Colleen Leahey

????3. 賽琳娜?梅耶 ????? 頭銜:美利堅合眾國副總統 ????? 電視劇:《副總統》 ????? 扮演者:茱莉亞?路易斯?德瑞弗斯 ????賽琳娜?梅耶目前是全球超級強權的二號人物,但她的野心卻不止如此。雖然她經常顯得很無知,但不可否認的是,她也是位極具雄心壯志的政客。在正式宣布參加美國總統的競選之后,賽琳娜?梅耶將在數月之后踏上競選之旅。 |
????3. Selina Meyer ????? Title:Vice President of the United States of America ????? Show:Veep ????? Played by:Julia Louis-Dreyfus ????Currently second-in-command of a world superpower, Selina's eyes are focused on bigger fish. The oft clueless but undeniably ambitious politician will hit the campaign trail in the next few months when she runs for President of the United States. |