在我們創建年度最具影響力的商界女性榜單之時,我們很想知道,對于那些我們敬佩的最具影響力的商界女性來說,她們是否也有欽佩的對象?2018年榜單之上的14位女性向我們講述了自己最欽佩的其他行業首席執行官或高管。這份多元化的名單充滿了意外,但其中有一個姓名再次出現在這個清單中,她就是通用汽車的首席執行官瑪麗·巴拉。 瑪麗蓮·休森,洛克希德馬丁董事長、總裁兼首席執行官 第一名 “我十分敬佩安妮·穆爾卡西,她接任施樂首席執行官時,該公司正處于異常困難的時期。她上任之后積極與客戶進行接洽,制定了果敢的決策,并帶領公司取得了驕人的業績。” 朱迪斯·麥肯納,沃爾瑪國際總裁兼首席執行官 第14名 “我真的十分欽佩卡羅琳·麥考爾,她目前擔任英國獨立電視臺首席執行官。我認為她是一位集勇氣、創新、智慧和清晰決策于一身的領導。所有這些特征對于成功領導組織和團隊來說十分重要。在她此前擔任easyJet首席執行官期間,公司的營收出現了大幅增長。之所以取得這樣的成績,在我看來是因為她從提供價值和打造更寬泛客戶群的價值主張出發,制定了一個清晰的業務策略。她堅持貫徹這一策略,同時不斷地創新,傾聽easyJet乘客的意見。在她的領導下,easyJet被評選為歐洲最佳低成本航空公司。如今,她正運用其創新精神來改變獨立電視臺,并將其帶入數字時代。” 安·瑪麗·坎貝爾,家得寶美國店面執行副總裁 第16位 “我非常敬佩通用汽車的首席執行官瑪麗·巴拉。令我感到萬分欽佩的是,她不僅在男性占主導地位的汽車行業干出了一番事業,而且在2014年出任首席執行官第一年便成功地處理了通用汽車的召回危機。” 帕姆·尼克爾森,企業號控股總裁兼首席執行官 第17位 “我非常欽佩位于圣路易斯的首席執行官戴安·蘇利文[鞋履公司Caleres首席執行官],她真的是非常獨特,充滿了動力和激情,而且十分幽默、實干。Caleres的利潤便是其最好的例證,因為她能夠年復一年地在這個競爭激烈的時裝行業為公司帶來驚人的業績。” 利安妮·卡雷特,波音旗下國防、太空和安全業務總裁兼首席執行官,波音執行副總裁 第23名 “勞拉·布什。我曾有幸見過她,并對她那種一生為他人著想的精神欽佩不已。她在全球呼吁保護女性和女童權益的舉措真的讓人備受鼓舞。她在擔任第一夫人期間所做的貢獻已是家喻戶曉。如今,她在喬治·布什研究所所從事的工作將為她自己和所有即將獲得她幫助的人掀開美好的新篇章。她是一位了不起的領袖,也是善良的化身。” 蓋夏·威廉姆斯,寶潔總裁兼首席執行官 第24名 “通用汽車的瑪麗·巴拉。她以女性首席官的身份出現在了這個由男性主宰的行業中。她來自于一線,然后在這家全美最知名的汽車行業標桿企業中一路過關斬將。她不僅展現了其引領企業渡過危機的才能,同時也展現了其優雅、頗具成效的領導藝術。” 薇琪·霍拉布,西方石油公司總裁兼首席執行官 第28名 “洛克希德馬丁的瑪麗蓮·休森。” 貝斯·福德,藍多湖總裁兼首席執行官 第30名 “去年,來自于微軟的薩蒂亞·納德拉向我們的農民會員發表了演講,他從微軟的目的和認同感出發,講述了科技對全球的影響力,這種方式給我留下了深刻的印象。” 朱莉·斯威特,埃森哲北美業務首席執行官 第32名 “瑪麗·巴拉和[凱薩醫療機構首席執行官]伯納德·泰森我都很欽佩,這兩位都來自于各自的公司和社區,是非常成功的領導者和管理者。在領導方面,他們身先士卒,并注重誠信、目的和同情心。” 米切爾·巴克,好時公司總裁兼首席執行官 第42名 “我非常敬佩Salesforce的首席執行官馬克·貝尼奧夫。馬克一直鼓舞著我。他是一位典型的遠見卓識型人士,擁有敏銳的想象力,并有能力前瞻性地洞察他人無法發現的事物。然后,他會應用其在業務開拓方面的睿智,然后甘冒風險采取大膽舉措,并付諸實踐行動,拿出解決方案。在開展這一切的同時,他還十分重視員工和文化,是其員工最尊敬的首席執行官之一,也是一名首要的慈善家。他利用其商業平臺,讓自己和公司為更崇高的理想而奮斗。他用自己的聲音和影響力推動男女公平薪酬,保護性少數群體(LGBTQ)的權利,并為諸多重要的事業提供支持。” 卡洛琳·塔斯塔特,寶潔北美業務集團總裁 第44名 “說到消費者零售包裝貨物之外的行業,我非常敬佩[國際貨幣基金組織總裁、女主席]克里斯汀·拉加德。她成就卓著,打破了階級天花板,盡管在職業生涯中遭遇了諸多障礙,她依然笑對人生。但是我最敬佩的還是她的才干、韌勁以及在遇冷時依舊講真話(她肯定會說)的決心。她一直都在積極倡導女性權益、思想的多元化、地球保護以及大眾的福祉。” 瑪麗·迪倫,Ulta Beauty首席執行官 第45名 “我非常敬佩麥當勞榮譽董事長安迪·麥肯納。在實現芝加哥和美國董事會的多元化方面,沒有人可以與其相提并論。安迪毫不吝惜自己的關系和經驗,不遺余力地培養下一代領袖,并教導他們如何領導。對于我個人來說,他給予了我莫大的支持,當時我是麥當勞從外行業招聘的首位女高管。在我擔任美國Cellular以及后來的Ulta Beauty首席執行官之后,他依然給予了很大的支持。多虧了他的教導,我才能進入商圈,而且他的教導方式我以前可謂是聞所未聞。在欽佩之余,我也非常感激他所給予的諄諄教誨。” 哈琳娜·福爾克斯,哈德遜灣公司首席執行官 第46名 “前哈佛大學校長德魯·福斯特。德魯此前是歷史學教授,作為變革推動者和哈佛校長的她讓很多人感到驚訝不已。在她身上,我最欣賞的品質是她認真傾聽的能力和她的穩健。” 凱斯林·馬瑞諾,赫茲全球控股總裁兼首席執行官 第50名 “通用汽車的首席執行官瑪麗·巴拉。我曾有幸與瑪麗共事。她是一位可信、平易近人的領導。即便需要做出艱難決定,她依然充滿信心。她最看重通過短期的業績來創造長期的價值,而這一直都是果敢領導的標志。”(財富中文網) 撰稿人:Kristen Bellstrom、Grace Donnelly、Matt Heimer、Emma Hinchliffe、Aric Jenkins、Beth Kowitt、Monica Rodriguez、Lisa Marie Segarra、Lucinda Shen、Jonathan Vanian、Phil Wahba和Jen Wieczner。 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
