人們的印象里,約翰·邁克菲只是殺毒軟件公司McAfee Antivirus Software的創始人。最近他又多了一重身份:加密數字貨幣倡導者。6月3日,邁克菲在社交網站推特(Twitter)上發帖稱,他決定2020年競選美國總統,“以更好地為加密貨幣圈做貢獻”,并表示可能會代表自由黨參選,也許自立黨派競選。 如果說到做到,這將是邁克菲第二次競選美國總統。2016年他首次出戰,在代表自由黨的候選人爭奪戰中,敗給了新墨西哥州前州長蓋瑞·約翰遜。 正如美國廣播公司(ABC)新近報道指出,邁克菲身份已轉換多次。他先是科技業的傳奇人物,之后因為一樁神秘的謀殺案變成中美洲小國伯利茲的殺人嫌犯,還上了不少頭條。而后成立一系列新的科技公司,參加總統競選,失利后隱居田納西州的鄉間。 “雖然過去屢戰屢敗,但我已決定,2020年再次競選美國總統。如果自由黨愿意再邀請我,我將與他們攜手出戰。如未邀請,我將成立自己的黨派。我相信,這樣可以更好地為加密貨幣圈做貢獻,因為能提供最大的宣傳平臺。” — 約翰·邁克菲(@officialmcafee)于2018年6月3日 最近,邁克菲成為了堅定的比特幣擁躉。摩根大通首席執行官杰米·戴蒙批評比特幣為“騙局”后,邁克菲挺身而出,為比特幣辯護。 去年9月,邁克菲向戴蒙喊話:“我是比特幣的礦工。我們挖掘比特幣。每挖一個比特幣的成本超過1000美元。你說比特幣是騙局。那么請問,生產一美元的成本是多少?到底誰是騙子?印鈔紙多少錢,美元的成本就是多少。而我和其他礦工每挖一個比特幣就要付出1000多美元。這就是所謂的工作證明。” “我勝出的機會不大。機會很小。但真正改變美國的不是總統,而是選出總統的過程。只要支持者足夠多,我就可以站在全球最大的舞臺,向所有人表達觀點,和我上次一樣說實話。” — 約翰·邁克菲(@officialmcafee)于2018年6月4日 邁克菲在推特上有82.7萬粉絲,有一名粉絲回復稱,美國脫口秀女王奧普拉·溫弗瑞都能在大選中打敗他。邁克菲回答:“所有人都可能(打敗我)。但那不是重點。關鍵是我會跟未來的總統同臺競選。” 對邁克菲來說,這次競選算不上認真競選總統,只不過是想借機提高公眾對加密貨幣的認識。不過,沒什么勝算的人借大選發動群眾也不是第一次了。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
You know John McAfee as the founder of McAfee Antivirus Software. He has recently re-emerged as a prominent crypto advocate. On June 3rd, McAfee tweeted that he has decided to run for president in 2020 to “best serve the crypto community.” He noted that he would either run with the Libertarian Party or create his own. If he follows through, this would mark McAfee’s second presidential run, after he lost his first bid in 2016 to former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson to be the candidate for the Libertarian Party. As ABC recently noted, McAfee has gone through many transformations. He went from tech legend, to making headlines as a “person of interest” in a mysterious killing in Belize, to launching new tech companies, to running to become a presidential candidate, to living in rural Tennessee. In spite of past refusals, I have decided to again run for POTUS in 2020. If asked again by the Libertarian party, I will run with them. If not, I will create my own party. I believe this will best serve the crypto community by providing the ultimate campaign platform for us. — John McAfee (@officialmcafee) June 3, 2018 Most recently, he has been a staunch supporter of Bitcoin. He came to the cryptocurrency’s defense after it was criticized by J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon for being “a fraud.” “You called bitcoin a fraud,” McAfee said in September. “I’m a Bitcoin miner. We create bitcoins. It costs over $1,000 per coin to create a bitcoin. What does it cost to create a U.S. dollar? Which one is the fraud? Because it costs whatever the paper costs, but it costs me and other miners over $1,000 per coin. It’s called proof of work.” Don't think that I have a chance of winning. I do not. But what truly changes America is not the president, but the process of creating one. If my following is sufficient I get to stand the world's largest stage and talk to the everyone, as I did last time, to tell the truth. — John McAfee (@officialmcafee) June 4, 2018 One of his 827,000 Twitter followers responded to his tweet saying that Oprah would defeat him in a presidential race. McAfee said, “Almost anyone could. But that is not the point. The point is that I will be on the stage with whoever is picked.” It seems that this is more of a cryptocurrency awareness play than any sort of serious presidential bid, but this wouldn’t be the first time that someone with relatively low chances of winning was able to mobilize the masses. |