微軟公司創始人比爾?蓋茨、維珍集團創始人理查德?布蘭森以及Facebook首席運營官雪莉?桑德伯格都帶著記事本。 正因為隨手就能找到紙筆,蓋茨和布蘭森經常記下所思所想,方便留存記錄也能更快憶起某一時刻迸發的靈感。 布蘭森在一篇博客文章里寫道:“一想到什么點子,我就記下來。如果沒有這個習慣,不知我會多慘。” 《財富》雜志曾報道,桑德伯格把筆記本當作規劃日常生活的工具。她在筆記本上列出每天要做的事項清單,只要做完就把該頁撕掉。這是一種很好的激勵方式,能保持工作狀態處于正軌。劃掉清單事項的感覺別提多爽了。 筆記本的具體使用方法因人而異,不過商界領袖們都很下功夫。 TED演講者達蒙?布朗在商業雜志Inc.上撰文稱,手寫記錄可以理清個人想法,回憶創意和觀點,清晰表達抽象的事物。 《福布斯》的撰稿人德魯?漢森說,關鍵在于培養立刻記下想法的習慣:“你覺得以后會記得,實際上一定會忘。如果抓不住閃現的靈感,此后源源不絕的思潮也就無從談起。” 靠爛筆頭可能很老土,但管用。 (財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審稿:夏林 |
Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Virgin founder Richard Branson, and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg all carry around notebooks. Gates and Branson use their notebooks to record ideas. By keeping a pen and paper handy, these two moguls are able to keep track of and remember all the inklings that come to them throughout the day. "I can't tell you where I'd be if I hadn't had a pen on hand to write down my ideas as soon as they came to me," Branson wrote in a blog post. Sandberg uses her notebook as a sort of daily planner, according to Fortune. She scribbles down to-do lists and then rips out pages once she's hit all the items on her list. It's a great motivator for staying on track — there's nothing more satisfying than crossing off everything on your to-do list. Regardless of how exactly they use their notebooks, these business leaders are all onto something. TED speaker Damon Brown wrote in Inc. that writing things down helps us filter our thoughts, remember ideas and insights, and articulate the abstract. Forbes contributor Drew Hansen says that the key is to always jot down your thoughts straight away: "You think you'll remember, but you won't, and you'll forfeit all the thoughts that flood you after you've freed your mind from remembering the initial spark." It might be old-school, but it works. |