技術類人員配置公司Instant Alliance的總裁米利亞納?舒爾查特表示:“不論你所從事的是哪一類工作,只要你能證明自己具備數據分析能力,能向雇主提供明智的建議,你就會成為團隊中不可或缺的一份子?!?/p> 數據技能非常受歡迎,不止在技術和金融行業,它們在許多行業都變得越來越有用處。在市場營銷、人力資源、銷售和客戶服務等領域,掌握數據技能將對你的工作業績產生重要影響。 這并不意味著你需要成為硅谷的專家,才能培養數據技能,讓自己更受雇主歡迎。實際上,打開電腦,你或許就能找到所需要的工具。 微軟 Excel 這一點毋庸置疑,但值得一提的是,據Burning Glass Technologies最近的就業市場分析顯示,精通Excel是獲得一份高薪工作的必備關鍵技能之一。 而且學習如何使用這款軟件相對容易。舒爾查特表示:“對于基層員工來說,Excel是市場上使用最方便的工具之一?!彼€補充道,Excel可以讓公司記錄和分析大量數據。 例如,有些公司利用Excel來跟蹤開支,也有公司用來跟蹤員工銷售業績。不確定自己的Excel技能是否達標?可以在Udemy.com上學習免費的Excel課程。 網站分析 網站分析就是收集在線數據,用于更好地理解客戶。常用的網站分析工具包括Kissmetrics、Mixpanel和最知名的Google Analytics,公司可以通過這些工具跟蹤和分析網站流量。 對消費者的洞察和理解,可以幫助完善客戶服務、產品開發等各個方面。 例如,新聞網站使用Google Analytics,可以了解哪篇報道吸引了最多的流量,然后確定制作更多這種報道的最佳方式。 準備開始測量數據了嗎? Google Analytics Academy上有谷歌(Google)數據測量專家們的免費課程。 數據可視化 舒爾查特形容數據可視化能夠將信息轉變為有幫助的視覺顯示。她并表示:“優秀的數據可視化可以用來講故事?!?/p> learntocodewith.me博客和播客的創作者勞倫斯?布拉德福德解釋稱:“把調查結果變成圖表,讓信息更容易讓人理解?!彼J為視覺敘事能力可以幫助員工通過演示,說服客戶和高管。 例如,即使初級銷售人員也可以通過線形圖,向上司展示他們每月如何提高銷售額。 你甚至可以將新掌握的數據視覺化技能用于求職,創建一份信息圖表簡歷,展示自己的成績。在Udemy.com上免費學習入門課程《數據視覺化入門》。 客戶分析 與網站分析一樣,客戶分析使公司可以組織數據,研究客戶行為??蛻舴治霾⒉痪窒抻谠诰€行為,許多行業都將其用于設計直接營銷活動,改善績效和提高客戶滿意度。 麥肯錫公司(McKinsey & Company)去年進行的一項研究顯示,公司使用客戶分析,可以顯著增加盈利。如果你能培養分析和解釋這些數據的能力,你在公司內就會變得更舉足輕重。 在Udemy.com上花15美元,即可學習如何開展和分析客戶研究的入門課程,在你的簡歷上添加這項技能。(財富中文網) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
"When you can demonstrate the ability to analyze data and make informed recommendations to your employer, you become an indispensable part of your team no matter what type of work you're doing," says Mirjana Schultzat, president at technology staffing firm Instant Alliance. Data skills are so in-demand, they’re becoming increasingly useful in a number of fields—not just technology and finance. Marketing, human resources, sales, and customer service are just a few areas where your expertise can make a big difference to your job performance. That doesn’t mean you need to be a Silicon Valley whiz to develop the data skills that will make you more marketable to employers. In fact, some of the tools you need are most likely already on your laptop. Excel This is an obvious one, but it’s worth mentioning, given that proficiency in Excel is one of the key skills to landing a good-paying job, according to a recent labor-market analysis by Burning Glass Technologies. It’s also relatively easy software to learn. “For entry-level workers, Excel is one of the most user-friendly tools on the market,” says Schultzat, adding that it enables companies to record and analyze a broad range of data. For example, some companies use Excel to track expenses, whereas others use it trace employees’ sales performance. Not sure your Excel skills are up to par? You can take a free Excel course on Udemy.com . Web analytics Web analytics is about collecting online data and using it to understand your customers better. Common web analytic tools include Kissmetrics, Mixpanel, and, most notably, Google Analytics, which let companies track and analyze website traffic. These consumer insights can help improve everything from customer service to product development. A news website, for example, can use Google Analytics to see what stories are generating the most traffic and determine the best ways to produce more of them. Ready to start measuring data? The Google Analytics Academy offers free lessons from Google measurement experts. Data visualization Schultzat describes data visualization as being able to transform information into helpful visual presentations. “When done well, data visualization tells a story,” Schultzat says. “By turning findings into graphs and charts, you make information more digestible,” Bradford explains. Visual storytelling skills help employees make persuasive presentations to clients and executives, says Laurence Bradford, creator of the learntocodewith.me blog and podcast.. Even an entry-level salesperson, for example, could create a line graph to show his or her manager how their sales improved from month to month. You could even use your new data visualization skills as a job seeker if you decide to create an infographic resume to illustrate your accomplishments and achievements. Learn the basics with a free Introduction to Data Visualization course from Udemy.com Customer analytics Like web analytics, customer analytics enable companies to organize data and study customer behaviors. Not limited strictly to online behavior, customer analytics is used across various industries to create direct marketing campaigns, improve performance, and maximize customer satisfaction. Companies that use customer analytics can boost their bottom line substantially, as shown in a study last year by McKinsey & Company. If you develop the skills to analyze and interpret this data, you could increase your value within your company. Add this skill to your resume with a $15 introductory course on how to conduct and analyze customer research from Udemy.com. |