財富中文網 2013-09-12 01:00Science determines the limits of the possible. Engineering lets us reach them.——克利夫頓·利夫(Clifton Leaf,《財富》雜志前編輯) ...
財富中文網 2014-04-02 01:00It is critical that your company not rely on any one product or any one market for too long. The very thing that drives your success today may be your...
財富中文網 2017-08-15 03:00You know when you're making the right decision because your body will tell you.——杰夫·西內利(Jeff Sinelli,美國Which Wich 連鎖餐廳創始人及首席執行官)...
Devin Leonard 2008-04-22 06:37索尼博德曼選擇放棄過去的偶像以努力迎合數碼時代。作者:Devin Leonard在這個星期之前,音樂界的規則都還不適用于克利夫?戴維斯(Clive Davis)。戴維斯今年76歲,在索尼博德曼(SonyBMG)的博德曼音樂集團(BMG Music Group)擔任最高職務,旗下擁有眾多青少年偶像,例...
Colin Barr 2009-05-15 05:40銀行紛紛籌資償還救助貸款,這對高盛、摩根大通及摩根士丹利而言意味著大筆收入。作者:Colin Barr競相償還政府救助貸款使華爾街幸存的機構大幅獲利。監管部門披露銀行壓力測試結果一周以來,數家大型金融公司制定了售股計劃,以籌集新資金。開展籌資的銀行利用目前金融業重振旗鼓的時機,同時也在加強與投資者的...
財富中文網 2014-11-05 08:00Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...
《財富》(中文版) 2015-08-12 01:00I'll be treading more carefully in bringing in senior people and look for different qualities. I'll focus less on experience and skill set and be more...
財富中文網 2013-11-12 06:15If you're helpful, respectful, and do good work, you kind of accidentally build a network.——杰夫·喬丹(Jeff Jordan,美國安德森-霍洛維茨公司合伙人) ...
《財富》(中文版) 2013-05-23 01:00When you're leading a company, if you work with people you trust, letting them speak their mind allows you to get good ideas on the table, even if the...
《財富》(中文版) 2013-01-23 01:00Without face-to face conversations, people are missing out on learning social skills.——杰夫?弗勒(Jeff Fluhr,美國StubHub.com聯合創始人) ...