
  • 蘋果Apple Store小程序上線 ,所有訂單免費送貨

    精選 2023-07-12 05:00

    7月11日,Apple Store官方在線商店在微信小程序上線。以后,用戶通過微信就可以獲取最新信息并購買全線Apple產品,包括iPhone 14系列、iPad和Mac等。...

  • 笑果文化風波后,多家脫口秀演出暫停

    精選 2023-05-19 03:30


  • 蘋果批準這一程序上線,可在Apple Watch上與ChatGPT互動

    精選 2023-03-10 03:00

    近日,蘋果批準通過了適用于Apple Watch的應用程序watchGPT上線,watchGPT目前在App Store上的售價為3.99美元或者4.99歐元。蘋果方面介紹,用戶可以直接在Apple Watch上和ChatGPT互動,無需鍵入即可快速獲得問題的答案或生成相關消息,用戶還可以通過短信、...

  • Apple.com store is down. New Macs due

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-07-29 11:02

    [UPDATE: Apple, as expected, released new iMacs and Mac Pros Tuesday. The iMacs start at $1,199. The Pros start at $2,499 and can be configured with u...

  • How Apple’s App Store got to 1.5 billion downloads

    財富中文網 2009-07-15 09:57

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) announced Tuesday that its customers have downloaded more than 1.5 billion applications in the year since its iPhon...

  • 一篇“小作文”,700億果鏈龍頭直線漲停!

    精選 2023-02-04 02:00

    700億市值的果鏈龍頭,歌爾股份,午后暴漲漲停。天風國際分析師郭明錤3日發推文表示,投資人擔憂歌爾股份因AirPods Pro2品質問題失去訂單后,會對既有訂單與未來新訂單造成影響。然而,我們最新的調查指出投資人對此過度悲觀。首先,歌爾預計將恢復AirPods Pro2生產,有助重拾營收與利潤動能。...

  • 蘋果推出零售店2小時閃送服務

    精選 2022-08-02 08:00

    近日,有用戶發現,蘋果美國等地區現已推出 Apple Store 零售店“閃送”服務。據悉,在蘋果美國官網,iPhone、iPad 以及 Mac 等多種品類產品均可享受 2 小時內零售店閃送,額外收費 9 美元(約 60.75 元人民幣)。蘋果官網顯示,“Apple Store 的不同之處。享受 A...

  • Can Apple save Apple TV?

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-02 12:38

    There might just be a market for a $99 iPhone (without the phone bill) that plugs into your TVI tried to live with Apple TV for a couple months last y...

  • How the App Store got to 1 billion downloads

    財富中文網 2009-04-24 10:20

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittThe App Store odometer that’s been running on Apple’s (AAPL) home page for nearly two weeks rolled over into 10-digits Thursday ...

  • Bad Apple?

    財富中文網 2009-08-07 05:37

    By Jon ForttBy keeping tight-fisted control over its products, Apple has produced stellar results – but now it may be going too far.Apple’s control is...


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