無論是在白宮給孩子們讀書,還是在黑色星期五逛當地書店,或是向女兒推薦讀物,貝拉克·奧巴馬總統也許都可以被稱為書籍達人。 奧巴馬酷愛讀書。最近,他在接受《紐約時報》采訪時談到了書籍在他執政期間的重大作用,書讓他獲得信息并給予他靈感。奧巴馬說,書籍讓他得以“慢下來,獲得看問題的視角”。《娛樂周刊》回顧了這些年來奧巴馬青睞的書——模仿著名領導人的讀書方式并非壞事。把奧巴馬選為2017年讀書俱樂部主席怎么樣,有人同意嗎? 以下是奧巴馬擔任總統期間推薦的所有書籍: 給女兒的書: |
Whether he’s reading to kids at the White House, hitting up local bookstores on Black Friday, or giving recommendations to his daughters, President Barack Obama may as well be known as the Commander in Books. POTUS is an avid reader and recently spoke to the New York Times about the significant, informative and inspirational role literature has played in his presidency, crediting books for allowing him to “slow down and get perspective.” With his presidency coming to an end this Friday, EW looked back at Obama’s lit picks over the years — because it can’t hurt to read like a great leader. #ObamaForBookClubPresident2017, anyone? See a comprehensive list of every book Obama has recommended during his presidency: Books for Daughters: |
對于給18歲的女兒瑪利亞推薦過哪些書的問題,奧巴馬給了《時代》周刊一份清單,其中包括《裸者與死者》和《百年孤獨》。“我覺得其中一些書被推薦的頻率很高[……]我想她還沒有讀過。還有一些書現在已經不是人人都想讀了,但我記得它們都很有意思。”奧巴馬列出的書單如下: 1. 《裸者與死者》,諾曼·梅勒 2. 《百年孤獨》,加布里埃爾·加西亞·馬爾克斯 3.《金色筆記》,多麗絲·萊辛 4. 《女勇士》,湯婷婷 在獨立書店的購書: |
When asked what books he recommended to his 18-year-old daughter Malia, Obama gave the Times a list that included The Naked and the Dead and One Hundred Years of Solitude. “I think some of them were sort of the usual suspects […] I think she hadn’t read yet. Then there were some books that are not on everybody’s reading list these days, but I remembered as being interesting.” Here’s what he included: 1. The Naked and the Dead, Norman Mailer 2. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez 3. The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing 4. The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston Independent Bookstore Purchases: |
2014年11月,奧巴馬去了華盛頓獨立書店Politics and Prose,一是向小企業致敬,二是給自己的個人圖書館添幾本藏書。在女兒瑪莉亞和薩沙的陪伴下,總統先生從布里安·雅克的《紅城王國》奇幻系列中選了幾本小說,還從巴巴拉·帕克的《朱尼·瓊斯》系列中選了幾本。另外,他買的一大堆書中還包括: 1. 《愛做夢的黑人女孩》,杰奎琳·伍德森 2. 《黑暗之心》,約瑟夫·康拉德 3. 《諾拉·韋伯斯特》,科爾姆·托賓 4. 《狂笑的怪物》,丹尼斯·約翰遜 5. 《雄心壯志的時代:在新中國追尋財富、真相和信仰 》,歐逸文 6. 《最好的告別:關于衰老與死亡,你必須知道的常識》,阿圖·葛文德博士 7. 《風暴中起舞》,凱瑟琳·倫德爾 8. 《通往北方深處的小道》,理查德·弗蘭納根 9. 《紅墻王國》系列,布里安·雅克 10. 《朱尼·瓊斯》系列,巴巴拉·帕克 11. 《堅果送給你》,琳恩·雷·帕金斯 2016年夏季讀物: |
In November 2014, Obama took a trip to D.C. independent bookstore Politics and Prose to honor small businesses and add to his personal library. Accompanied by daughters Malia and Sasha, POTUS picked up novels from the Redwall fantasy series by Brian Jacques, as well as some from the Junie B. Jones series by Barbara Park. He also added these titles to his heavy bags: 1. Brown Girl Dreaming, Jacqueline Woodson 2. Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad 3. Nora Webster, Colm Toibin 4. The Laughing Monsters, Denis Johnson 5. Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China, Evan Osnos 6. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, Dr. Atul Gawande 7. Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms, Katherine Rundell 8. The Narrow Road to the Deep North, Richard Flanagan 9. Redwall series, Brian Jacques 10. Junie B. Jones series, Barbara Park 11. Nuts To You, Lynn Rae Perkins Summer Reads 2016: |
