本中,收到長語音消息后點擊可暫停,語音后方增加了繼續播放的按鈕。同時,關懷模式新增“朗讀文字消息”功能,開啟后,輕觸聊天中的文字消息即可朗讀。...