美國最腐敗的城市可能讓人出乎意料。 伊利諾伊大學新近發布的報告顯示,全美最腐敗的城市正是該校所在地芝加哥。 報告統計,從公共腐敗定罪案件來看芝加哥和洛杉磯并列為數量最多的兩個城市。1976年到2017年,芝加哥的腐敗罪案合計1731例,加州中心地區洛杉磯緊隨其后,有1534例,紐約曼哈頓和邁阿密分別有1327例和1165例。 有人可能覺得,美國首都華盛頓特區應該是全美腐敗最嚴重的地方。實際上,同期華盛頓腐敗案為1159例,遠不及上述城市。不過,可能有人認為關鍵在于“罪案”的性質。報告僅統計了定罪為刑事犯罪的案例,并沒有計入被指有腐敗嫌疑的案件。 芝加哥的腐敗案占整個伊利諾伊州的82%,最近一起案件的罪犯是市議員愛德華·伯克。今年1月,他被指控利用在市議會的權力勒索,為自己開的私營律師事務所招徠生意。他在該市議會已經擔任議員50年。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
The most corrupt city in America isn’t where you might think. According to a new report from the University of Illinois at Chicago, the most corrupt city in the United States is Chicago. According to the report, Chicago and Los Angeles topped the list of cities with the most public corruption convictions in America. Looking at conviction numbers between 1976 and 2017, Chicago had the most at 1,731. The Central District of California was a relatively close second, with 1,534 convictions. Manhattan had 1,327, and Miami 1,165. For those who might have thought that Washington, D.C., would have taken top honors, the D.C. area actually trailed a bit behind. It only had 1,159 convictions during the same time period, although one could argue that the keyword there is “convictions.” The report only looked at those who were convicted of crimes, not all who were accused. Chicago accounts for 82% of the corruption convictions in Illinois as a whole. The latest culprit was Ald. Edward Burke, who was charged with one count of attempted extortion in January for trying to use his power on City Council to drum up business for his private law firm. He served on the City Council for 50 years. |