
  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:海明威

    財富中文網 2017-03-21 01:00

    But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.——海明威(Ernest Hemingway,美國作家) ...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:海明威

    財富中文網 2015-12-11 01:00

    But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.——海明威(Ernest Hemingway,美國作家) ...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:歐內斯特?海明威

    財富》(中文版) 2013-01-29 01:00

    The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places.——歐內斯特?海明威(Ernest Hemingway,作家、諾貝爾文學獎獲得者) ...

  • 富箴言:今日發聲——阿隆?列維

    財富中文網 2014-11-05 08:00

    Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:約翰?C?博格爾

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-10-16 01:00

    We live and breathe the fact that we’re client-owned, that we’re built for the long-term, and that we serve only one constituency, our clients, who ar...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:格雷西亞?C?馬托利

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-09-27 01:00

    You have to be willing to accept new challenges and opportunities outside your comfort zone -- because that allows you to grow and expand.——格雷西亞?C?馬托利...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:格雷西亞·C·馬托利

    財富中文網 2013-09-16 01:00

    You have to be willing to accept new challenges and opportunities outside your comfort zone - because that allows you to grow and expand.——格雷西亞·C·馬托利...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:富蘭克?林羅斯福

    《財富》(中文版) 2013-04-23 01:00

    Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday’s answers are inadequate for today’s problems-just as the solutions of today will not fill the ne...

  • 財富箴言:今日發聲——F?阿瑟斯?馬蒂尼茲?赫雷斯

    財富中文網 2015-02-02 01:00

    The tighter the controls you enforce, the lower the innovation. Employees in “tightly monitored” business units face strong implicit incentives to ex...

  • 海明威酒店之爭

    Grainger David 2004-07-01 08:00

    作者:Grainger David文學品牌通常不會流行得太長久,但厄內斯特?海明威(Ernest Hemingway)可算得上是老壽星了。家具店里在出售“海明威系列家具”,雪茄公司在生產“海明威系列”雪茄,海明威的肖像還上了豪華汽車和高檔服飾的廣告。現在,許多人又為建造最好的海明威大酒店而競爭。捷足...


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