和我們一樣,奧巴馬也喜歡在陽光下放松的同時躺在沙灘上暢游書海。2016年,他列出了自己的夏季假期書單: 1. 《野蠻歲月:沖浪人生》,威廉·菲尼根 2. 《關于馴鷹這事》,海倫·麥克唐納 3. 《火車上的女孩》,寶拉·霍金斯 4. 《七大家族》,尼爾·斯蒂芬森 5. 《地下鐵路》,科爾森·懷特海德 2015年夏季讀物: |
Just like us, the president enjoys a good beach read while relaxing in the sun. In 2016, he released his list of summer vacation books: 1. Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life, William Finnegan 2. H Is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald 3. The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins 4. Seveneves, Neal Stephenson 5. The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead Summer Reads 2015: |
2015年奧巴馬也公布過一次他的夏季最愛讀物: 1. 《所有這一切》,詹姆斯·索爾特 2. 《大滅絕時代》,伊麗莎白·科爾伯特 3. 《洼地》,鐘芭·拉希莉 4. 《世界與我之間》,塔-內西斯·科特斯 5. 《華盛頓的一生》,羅恩·切爾諾 6. 《所有我們看不見的光》,安東尼·多爾 童年經典: |
He also released a list of his summer favorites back in 2015: 1. All That Is, James Salter 2. The Sixth Extinction, Elizabeth Kolbert 3. The Lowland, Jhumpa Lahiri 4. Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates 5. Washington: A Life, Ron Chernow 6. All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr Childhood Classics: |
2015年,在去華盛頓安那考斯迪亞河畔一家公共圖書館的路上,奧巴馬向一些青少年學生介紹了他小時候最喜歡看的書。2014年,他還在白宮給孩子們讀了(而且表演了)毛里斯·桑達克寫的《野獸出沒的地方》。 1. 《金銀島》,羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 2. 《人鼠之間》,約翰·斯坦貝克 3. 《了不起的蓋茨比》,F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德 4. 《野獸出沒的地方》,毛里斯·桑達克 一生最愛: |
During a trip to a public library in Washington’s Anacostia neighborhood in 2015, Obama shared some of his childhood favorites with a group of young students. He also read (and acted out) Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak to kids at the White House in 2014. 1. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson 2. Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck 3. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald 4. Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak All-time Favorites: |
Facebook個人主頁和2008年《紐約時報》對他的采訪顯示,對奧巴馬影響最大,也是他一直最喜歡的書有這些: 1. 《白鯨記》,赫爾曼·梅爾維 2. 《自立》,拉爾夫·瓦爾多·愛默生 3. 《所羅門之歌》,托妮·莫里森 4. 《分水嶺》,泰勒·布蘭奇 5. 《基列家書》,瑪麗蓮·羅賓森 6. 《出類拔萃的一群》,大衛·哈伯斯坦 7. 《聯邦黨人文集》,亞歷山大·漢密爾頓 8. 《黑人的靈魂》,W·E·B·杜波伊斯 9. 《權力與榮耀》,格雷厄姆·格林 10. 《沉靜的美國人》,格雷厄姆·格林 11. 《癌病房》,亞歷山大·索爾仁尼琴 12. 《甘地自傳》 13. 《工作者》,斯特茲·特克爾 14. 《國富論》,亞當·斯密 15. 《道德情操論》,亞當·斯密 16. 《國王班底》,羅伯特·佩恩·沃倫 優秀的小說和詩歌選集: |
According to the president’s Facebook page and a 2008 interview with the New York Times, these titles are among his most influential forever favorites: 1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville 2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson 3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison 4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch 5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson 