


Laura Lorenzetti 2014-08-08


????收入不均衡一直是今年的熱門討論話題,無論是托馬斯?皮凱蒂在其暢銷書《21世紀的資本》(Capital in the Twenty-First Century)中對這一問題的剖析,還是美國總統奧巴馬提高最低工資標準的行動,我們都能看到它的身影。


????標普評級(Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services)發布的一篇新報告對此予以了肯定的回答。




????Income inequality has been the topic of vigorous debate this year from Thomas Piketty’s breakdown of the issue in his best-selling book, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” to President Obama’s campaign for a higher minimum wage.

????Everyone has a central question: Is income inequality holding back the U.S. economy?

????A new report by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services says yes.

????“The current level of income inequality in the U.S. is dampening GDP growth,” the researchers wrote, “at a time when the world’s biggest economy is struggling to recover from the Great Recession and the government is in need of funds to support an aging population.”

????The data isn’t necessarily new, but the series of charts makes salient and concise arguments as to what’s been driving the trend and the impact it could be having on economic growth.

????U.S. incomes are becoming more concentrated. This is typically shown using a Gini coefficient, a measure of income distribution and thus income inequality. A higher number means the gap between top and bottom earners is getting further apart, which is the trend we’re seeing over the last several decades.



??? 有錢人不僅收入高,而且還傾向于更多的去存錢而不是花錢。這意味著隨著國家的收入越來越向高收入人群集中,那么通過消費而回流至經濟中的錢就會越來越少。因此,商品和服務的需求就會呈現疲態,難以支撐經濟的強勁增長。


????Not only do the affluent have higher incomes, but they also tend to save more of what they earn instead of spending it. That means that as more of the nation’s income goes to top earners, the less gets passed around the economy in the form of spending. There isn’t enough demand for goods and services to prop up strong growth.

????Trying to drive the gap in demand with debt creates the boom-bust cycle, which can further push down bottom earners by depleting wealth.


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