經濟學人智庫(EUI)最新發布的“2018全球宜居城市排行榜”中,維也納首次取代墨爾本成為全球最宜居城市,此前墨爾本曾連續7年蟬聯榜首。 EIU公布的宜居城市指數顯示:在滿分100分的全球宜居城市評估中,奧地利首都維也納獲得99.1的高分,接近滿分。評估指標綜合了城市的社會穩定、醫療保健和環境等因素。前十名之中,澳大利亞和加拿大城市共占六席,美國再次無一城市入圍十強。 十大全球宜居城市分別為: 1、奧地利維也納 2、澳大利亞墨爾本 3、日本大阪 4、加拿大卡爾加里 5、澳大利亞悉尼 6、加拿大溫哥華 7、日本東京 8、加拿大多倫多 9、丹麥哥本哈根 10、澳大利亞阿德萊德 EIU認為,倫敦和紐約等大型金融中心都各有突出之處,但因為公共交通不堪重負、犯罪率高和擁擠狀況削弱了吸引力,分別排名第48位和57位。提高穩定性方面的得分后,同為金融中心的中國香港排名第35位,險勝同地區的競爭對手新加坡,新加坡排名第37位。 在亞洲其他地區城市中,由于犯罪率下降和公共交通狀況好轉,日本的大阪和東京均名次攀升,各自達到十多年來最高排名。大部分名次高的宜居城市都是富裕國家的中等城市,而且人口密度相對較低。 十大最不宜居的城市分別是: 1、敘利亞大馬士革 2、孟加拉達卡 3、尼日利亞拉各斯 4、巴基斯坦卡拉奇 5、巴布亞新幾內亞莫爾斯比港 6、津巴布韋哈拉雷 7、敘利亞的黎波里 8、喀麥隆杜阿拉 9、阿爾及利亞阿爾及爾 10、塞內加爾達喀爾 檀香山排在第23位,是排名最高的美國城市,第二高的美國城市匹茲堡列第32位。 在全球140個城市之中,宜居排名墊底的大馬士革主要深陷戰爭泥潭。其他排名靠后的城市要么是像哈拉雷一樣基礎設施不足,要么是達卡一樣污染嚴重,而且交通費用高昂。(財富中文網) 譯者:charlie 審校:夏林 |
Vienna has ended Melbourne’s seven-year reign as the world’s most liveable city, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. The Austrian capital scored a near perfect score of 99.1 out of 100 in the index, whose criteria include stability, healthcare and the environment. Cities in Australia and Canada took six of the top 10 spots, with the U.S. again missing out. Top 10: 1. Vienna, Austria 2. Melbourne, Australia 3. Osaka, Japan 4. Calgary, Canada 5. Sydney, Australia 6. Vancouver, Canada 7. Tokyo, Japan 8. Toronto, Canada 9. Copenhagen, Denmark 10. Adelaide, Australia Big financial centers such as London (48th) and New York (57th) suffer from their own success, according to the EIU, with overstretched public transport, higher levels of crime and congestion denting their appeal. Hong Kong (35th) just edged out its local rival Singapore (37th) on the index after improving on stability scores. Elsewhere in Asia, Osaka (3rd) and Tokyo (7th equal) both climbed the rankings to their highest position in more than a decade on consistent declines in crime rates and improvements in public transport.Most of the best-performing spots are mid-sized cities in wealthier countries with relatively low population density. The bottom 10: 1. Damascus, Syria 2. Dhaka, Bangladesh 3. Lagos, Nigeria 4. Karachi, Pakistan 5. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 6. Harare, Zimbabwe 7. Tripoli, Libya 8. Douala, Cameroon 9. Algiers, Algeria 10. Dakar, Senegal Honolulu is the topped ranked U.S. city in 23rd place, followed by Pittsburgh in 32nd. At the bottom end of the table of 140 cities, the lowest-scoring is war-torn Damascus. Those suffering from inadequate infrastructure such as Harare, or in the case of Dhaka, severe pollution, also fare badly. |