6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam 7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton 8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois 9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene 10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene 11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 12. Gandhi’s autobiography 13. Working, Studs Terkel 14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith 15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith 16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren Excellent Novels and Poetry collections: |
作為熱情的讀者,這些年來奧巴馬的名字跟一長串小說和詩歌選集聯系在了一起。他承認自己很喜歡一部驚悚小說——奧巴馬對《時代》雜志表示:“我覺得《消失的愛人》是一本結構完善、文筆出色的書。”他還是科幻小說粉,喜歡劉慈欣的《三體》等書中天馬行空的想象。奧巴馬說:“書里的世界很大。所以讀起來很有趣,部分原因是我每天在國會遇到的問題都顯得相當的小,不值得操心。外星人就要入侵了!” 1. 《雙生石》,阿布拉漢姆·沃吉斯 2. 《到大地盡頭》,大衛·格羅斯曼 3. 《純度》,喬納森·弗蘭岑 4. 《河灣》,V·S·奈保爾 5. 《婚姻的真相》,勞倫·格洛夫 6. 《華麗人生》,理查德·普萊斯 7. 《荷蘭》,約瑟夫·奧尼爾 8. 《兩年八個月零二十八夜》,薩爾曼·拉什迪 9. 《重新派遣》,菲爾·克萊 10. 《隱形人》,拉爾夫·埃里森 11. 《單聲圣歌》,肯特·哈魯夫 12. 《回家的路》,喬治·佩雷坎諾斯 13. 《什么是什么》,戴夫·艾格斯 14. 《哲學與文學》,彼得·S·湯普森 15. 《德瑞克·沃爾科特詩選》,德里克·沃爾科特 16. 《勝負未定》,約翰·斯坦貝克 17. 《消失的愛人》,吉莉安·弗琳 18. 《三體》,劉慈欣 19. 《哈利·波特》系列,J·K·羅琳 關于其他總統的書籍: |
As a devoted reader, the president has been linked to a lengthy list of novels and poetry collections over the years—he admits he enjoys a thriller: “I thought Gone Girl was a well-constructed, well-written book,” he told the Times. Obama is also a fan of sci-fi titles like Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem for the escapism they provide. “The scope of it was immense,” he said. “So that was fun to read, partly because my day-to-day problems with Congress seem fairly petty — not something to worry about. Aliens are about to invade!” 1. Cutting for Stone, Abraham Verghese 2. To the End of the Land, David Grossman 3. Purity, Jonathan Franzen 4. A Bend in the River, V. S. Naipau 5. Fates and Furies, Lauren Groff 6. Lush Life, Richard Price 7. Netherland, Joseph O’Neill 8. Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, Salman Rushdie 9. Redeployment, Phil Klay 10. Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison 11. Plainsong, Kent Haruf 12. The Way Home, George Pelecanos 13. What Is the What, Dave Eggers 14. Philosophy & Literature, Peter S Thompson 15. Collected Poems, Derek Walcott 16. In Dubious Battle, John Steinbeck 17. Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn 18. The Three-Body Problem, Liu Cixin 19. Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling Books About Other Presidents: |
橢圓辦公室可能讓人覺得孤單,所以讀一讀先輩的經歷應該只會帶來幫助。奧巴馬在接受采訪時說:“那些自傳一直都很有用,因為我確實覺得有這樣一種傾向,那就是認為目前的任何狀況,無論是災難性的、令人好奇的還是困難的,都是獨一無二的,這可以理解。”他會在下面這些書中尋找建議: 1. 《西奧多·羅斯福的崛起》,埃德蒙德·莫里斯 2. 《約翰·亞當斯傳記》,戴維·麥卡洛 3. 《林肯:一位作家的傳記》,弗雷德·卡普蘭 4. 《危機1932:羅斯福百日新政與美國決勝時刻》,喬納森·阿爾特 5. 《羅斯福》,讓·愛德華·史密斯 6. 《林肯與勁敵幕僚》,多麗絲·基恩斯·古德溫 7. 《林肯選集》 知識性書籍: |
