????24. 朵拉?馬科斯 ????? 頭銜:探險家 ????? 電視劇:《愛冒險的朵拉》 ????? 扮演者:法蒂瑪?普塔切克(配音) ????就算你從來不看兒童劇,你也肯定知道愛冒險的朵拉。在這部廣受好評的電視劇中,主人公朵拉?馬科斯是位只有7歲、會講兩種語言的小女孩。在會說話的背包和會唱歌的地圖的幫助下,朵拉深入各種崎嶇險境去一探究竟。她可以說是典型的企業家,一路上不停地冒險,還要克服前進道路上所面臨的一切障礙。朵拉充滿朝氣的(中性)形象可謂放之四海而皆準。對于年輕女孩來說,她還被稱贊為是為數不多的、積極的女性榜樣。 |
????24. Dora Marquez ????? Title: Explorer ????? Show: Dora the Explorer ????? Played by: Fatima Ptacek (voice) ????Even if you don't watch children's television, you know who Dora the Explorer is. Full name Dora Marquez, the heroine of the wildly popular show is a bilingual 7-year-old who charts her way across rugged terrain with the help of her trusty talking backpack and singing map. She's the ultimate entrepreneur, scrapping her way through adventure after adventure and always overcoming the obstacles blocking her path. Dora's spunky (nonsexualized) image is ubiquitous, and she's been hailed as one of woefully few positive female role models for young girls. |