
  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——大衛·奧格威

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-02-17 01:00

    Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.——大衛·奧格威(David Ogilvy,英國著名廣告大師) ...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——大衛·奧格威

    《財富》(中文版) 2011-12-21 05:00

    The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade he...

  • 富箴言:今日發聲——阿隆?列維

    財富中文網 2014-11-05 08:00

    Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:查理·芒格

    財富中文網 2013-11-28 01:00

    I have a habit in life. I observe what works and what doesn't and why.——查理·芒格(Charlie Munger,伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司副董事長) ...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——馬克?扎克伯格

    《財富》(中文版) 2015-10-22 01:00

    I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.——馬克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerbe...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——德文?維尼格

    財富中文網 2014-04-23 01:00

    I want to build a team where people feel they can get the best out of each other and know that everybody else has their back. ——德文·維尼格(Devin Wenig,路透...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——沃爾特·貝汀格

    財富中文網 2014-12-11 12:00

    The best advice I've ever received came in a simple reminder from my late father: "Most things in the world can be bought or sold, but not a reputati...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——馬德琳?英格

    財富中文網 2015-04-15 12:00

    "I don't understand it any more than you do, but one thing I've learned is that you don't have to understand things for them to be."——馬德琳?英格(Madelein...

  • 造富的游戲

    Jia Lynn Yang 2006-01-01 08:00

    作者:Jia Lynn Yang西很難想象有什么東西能比數字智力游戲更讓人討厭,更讓人覺得枯燥乏味。然而,全世界的人們如今卻都在緊皺著眉頭玩“數獨”(Sudoku)。去年,這個游戲牢牢吸引了英國人,如今它又出現在美國大多數主流報紙上,并且催生出相關的暢銷書籍、電視節目、電腦程序、錦標賽以及不計其數的...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:威普·桑德爾

    財富中文網 2016-08-09 01:00

    As a leader, you are trusted only to the degree that people believe in your ability, consistency, integrity, and commitment to deliver. ——威普·桑德爾(Vip S...


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