As we put together our annual Most Powerful Women ranking, we wondered, who inspires the women who inspire us? Fourteen women on Fortune‘s 2018 list told us which other CEO or executive—outside their industry—they admire most. It’s a surprising and diverse list, though there is one name that comes up again: Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors. Marillyn Hewson, Chairman, President, and CEO, Lockheed Martin No. 1 “I admire Anne Mulcahy. She was a leader who became CEO during a particularly difficult time for Xerox. When she took over, she strongly engaged her customers, made bold decisions, and led her company with distinction.” Judith McKenna, President and CEO, Walmart International No. 14 “I really admire Carolyn McCall, who is currently the CEO at ITV plc in the UK. I think of her as a leader who is courageous, innovative, smart, and clear. All of these are important attributes to successfully lead organizations and teams. During her time as CEO of easyJet, they increased value significantly, which I believe is because she set a clear business strategy based on providing value and building out a broader customer proposition. She stayed true to the strategy while being innovative and listening to easyJet passengers. Under her leadership, easyJet was voted the best low-cost airline in Europe. Now she’s using her innovative spirit to create change at ITV and take them into the digital age.” Ann Marie Campbell, EVP, U.S. Stores, Home Depot No. 16 “I have great admiration for Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors. I’m so impressed by her rise in a male-dominated industry, as well as how she navigated the 2014 recall crisis at GM during her first year as CEO.” Pam Nicholson, President and CEO, Enterprise Holdings No. 17 “I greatly admire fellow St. Louis CEO Diane Sullivan [CEO of footwear company Caleres]—she is truly one of a kind, full of drive and passion, and also really fun and down to earth. Diane’s bottom line at Caleres speaks for itself, as she produces amazing results year after year in the highly competitive fashion industry.” Leanne Caret, President and CEO, Defense, Space & Security, and EVP, Boeing No. 23 “Laura Bush. I’ve been fortunate to meet her and I’m so impressed with how she has served others throughout her life. Her advocacy for women and girls around the world is truly inspiring. Everybody knows what she did as first lady. What she’s doing today with the George W. Bush Institute’s Women’s Initiative is a wonderful next chapter, not only for her but for all the people she will help. She is an incredible leader and a true force for good.” Geisha Williams, President and CEO, PG&E No. 24 “Mary Barra of General Motors. She’s a female CEO in a male-dominated field who started on the front lines and then rose through the ranks of one of the most well-known companies in the nation and an icon of the auto industry. She’s not only demonstrated that she can lead in a crisis, she’s done it with grace and effectiveness.” Vicki Hollub, President and CEO, Occidental Petroleum No. 28 “Marillyn Hewson of Lockheed Martin.” Beth Ford, President and CEO, Land O’Lakes No. 30 “Satya Nadella from Microsoft addressed our farmer-members last year and I was struck by the way he is connecting technology to impacting the world by anchoring his company in a sense of purpose and identity.” Julie Sweet, CEO North America, Accenture No. 32 “It’s a tie between Mary Barra and [Kaiser Permanente CEO] Bernard Tyson—both are very