The Oval office can be a lonely place, so reading about your forefather’s experience could only help. “The biographies have been useful, because I do think that there’s a tendency, understandable, to think that whatever’s going on right now is uniquely disastrous or amazing or difficult,” said President Obama in an interview. He’s turned to these books for advice: 1. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris 2. John Adams, David McCullough 3. Lincoln: The Biography of a Writer, Fred Kaplan 4. Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope, Jonathan Alte 5. FDR, Jean Edward Smith 6. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, Doris Kearns Goodwin 7. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln Informative Reads: |
他身邊可能聚集著美國最頂尖的專家,但讀一讀環保和經濟著述沒什么壞處。 1. 《炎熱、平坦、擁擠的地球》,托馬斯·L·弗里德曼 2. 《幽靈戰陣》,史蒂夫·科爾 3. 《不平等的民主》,拉里·巴特爾斯 4. 《成為官僚》,羅伯特·A·卡羅 非文學作品: |
He may have the country’s finest experts at his fingertips, but it still doesn’t hurt to read up on environmental and economic issues. 1. Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution and How It Can Renew America, Thomas L Friedman 2. Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, Steve Coll 3. Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age, Larry Bartels 4. The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, Robert A. Caro Non-Fiction Titles: |
不論現實還是虛構,奧巴馬知道閱讀能讓頭腦保持敏銳。他還涉獵了這些非文學著作。 1. 《雄心壯志的時代:在新中國追尋財富、真相和信仰 》,歐逸文 2. 《思考,快與慢》,丹尼爾·卡納曼 3. 《道德的人和不道德的社會》,雷茵霍爾德·尼布爾 4. 《一位友善而公正的家長》,威廉·艾爾斯 5. 《后美國世界》,法里德·札卡瑞亞 6. 《災難的教訓》,戈登·戈登斯坦 7. 《人類簡史》,尤瓦爾·諾亞·赫拉利 8. 《下一次將是烈火》,詹姆斯·鮑德溫 9. 《安迪·格魯夫傳》,理查德·S·泰德羅 10. 《永恒美麗的背后:孟買幽暗城中的生命、死亡和希望》,凱瑟琳·布 其他作家和哲學家 執政期間,奧巴馬還推薦過十幾位作家和知名文壇人物,只是并未提及具體作品。這些人包括: 1. 蘭斯頓·休斯 2. 理查德·賴特 3. 馬克·吐溫 4. 馬爾科姆·艾克斯 5. 菲利普·羅斯 6. 索爾·貝婁 7. 朱諾·迪亞斯 8. 戴夫·艾格斯 9. 查蒂·史密斯 10. 芭芭拉·金索沃 11. 圣奧斯丁 12. 弗里德里希·尼采 13. 讓-保留·薩特 14. 托馬斯·杰斐遜 15. 拉爾夫·瓦爾多·愛默生 16. 亞伯拉罕·林肯 17. 保羅·田立克 18. E.L. 多克托羅 (財富中文網) 譯者:Charlie 審稿:夏林 |
Fact or fiction, the president knows that reading keeps the mind sharp. He also delved into these non-fiction reads: 1. Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Evan Osnos 2. Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman 3. Moral Man And Immoral Society, Reinhold Niebuhr 4. A Kind And Just Parent, William Ayers 5. The Post-American World, Fareed Zakaria 6. Lessons in Disaster, Gordon Goldstein 7. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari 8. The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin 9. Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American, Richard S Tedlow 10. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity, Katherine Boo Additional Authors and Philosophers Throughout his time in office, Obama has also recommended a dozen other authors and literary figures of note, even though he might not have named specific books. Check them out below: 1. Langston Hughes 2. Richard Wright 3. Mark Twain 4. Malcolm X 5. Philip Roth 6. Saul Bellow 7. Junot Díaz 8. Dave Eggers 9. Zadie Smith 10. Barbara Kingsolver 11. St. Augustine 12. Friedrich Nietzsche 13. Jean-Paul Sartre 14. Thomas Jefferson 15. Ralph Waldo Emerson 16. Abraham Lincoln 17. Paul Tillich 18. E.L. Doctorow |