19. 阿施施?塔卡爾 ?? 年齡:32 ?? 職務:創始人 ?? 任職公司:馬拉集團 ????塔卡爾從盧旺達種族滅絕中幸存了下來,又經歷了輟學。他15歲的時候以賣電腦為生,過著居無定所的生活。后來,他成功創辦了非洲大陸最大的泛非洲企業集團——業務涉及制造業、農業和房地產業等,包括非洲最大的IT公司。馬拉集團(Mara Group)的投資項目組合價值約為10億美元,在21個國家雇傭了7,500名員工。此外,他還是烏干達和坦桑尼亞兩國總統顧問團的成員,并成立了一個基金會,專門為非洲年輕的創業者們提供指導。接下來的項目:非洲首個即時通訊平臺Mara Messenger。 |
19. Ashish Thakkar ?? Age:32 ?? Title:Founder ?? Company:Mara Group ????He survived the Rwandan genocide, dropped out of school, and lived out of a suitcase selling computers in Uganda at age 15. Since then, Thakkar has built the continent's largest pan-African conglomerate— operations span from manufacturing to agriculture to real estate, including Africa's biggest IT firm—with a portfolio of some $1 billion and 7,500 people across 21 countries. He also serves on the advisory panels to the Presidents of Uganda and Tanzania and runs a foundation that mentors young African entrepreneurs. Next up: Mara Messenger, Africa's first instant-messaging platform. |