successful self-made leaders and stewards for their companies and communities. They lead from the front with integrity, purpose and compassion.” Michele Buck, President and CEO, Hershey No. 42 “I have great admiration for Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce. Marc is an inspiration to me. He is the epitome of a visionary with a keen imagination and an ability to look forward and see what others don’t. He then applies his savvy entrepreneurial business acumen and bent to risk taking to make bold moves and take action to advance solutions. He does all that while valuing people and culture, being one of the most admired CEOs by his people, and while being a leading philanthropist who uses his business platform to deliver on a deeper purpose for himself and his company. He has used his voice and influence to advance gender pay parity, to defend LGBTQ rights, and in support of many important causes.” Carolyn Tastad, Group President, North America, Procter & Gamble No. 44 “If we stay outside of the CPG industry, someone I admire greatly is [IMF managing director and chairwoman] Christine Lagarde. Highly accomplished. Clearly breaking glass ceilings. Flourishing despite many barriers that have been put in her way. But what I admire the most is her intellect, her tenacity, and her determination to speak truth (as she would say) even when unpopular. She has been a strong advocate for women’s representation, for diversity of thought, for our planet, and for people in general.” Mary Dillon, CEO, Ulta Beauty No. 45 “Andy McKenna, chairman emeritus of McDonald’s, is someone I admire greatly. He has done more to diversify board rooms in Chicago and across America than anyone I know. Andy is incredibly generous with his relationships and experience to help the next generation of leaders grow and lead. For me personally, he was incredibly supportive when I became the first C-level female leader hired from the outside at McDonald’s. His support continued when I became CEO of U.S. Cellular and then Ulta Beauty. He has also been instrumental in introducing me to the business community in ways I would have never known otherwise. I not only admire him, but am incredibly grateful for his mentorship.” Helena Foulkes, CEO, Hudson’s Bay Company No. 46 “Drew Faust, former president of Harvard. As a former professor of history, Drew surprised many people by becoming a change agent and president of Harvard. The qualities I admire most in her are her ability to listen deeply and her steadiness.” Kathryn Marinello, President and CEO, Hertz Global Holdings No. 50 “Mary Barra, General Motors’ CEO. I’ve had the pleasure to work with Mary. She is an authentic, accessible leader. She is confident in making tough decisions. And her priority is long-term value creation over short-term results, which is always the sign of a courageous leader.” Contributors: Kristen Bellstrom, Grace Donnelly, Matt Heimer, Emma Hinchliffe, Aric Jenkins, Beth Kowitt, Monica Rodriguez, Lisa Marie Segarra, Lucinda Shen, Jonathan Vanian, Phil Wahba, Jen Wieczner. |