
  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:奧普拉·溫弗瑞

    財富中文網 2015-08-19 01:00

    Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never moun...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——奧普拉?溫弗瑞

    財富中文網 2015-05-11 12:00

    Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.——奧普拉?溫弗瑞(Oprah...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:奧普拉?溫弗瑞

    《財富》(中文版) 2013-02-16 01:00

    I am a woman in process just trying like everybody else, I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.——奧普拉?溫...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:奧普拉·溫弗瑞

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-12-13 01:00

    You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed。——奧普拉·溫弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey,脫口秀女王) ...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——奧普拉·溫弗瑞

    《財富》(中文版) 2011-12-16 05:00

    Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.——奧普拉·溫弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey,美國著名節目主持人) ...

  • 富箴言:今日發聲——阿隆?列維

    財富中文網 2014-11-05 08:00

    Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:富蘭克?林羅斯福

    《財富》(中文版) 2013-04-23 01:00

    Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday’s answers are inadequate for today’s problems-just as the solutions of today will not fill the ne...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——F?阿瑟斯?馬蒂尼茲?赫雷斯

    財富中文網 2015-02-02 01:00

    The tighter the controls you enforce, the lower the innovation. Employees in “tightly monitored” business units face strong implicit incentives to ex...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:弗朗索瓦·德·拉羅什富科

    財富中文網 2015-12-02 01:00

    The only security is courage.——弗朗索瓦·德·拉羅什富科(Francois De La Rochefoucauld,法國17世紀作家) ...

  • 富者愈富

    Justin Fox 2007-03-01 08:00

    美國公司的利潤達到了自 1929 年以來的最高水平。那么,這個經濟晴雨表給 2007 年的股市走向昭示了什么?作者: Justin Fox在網絡熱的那幾年里,利潤對許多股票來說可有可無。股市上漲靠的是情緒的陣陣高漲和推銷活動的推波助瀾。那些日子以 2001~2002 年間的大崩盤而告終,從此以后,投...


            主站蜘蛛池模板: 都江堰市| 余姚市| 蕉岭县| 基隆市| 安宁市| 屏东市| 仲巴县| 东源县| 桂东县| 出国| 通道| 兰溪市| 涞水县| 宁夏| 长武县| 凤山市| 宽城| 凤阳县| 旬阳县| 楚雄市| 平顺县| 建瓯市| 东丽区| 湖州市| 霞浦县| 武安市| 延长县| 苏州市| 武陟县| 平原县| 无极县| 呈贡县| 景德镇市| 西城区| 宁武县| 徐水县| 突泉县| 阆中市| 余姚市| 凤城市| 石渠县|