透視企業家是一個在線社區,美國創業界最睿智、最有影響力的大咖會在此及時回答與創業和職場有關的問題。今天的問題是:優秀的創業者應該具備哪些素質?回答者是有機食品公司Caveman Foods的創始人兼首席執行官克里斯·潤寧。 妻子不只一次問我抱怨:“你就不能像別人一樣找份正常工作嗎?”可她很清楚我會怎么回答:不能,因為我要創業。 記得有一次創業間歇,我有兩個選擇,一是出任知名大企業的首席執行官(我覺得對家人比較好),另一個機會則是新開公司創業。為此我向妻子征求意見。 結果她支持我創業。她知道,要是去大公司當高管,不出兩周我就會很痛苦。她寧可我抓住機會創業嘗試新方向,哪怕最后失敗也無所謂,總比做一份不喜歡的工作苦苦煎熬要好。她沒看錯。 企業家生來就不同于常人,他們自己也知道,很可能小時候就發現了。真正優秀的企業家總會冒出新點子,考慮如何付諸現實。同時他們也了解自身的缺點,將聰明的能人召至麾下,分享激情、努力工作的態度和美好愿景。他們熱愛學習新鮮事物,且知之為知之,不知為不知。 最優秀的企業家擅長尋找導師請教智慧,也精通與其他企業家結交,學習別人身上的長處,日后有機會投桃報李。他們為人謙遜,總是將成績歸功于團隊。他們深知己所不欲勿施于人的道理。他們日復一日地兌現承諾,向著目標不懈奮斗。 優秀的企業家往往不屈不撓,為了獲得成功矢志不渝。他們不留退路,竭盡所能實現目標。同時,他們也很務實,講求實效,會衡量風險與回報。他們能靈活應對,必要時迅速拍板,也能及時調整戰略。他們能全方位考慮各種戰略選擇,了解競爭形勢、市場趨勢、客戶情況和偏好。他們高瞻遠矚,始終走在潮流之先。 最重要的是,杰出的企業家深諳領導之道,擅長鼓舞士氣。他們知道怎樣招徠適合的人才(往往是某個領域的資深人士),每天激勵團隊成員。他們懂得逆境中滿懷勇氣顯示實力多么重要,哪怕恐懼難免,也要努力安慰團隊成員風暴總會過去,一切都會好起來。 創業絕非易事,當個優秀的創業者更是難上加難。創業者得全天候保持永不放棄、永不言敗的心態。好也好壞也罷,創業者就是這樣,幸運的是創業道路上我們每天都在追求夢想。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審稿:夏林 |
The Entrepreneur Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question, “What qualities make an amazing entrepreneur?” is written by Chris Running, founder and CEO of Caveman Foods. More than once, my wife has asked me, “Can’t you get a regular job like everyone else?” But she already knows the answer: I can’t, because I’m an entrepreneur. I recall one time when I was in between entrepreneurial ventures. I was trying to decide between a CEO position with a large, established company (which I felt was the best thing for my family) and a new entrepreneurial opportunity. I asked my wife for her advice. She told me to pursue the entrepreneurial deal. She knew that in two weeks, I’d be miserable in my new company. She’d rather I try and fail at an opportunity I was excited about than be miserable at a job I hated, because then we’d both be unhappy. She was right. Entrepreneurs are just wired differently, and they know it. They probably knew it from a young age. Truly amazing entrepreneurs constantly consider new ideas and think about how they can turn them into reality. But they are also aware of their shortcomings and surround themselves with smart, capable people who share their passion, work ethic, and vision. They love to learn and admit to what they know and what they don’t. The best entrepreneurs seek out and take advantage of mentors and build meaningful relationships with other business leaders they can learn from, and who they can help in return. They are humble leaders who deflect credit to their teams. They don’t ask others to do what they aren’t willing to do themselves. They back up their words with actions every day and work tirelessly toward their objectives. Amazing entrepreneurs are also unwavering and relentless in their commitment to succeed. They don’t have a Plan B, but instead do whatever it takes to meet an objective. But at the same time, they’re realistic, pragmatic, and calculating in measuring risk and reward. They’re nimble and able to make quick decisions to shift strategies as necessary. They think about their strategic options with a 360-degree approach. They know their competition, market trends, customer profile, and preferences. They remain ahead of the curve. But most importantly, amazing entrepreneurs know how to lead and inspire. They know how to attract the right talent (oftentimes people with lots of experience in a particular field) and motivate their teammates every day. They understand how important it is to show strength and bravery in the face of adversity and assure their teams that everything will be all right?—?even if they’re privately terrified. It’s not easy being an entrepreneur, let alone an amazing one. It takes a 24/7, never-give-up, never-fail, attitude. But it’s who we are, for better or worse, and we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to pursue our dreams every day. |