真是遠程辦公者的悲哀。 據CyberLink和YouGov進行的一項調查發現,接近六分之一的員工感覺在家辦公的同事,受公司重視的程度較低。 調查公司YouGov與多媒體軟件公司CyberLink合作,在七月底對1,150名成年職場人士進行了在線調查,詢問他們對于遠程辦公的體驗。 不出意料,遠程辦公的員工更難與同事保持聯系,有五分之一的員工認為,遠程員工得到升職的機會更少。 而罪魁禍首就是: 有缺陷的技術。即便采用了強大的通信方法,技術缺陷依舊給遠程辦公更帶來了許多麻煩。 接近三分之一的遠程辦公者,因為技術問題開會遲到甚至完全錯過了會議,有40%表示他們曾經被迫退出了重要的電話會議。 事實是這樣的:越來越多的美國員工選擇遠程辦公,據蓋洛普二月份的調查顯示,去年約有43%的員工曾經選擇遠程辦公。 另外,領導由現場辦公人員和遠程辦公人員組成的混合團隊,也給管理者帶來了挑戰。 通信至關重要,有時候為了使位于不同地點的團隊成員保持投入和相互聯系,管理者需要付出額外的努力。例如,調查中有五分之二的遠程辦公者誤解了電子郵件或即時信息中的語氣。 (財富中文網) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
Ah, the woes of the remote worker. Nearly one in six employees feel that their colleagues who work from home are less valued by companies, according to a survey conducted by CyberLink and YouGov. Polling firm YouGov, in partnership with multimedia software company CyberLink, administered the online survey to 1,150 adults in the workforce at the end of July and asked about their experiences with working remotely. Unsurprisingly, employees working outside the main office have a harder time connecting with coworkers and one in five believe remote workers are promoted less often. The culprit: Faulty technology. Even with strong communication practices, technical pitfalls continue to make life as a remote worker difficult. Nearly one third of people who work from home have been late to or missed a meeting entirely because of tech problems and 40% say they've been dropped from important calls. Here's the thing: An increasing number of American workers are choosing to work remotely — about 43% of workers chose to work outside the office at some point in the last year — according to a February Gallup poll. Handling hybrid teams, with a mix of in-office and out-of-office workers, also presents a challenge for managers . Communication is key and sometimes it takes extra effort to keep team members based in different locations feeling engaged and connected. For example, two out of five of the remote employees surveyed have misconstrued a tone in emails or instant messages. |