????今年大家最關注的兩位最具影響力女性人物也已經學會主宰自己的權力。IBM的首席執行官羅曼提在今年最新的榜單上名列榜首。她在去年的最具影響力女性峰會上坦承,在早期職業生涯中,有一次老板曾經給她升職的機會,但她卻告訴老板自己并沒有準備好。而提點她的人就是自己的先生,他問:“你認為有哪個男性會像你那樣回絕嗎?”羅梅蒂最終接受了升職。???? ????而在今年的《財富》MPW排名中一舉跳升至第14位的是雅虎(Yahoo)新任首席執行官瑪麗莎?梅耶爾。在7月份接受新職務之后,這位谷歌前任高管向《財富》透露:“我懷孕了。”來自威斯康星州沃索市的梅耶爾自稱是“書呆子”。她不僅是“最具影響力女性”榜單有史以來的最年輕上榜者,也是財富美國500強中最年輕的CEO,同時還是在懷孕時開始擔任500強CEO的第一人。 ????雅虎的董事會歡迎這樣一位(因為懷孕而)面臨生活方面的復雜挑戰的女掌門,而外界對她懷孕的信息也以正面反應為主,這都昭示著在女性權力方面的進步。 ????確實,權力在演化。梅耶爾的故事讓我想到一個我能欣然接受的權力定義:真正的權力是個人化的權力。它還包含你在工作職責和頭銜之外的生活的方方面面。真正的權力就在于你如何面對生活的全部。 |
????This year, the spotlight shines on two MPW who also have learned to own their power. IBM (IBM) CEO Ginni Rometty, Fortune's new No. 1 on the list, admitted at last year's Most Powerful Women Summit that early in her career when a boss offered her a promotion, she told him that she didn't feel ready. Actually, her husband gave her the "aha moment": "Do you think a man would have ever answered that question that way?" he asked her. Rometty accepted the promotion. ????And vaulting up this year'sFortuneMPW rankings, toNo. 14: Marissa Mayer. In July, after accepting the CEO job at Yahoo (YHOO), the former Google (GOOG) executive revealed toFortune: "I'm pregnant." A self-described shy "nerd" from Wausau, Wisconsin, Mayer is not only the youngest woman ever to make the MPW list. At 37, she is also the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500company and the first to assume that top job pregnant. ????The fact that the Yahoo board -- and the world, which reacted mostly positively --welcomes a female chief with a complicated life is progress. ????Yes, Power is evolving. Mayer's story evokes the definition of power that I've come to embrace: Real power is personal power. It's what you do and what you have beyond your job description and your tenure. Real power is what you do with your full life. |