


Caroline Fairchild 2014-02-28


????? 危機:孟加拉國工廠火災

????? 時間:2012年



????? Crisis: Bangladesh factory fire

????? Year: 2012

????A Bangladesh garment factory caught on fire in 2012, killing more than 1,000 people -- mostly workers -- when it collapsed. The horrendous event became a symbol for terrible work conditions throughout the country's textile factories. Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) was implicated in the disaster when it was discovered that the world's largest retailer sourced clothing from the factory along with some of its peers such as Gap (GPS,Fortune 500), H&M and Zara-parent Inditex. Wal-Mart declined to sign a binding and enforceable safety accord pushed forward by many European retailers. Instead, the company responded by announcing its own safety plan for Bangladesh garment factories that was criticized for its ambiguity surrounding enforceability and standards.


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